To discover older articles, reports and documents of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) visit the Archive:
Latin America under Attack by Yankee Imperialism
Argentina: Massive Mobilization in Support of Retirees (19.03.2025)
We must build a new Argentinazo! (Action Program for Argentina, February 2024)
Mexico: For a True Anti-Imperialist Program Against Trump's Aggressions
Massive mobilization for democratic freedoms in Argentina (01.02.2025)
Argentina: Justice for Male (21.01.2025)
Theses on the War on Drugs in Mexico and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
Panama: Yankees, Hands Off the Canal!
Argentina: The Beginning of a New Political Situation
Argentina: Towards the Strike of 30 October - The Working Class once again in the Center of the Ring
Argentina: Convergencia Socialista Agitates against the Government's Austerity Measures (08.09.2024)
Argentina: Rally in Solidarity with the Workers and People of Venezuela (2.8.2024)
The Character of the Political Regime of Venezuela
Venezuela: The Presidential Elections 2024 and Revolutionary Tactics
Bolivia: We Repudiate the Military Coup
Brazil: We must fight to overturn the bill that further criminalizes abortion
Argentina: Demonstration against Austerity Plans (13.06.2024)
Argentina: Solidarity with Partido Obrero against State Repression! (05.06.2024)
Protest for Palestine escalates in Mexico (28.5.2024)
Latin America between the conservative right and social chauvinism
March 24 and the Political Crisis in Argentina
No to the Imperialist Intervention in Haiti!
Is President Lula Wrong to Accuse Israel of Genocide in Gaza?
Mexico: The DEA reveals that it investigated AMLO for possible financing of the Sinaloa Cartel
Argentina: Mobilizations against Milei's Adjustment Laws (02.02.2024)
Argentina: The Struggle against the Milei Government Advances
Argentina: First Strike against the Milei Government (26.01.2024)
How Is the Struggle of the Palestinian People linked to Mexico?
Argentina: The Mass Struggle against Milei's Adjustment Plan Has Started!
Venezuela-Guyana: War to the Oppressors! Peace among the Oppressed!
Argentina: Cordoba Teachers Ace Adjustment (15.12.2023)
Mexico: The solidarity movement with Palestine is still alive
Argentina: A Victory for Class Struggle Advocates in the Teachers Union
Venezuela: Maduro Agitates for the "Reconquest" of Essequibo
Argentina: The Elections and the Prospects for the Working Class
Balance Sheet of the Elections in Argentina
Argentina: Excellent Election Result for Trotskyists in Teacher Training Institute (19.10.2023)
Between fact and fiction: A critique of Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation"
Argentina: A Balance Sheet of the first Stage of the Electoral Process
Haiti: For Popular Resistance against the UN Military Intervention!
Mexico: Narco vs Morena in Guerrero – a False Dichotomy
Brazil: Lula Government's Tax Reform Could Make Working People Pay More Taxes
Mexico: The "Bottle Caps" and the Perspective of the 4T after AMLO
[VIDEO] Argentina: Mass Demonstrations in Support of the Workers and People of Jujuy (22.6.2023)
[VIDEO] Argentina: Mass Demonstrations at the Anniversary of the Military Coup (24.3.2023)
[VIDEO] Important march and act of support for the Peruvian people in Buenos Aires (9.2.2023)
[VIDEO] Rally in Solidarity with Mass Protests in Peru
[VIDEO] On the Mass Protests in Peru against the Boluarte Government
Lula Meets Lavrov and Xi – We Say: Neither Washington nor Moscow and Beijing!
Brazil: How should Revolutionaries Act against the Bolsonarista Mobilization?
Argentina: Rallies in Solidarity with the Mass Protests in Iran and Peru
Peru, Decadence and Political Crisis
Haiti: Down with the UN Military Intervention!
Brazil: Neither Lula, nor Bolsonaro in the 2nd Round of the Presidential elections
Neither OAS nor UN on Haiti’s soil!
Brazil: Neither Bolsonaro, nor Lula!
Haiti: Down with the Henry Government!
Argentina: Militant Education Struggle at Instituto del Profesorado 103 in Buenos Aires
Ecuador: From the General Strike to the Popular Uprising!
Brazil: Assassination of PT Leader by a Bolsonaro’s Militant Supporter
Brazil: Punish the Killers of Bruno Pereira and Dom Philips
Argentina: Socialists organize Protest Rally in Education Sector in Buenos Aires
Costa Rica: Stop the Persecution of Carlos Andrés Pérez!
[VIDEO] Costa Rica: Stop the Persecution of Carlos Andrés Pérez!
Brazil: Brutal Murder of Congolese Migrant Moïse Kabagambe
Cuba must not be a pawn of Russian imperialism
Argentina: Remember the “Argentinazo” – the Great Uprising 20 Years Ago!
Argentina: Successful Public Meeting with Scientists on COVID Policy
Martinique & Guadeloupe: A First Victory against the COVID Counterrevolution!
Martinique & Guadeloupe: General Strike and Popular Uprising against the COVID Counterrevolution!
Argentina: Revolutionaries at the Forefront of Women’s Struggles (Report with Pictures & Videos)
Brazil: Don’t Wait for Elections – Defeat the Bolsonaro Government on the Streets!
Is Cuba Socialist? Are the Current Popular Protests Legitimate? (Questions and Answers)
26 July: The Cuban Revolution is Dead! Long Live the Cuban Revolution!
Brazil: Bolsonaro fails in his call up for the extreme Right on Independence Day
Brazil: New Demonstration "Out Bolsonaro!" (24.7.2021)
Cuba and South Africa: Stalino-Capitalism in Action
Argentina: Denounce the Stalinists Threats against Gabriela Capurro!
