Shooting incident in Black Sea between UK and Russia shows that capitalism in decay is stumbling towards war
By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 24 June 2021,
One can hardly underestimate the meaning of the incident in the Black Sea which took place yesterday between Russian and British armed forces. A British warship had entered waters near Sevastopol, the main Russian naval base in Crimea. When the British destroyer ignored Russian warning via radio, a Russian patrol ship fired warning shots and a Russian Su-24 bomber also dropped four bombs ahead of the vessel to force it to change course (which it did minutes later).
As we noted in our emergency statement: “This is a dramatic escalation of the Cold War between the imperialist Great Powers. It was the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 that Moscow acknowledged using live ammunition to deter a NATO warship.” [1]
While London tries to play down the incident in order to save face, Russia warns Britain not to repeat such intrusion in its waters. Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said today that next time, if warning don’t help, Russian forces would “bomb the target”. “Ryabkov said Thursday that “the inviolability of the Russian borders is an absolute imperative,” adding that it will be protected “by all means, diplomatic, political and military if needed.” (…) Asked what Russia would do to prevent such intrusions in the future, Ryabkov told reporters it would stand ready to fire on targets if warnings don’t work. “We may appeal to reason and demand to respect international law,” Ryabkov said, according to the Interfax news agency. “If it doesn’t help, we may drop bombs and not just in the path but right on target if colleagues don’t get it otherwise.”” [2]
These threats reflect the massive escalation of tensions between the imperialist Great Powers. [3] The capitalist world economy has entered the worst depression since 1929. [4] The global class struggle – mass mobilizations and popular uprisings – has reached a level not seen since the 1968-76 period. [5] It is no accident that under such conditions, the ruling classes react with similar methods.
On one hand, they expand the police and surveillance state by utilizing the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as a pretext. The RCIT calls this anti-democratic offensive the COVID-19 Counterrevolution. [6] On the other hand, the ruling class – in particular those of the Great Powers (U.S., China, EU, Russia and Japan) – accelerate their aggressive foreign policy against their rivals. This is why we characterize this whole new development as a shift towards Chauvinist State Bonapartism.
As the crisis of capitalism deepens, so will the rivalry between the imperialist powers. As a matter of fact, many US strategists expect a military confrontation with China in the not too distant future. James G. Stavridis, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, and currently Vice Chair of the corporation Carlyle Group and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation has recently published a best-selling book called “2034: A Novel of the Next World War”. [7] In this book the author – who is a respected military expert as well as a true incarnation of the symbiosis of militarism and monopoly capitalism – describes, in form of a novel, a war between the U.S. and China starting with a confrontation in the South China Sea.
Various high-ranking commanders have commented on this book that while it gets it right about the coming war, the date might be set too late. Such a war, they say, could start already in 2024 or 2026. [8]
Given such a dramatically accelerating rivalry between the Great Powers and the militarization of foreign policy, it is urgent for Marxists to understand the nature of such conflicts. These are inter-imperialist conflicts in which all states pursue reactionary goals. None of them – neither the U.S., China, EU, Russia and Japan – represents anything progressive. All are imperialist Great Powers to which socialists must not lend any support. They must rather take a defeatist position on all sides in such conflicts. None is the “lesser evil” for the working class and the oppressed people. The task is rather to utilize such conflicts in order to intensify the class struggle and to ultimately bring down all capitalist ruling classes!
[1] RCIT: Russia Fires Warning Shots against UK Warship in the Black Sea. Down with Cold Warmongering! No support for any imperialist Great Power – neither UK, US nor Russia! 24 June 2021,
[2] Vladimir Isachenkov: Russia says next time it may fire to hit intruding warships, 2021-06-24
[3] On the RCIT’s analysis of the Great Power rivalry and China’s and Russia’s rise as imperialist powers see the literature mentioned in the special sub-section on our website: In particular we refer to the book by Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, January 2019, See also our numerous documents on the Global Trade War which have been collected at a special sub-page on our website: See also the latest pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: “A Really Good Quarrel”. US-China Alaska Meeting: The Inter-Imperialist Cold War Continues, 23 March 2021,
[4] See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: No, the Corona Virus is not the Main Cause of the Global Economic Slump! Bourgeois Media Officially Recognize the Beginning of another Great Recession, 3 March 2020,; Chapter “Another Great Recession has begun“ in RCIT: World Perspectives 2020: A Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation. Theses on the World Situation, the Perspectives for Class Struggle and the Tasks of Revolutionaries, 8 February 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: Another Great Recession of the Capitalist World Economy Has Begun. The economic crisis is an important factor in the current dramatic shift in the world situation, 19 October 2019,; see also Michael Pröbsting: The Next Looming Great Recession. Observations on the Latest Stock Market Slump and the Structural Crisis of the Capitalist World Economy, 12 October 2018,
[5] See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Interesting Assessments of the Global Class Struggle by a Bourgeois Think Tank. A commentary on the findings of the latest issue of the “Global Peace Index” by the “Institute for Economics & Peace”, 21 June 2021,
[6] The RCIT has analysed the COVID-19 counterrevolution extensively since its beginning. Starting from 2 February 2020 we have published nearly 90 pamphlets, essays, articles and statements plus a book which are all compiled at a special sub-page on our website: In particular we refer readers to the RCIT Manifesto: COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive. We are at a turning point in the world situation as the ruling classes provoke a war-like atmosphere in order to legitimize the build-up of chauvinist state-bonapartist regimes, 21 March 2020, In addition, we draw attention to our book by Michael Pröbsting: The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution: What It Is and How to Fight It. A Marxist analysis and strategy for the revolutionary struggle, RCIT Books, April 2020, See also our very first article on this issue by Almedina Gunić: Coronavirus: "I am not a Virus"... but WE will be the Cure! The chauvinist campaign behind the “Wuhan Coronavirus” hysteria and the revolutionary answer, 2 February 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: The Second Wave of the COVID-19 Counterrevolution. On the ruling class strategy in the current conjuncture, its inner contradictions and the perspectives of the workers and popular resistance, 20 July 2020,; by the same author: The Police and Surveillance State in the Post-Lockdown Phase. A global review of the ruling class’s plans of expanding the bonapartist state machinery amidst the COVID-19 crisis, 21 May 2020,; COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration is indeed Great! Numerous medical scientists protest against the reactionary lockdown policy, 11 October 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: COVID-19: The Current and Historical Roots of Bourgeois Lockdown “Socialism”. Police State and Universal Basic Income are key elements of the new version of reformist “War Socialism” of 1914, 19 December 2020,
[7] Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis: 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, New York, Penguin Press, 2021
[8] GFP: Der große Krieg. US-Militärs debattieren über einen Krieg der Vereinigten Staaten gegen China. Der könnte "vielleicht schon 2026 oder 2024" beginnen, 2021-06-18
어제 러시아 군대와 영국 군대 사이에 벌어진 흑해 사태의 의미를 과소평가할 수는 없다. 크림반도의 러시아 해군기지 세바스토폴 인근 해역에 영국 군함이 진입했다. 이 구축함이 무전을 통한 러시아의 경고를 무시하자 러시아 초계함이 경고사격을 했고 러시아 공군 수호이 24 전폭기도 구축함 앞에 폭탄 4발을 투하하여 영국 구축함이 몇 분 뒤 항로를 변경하도록 강제했다.
우리가 <긴급성명>에서 언급한 바와 같이, "이것은 오늘 제국주의 강대국 간 냉전 고조의 또 하나 극적 장면이다. 러시아가 나토 군함을 저지하기 위해 실탄을 사용한 것을 인정한 것은 1991년 소련 붕괴 이후 처음이다."[1]
영국이 체면을 세우기 위해 사건을 축소하려 하지만 러시아는 영국에게 이 같은 침입 재발을 경고하고 있다. 러시아의 세르게이 랴브코프 외무차관은 오늘, 만약 경고가 도움이 되지 않는다면 다음번엔 러시아군이 “목표물을 폭격”할 것이라고 말했다. 랴브코프는 목요일 언론에 "러시아 국경의 불가침은 절대 명령"이라며, "모든 수단을 다해, 외교적, 정치적, 필요하다면 군사적으로 보호될 것"이라고 덧붙였다. 향후 그러한 침입을 막기 위해 러시아는 무엇을 할 것인지 언론의 질문을 받고 랴브코프는 만약 경고가 먹히지 않는다면 러시아는 목표물을 향해 발포할 준비가 되어 있을 것이라고 말했다. 인테르팍스 통신에 따르면 랴브코프는 "우리는 이성에 호소하여 국제법을 존중할 것을 요구할 수도 있다. 이것이 도움이 되지 않는다면, 우리는 폭탄을 투하할 수도 있는데, 달리 방법이 없으면 단지 운항 진로에 투하하는 것이 아니라 바로 목표물에 투하할 것이다."[2]
이러한 위협은 제국주의 강대국들 사이의 긴장이 크게 고조되고 있음을 비춰준다.[3] 자본주의 세계경제는 1929년 이래 최악의 공황에 들어갔다.[4] 글로벌 계급투쟁 ㅡ 대규모 시위와 민중항쟁 ㅡ 은 1968-76년 시기 이후로 접하지 못한 수준에 도달했다.[5] 이러한 상황에서 지배계급이 비슷한 방법으로 반응하는 것은 우연이 아니다.