Argentina: Rally in Front of the Cuban Embassy (20.7.2021)
Solidarity with Mass Protests in Cuba: Greetings to
Socialist Rally in Argentina (20.7.2021)
Cuba: “Trotskyist” Auxiliaries of the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime
Cuba: Support the Popular Masses in Struggle – for a true Socialist Revolution!
Cuba: Solidarity with the Mass Protests against the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime!
Brazil: Mass Protest against Bolsonaro (20 June) // Enormes movilizaciones en Brasil contra Bolsonaro // INFORME SOBRE A GRANDE MANIFESTAÇÃO PELO "FORA BOLSONARO!" EM 19 DE JUNHO (19J)
Peru: The Meaning of Pedro Castillo’s Electoral Victory // Declaración Comité Enlace CCRI y CS sobre victoria de Castillo // 페루> 카스티요의 선거 승리 - 의미와 전망
Brazil: Mass Demonstration to Bring Down the Bolsonaro Government // Grandes movilizaciones contra Bolsonaro en Brasil // Brasil: O Slogan “Fora Bolsonaro!” finalmente ganhou massas e as ruas! A luta Precisa Continuar!
Argentina: Socialists Organize Artistic Protests against Lockdown Policy
Argentina: Defend Juan Carlos Giordano against Zionist Attacks!
Out with Duque and the Corrupt and Criminal Colombian regime!
Fuera Duque y el régimen corrupto y criminal colombiano!
Brazil: Military Police of Rio de Janeiro Executes 27 Residents in the Jacarezinho Favela
Polícia militar do Rio de Janeiro executa 27 pessoas na favela do Jacarezinho
Brazil: Another Major Crisis of the Bolsonaro Government Explodes
Paraguay: Down with the State Repression against Workers and Youth!
Brazil: Brutal Racist Murder of Joao Alberto Freitas
FIT (Argentina): A Scandalous Betrayal of the Heroic Palestinian Masses!
Brazil: Social-Bonapartism of the Lockdown Left in Practice
Mexico: Free Labor Rights Attorney Susana Prieto Terrazas!
Mexico: Stop Racism, Stop Impunity!
Brazil: Football Fans Organize Anti-Fascist Demonstrations
Brazil: Militaries explicitly threaten with a new military Coup d’État
Venezuela: A Failed Imperialist Plot
Argentina: No to Repression and Militarization under the Cover of COVID-19!
Migrant Caravan in Central America: Let them all in!
Bolivia: Defeat the Right-Wing Coup!
Ecuador: For a Popular Insurrection to Bring Down the Lenin Moreno Regime!
Ecuador: For an Indefinite General Strike against the Neoliberal Austerity Pack!
Brazil: Bolsonaro’s Auto-Putsch Failed!
Brazil: 1.5 Million Demonstrators in the Streets Resisting Bolsonaro’s Attacks
Attempted Coup D'etat in Venezuela: Defeat Guaidó and Trump!
Brazil: Organize a General Strike against Bolsonaro’s Pension Reform!
Brazil: Defeat the Pension Reforms of President Bolsonaro and Mayor Covas!
Brazil: The First Political Exile
Crisis in Venezuela: Impressions from the Ground
All support to the Venezuelan people against Imperialism and Right-Wing Forces!
Evo Morales Handed the Head of Cesari Batistti On the Plate to Matteo Salvini
Brazil: The Generals Place Bolsonaro as a Disposable President, if Necessary!
Central America / Mexico / U.S.: Solidarity with the Migrants’ Caravan!
Brazil: Scandalous Electoral Fraud Opens the Path to Return of a New Military Regime
Brazil: Supporters of Bolsonaro Attack and Kill Oppositional Activist
Brazil: Vote Haddad – Defeat Bolsonaro!
Brazil: The Shadow of the Military in the Putschist Regime!
Brazil: The Regime of Exception is a Short Step to Become an International Pariah!
Solidarity with Venezuelan Migrants!
Free Lula! Rally in Protest against the Coup d’Etat in Brazil
Nicaragua: International Solidarity with the Popular Uprising against the Ortega-Murillo Regime!
Brazil: Important Conference to Organize Resistance against the Coup
Argentina: Defend Rubén "Pollo" Sobrero against Repression!
Haiti: Popular Uprising overthrows Pro-IMF Government!
Brazil: Portrait of an Emergency Regime
Brazil: Truckers' Strike Put Michel Temer's Government against the Wall
Mexico: Protest against Brutal Torture of Son of Socialist Leader in Oaxaca
Brazil: The Emergency Regime Advances!
Brazil: São Paulo teachers and public workers strike against pension reform by right-wing Mayor
[VIDEO] Brazil: Solidarity with the Public Sector Workers Strike!
Mexico: Cultural-Political Event for Women’s Rights in Naucaplan
Brazil: Federal Intervention in Rio - A First Step towards Return of the Military?
Brazil: The Presidential Elections 2018 are controlled by the Judiciary and the Conservative Media!
Brazil: Under the permanent Shadow of a Military Coup
After the horrible Earthquake in Mexico: Fight against the incompetent Government!
Brazil: No to President Temer’s Decree Eliminating the RENCA Amazon Reserve!
Brazil: Out to the Streets to Bring Down the Temer Government!
Solidarity with the General Strike in French Guiana!
Brazil: Army troops in the streets as the Temer Government advances its attacks against the workers
The Present Realities in Venezuela
Mexico: Socialist Perspectives for the Mass Protests against the Gasolinazo