한편으로 지배계급은 사스-CoV-2 [“코로나19”] 팬데믹을 구실 삼아 경찰·감시국가를 확충하고 있다. RCIT는 이 반민주 공세를 코로나19 반혁명이라고 부른다.[6] 다른 한편 지배계급 ㅡ 특히 강대국들 (미국, 중국, EU, 러시아, 일본)의 지배계급 ㅡ 은 서로 상대방을 겨냥한 공격적인 대외정책에 박차를 가하고 있다. 이 새로운 사태발전을 총체적으로 우리가 “배외주의적 국가 보나파르트주의로의 전환”으로 성격규정 하는 이유다.
자본주의의 위기가 심화하면서 제국주의 열강 간 패권쟁투도 심화할 것이다. 실제로 많은 미국 전략가들이 그리 멀지 않은 미래에 중국과의 군사 대결을 예상하고 있다. 퇴역 해군제독이이자 현재 칼라일 그룹의 부회장 겸 록펠러 재단 이사장인 제임스 G. 스타브리디스는 최근 "2034년: 소설 3차세계대전"이라는 제목의 베스트셀러 책을 냈다.[7] 저명한 일급 군사전문가이자 군국주의와 독점자본주의의 공생관계를 대표하는 화신인 저자는 이 책에서 남중국해에서의 충돌로 시작하는 미·중 간 전쟁을 소설 형식으로 기술하고 있다.
고위 군 지휘관들 다수가 이 책에 대해 다가오는 전쟁을 잘 지적한 것은 맞지만 날짜가 너무 늦게 잡힌 것 같다고 논평했다. 이런 전쟁은 이미 2024년이나 2026년에 시작될 수도 있다고 그들은 말한다.[8]
이 같은 급격히 가속화하는 강대국들 간 패권경쟁과 대외정책의 군사화를 놓고 볼 때 맑스주의자들이 그러한 대립·충돌의 본질을 이해하는 것이 시급하다. 이 대립·충돌은 모든 국가들이 반동적 목표를 추구하는 제국주의 간 갈등이다. 그들 누구도, 미국, 중국, EU, 러시아, 일본 어느 누구도 진보적인 것을 대표하지 않는다. 그들 모두가 사회주의자들이 어떤 지지도 보내선 안 되는 제국주의 강대국이다. 반대로 사회주의자들은 그러한 대립·충돌에서 각 진영 모두에 대한 패전주의 입장을 취해야 한다. 여기서 노동자계급 · 피억압 인민에게 “차악”은 없다. 반대로 계급투쟁을 강화하고 나아가 모든 자본주의 지배계급을 타도하키 위해 그러한 대립·충돌을 이용하는 것, 그것이 임무다!
[1] RCIT: Russia Fires Warning Shots against UK Warship in the Black Sea. Down with Cold Warmongering! No support for any imperialist Great Power – neither UK, US nor Russia! 24 June 2021,
[2] Vladimir Isachenkov: Russia says next time it may fire to hit intruding warships, 2021-06-24
[3] 강대국 패권쟁투와 중·러의 제국주의 열강 부상에 대한 RCIT의 분석으로는, 다음의 우리 웹사이트 별도 하위 섹션에 언급된 문헌을 보라. 특히 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, January 2019, [<<강대국 패권쟁투 시대에 반제국주의>>]. 또 세계무역전쟁에 관한 우리의 여러 문서들도 보라. 다음의 최근 팸플릿도 보라. Michael Pröbsting: “A Really Good Quarrel”. US-China Alaska Meeting: The Inter-Imperialist Cold War Continues, 23 March 2021, [<<제국주의 간 냉전은 어떻게 바이든 하에서도 계속되고 있나>>]
[4] 이에 대해서는 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: No, the Corona Virus is not the Main Cause of the Global Economic Slump! Bourgeois Media Officially Recognize the Beginning of another Great Recession, 3 March 2020, [<코로나바이러스는 세계경제 공황의 주 원인이 아니다!>]; Chapter “Another Great Recession has begun“ in RCIT: World Perspectives 2020: A Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation. Theses on the World Situation, the Perspectives for Class Struggle and the Tasks of Revolutionaries, 8 February 2020, [<2020년 세계 정세전망: 준 혁명적 글로벌 정세>]; Michael Pröbsting: Another Great Recession of the Capitalist World Economy Has Begun. The economic crisis is an important factor in the current dramatic shift in the world situation, 19 October 2019,[[<자본주의 세계경제: 새로운 대공황이 시작됐다>]; 다음도 보라. Michael Pröbsting: The Next Looming Great Recession. Observations on the Latest Stock Market Slump and the Structural Crisis of the Capitalist World Economy, 12 October 2018,
[5] 이에 대해서는 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Interesting Assessments of the Global Class Struggle by a Bourgeois Think Tank. A commentary on the findings of the latest issue of the “Global Peace Index” by the “Institute for Economics & Peace”, 21 June 2021, [<현 시기 세계 계급투쟁 상승에 대한 부르주아 기관의 평가에 대하여>]
[6] RCIT는 코로나19 반혁명을 그 시작 이래로 광범위에 걸쳐 분석해 왔다. 2020년 2월 2일부터 우리는 90편의 소책자와 논문, 기사, 성명에 단행본 책까지 발표했다. 이 모든 것을 다음의 우리 웹사이트 별도 하위 페이지에 모아놓았다. 특히 다음을 보라. RCIT Manifesto: COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive. We are at a turning point in the world situation as the ruling classes provoke a war-like atmosphere in order to legitimize the build-up of chauvinist state-bonapartist regimes, 21 March 2020, [<코로나19: 글로벌 반혁명 공세를 가리는 덮개>] 다음도 보라. Michael Pröbsting: The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution: What It Is and How to Fight It. A Marxist analysis and strategy for the revolutionary struggle, RCIT Books, April 2020, [<<코로나19 글로벌 반혁명>>] 이 문제에 대한 다음 우리의 첫 기사도 보라. Almedina Gunić: Coronavirus: "I am not a Virus"... but WE will be the Cure! The chauvinist campaign behind the “Wuhan Coronavirus” hysteria and the revolutionary answer, 2 February 2020, [<코로나바이러스: “우한 바이러스”히스테리 뒤에 숨은 배외주의 캠페인>]; Michael Pröbsting: The Second Wave of the COVID-19 Counterrevolution. On the ruling class strategy in the current conjuncture, its inner contradictions and the perspectives of the workers and popular resistance, 20 July 2020,; 같은 저자: The Police and Surveillance State in the Post-Lockdown Phase. A global review of the ruling class’s plans of expanding the bonapartist state machinery amidst the COVID-19 crisis, 21 May 2020,; COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration is indeed Great! Numerous medical scientists protest against the reactionary lockdown policy, 11 October 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: COVID-19: The Current and Historical Roots of Bourgeois Lockdown “Socialism”. Police State and Universal Basic Income are key elements of the new version of reformist “War Socialism” of 1914, 19 December 2020,
[7] Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis: 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, New York, Penguin Press, 2021
[8] GFP: Der große Krieg. US-Militärs debattieren über einen Krieg der Vereinigten Staaten gegen China. Der könnte "vielleicht schon 2026 oder 2024" beginnen, 2021-06-18
Schießerei im Schwarzen Meer zwischen Großbritannien und Russland zeigt, dass der Kapitalismus im Verfall in Richtung Krieg stolpert
Von Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär der Revolutionär-Kommunistischen Internationalen Tendenz (RCIT), 24. Juni 2021,, aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Udo Hase
Anmerkung der Redaktion: Wir bedanken uns bei Udo Hase sowie der Redaktion der website, die unseren Artikel auf Eigeninitiative hin übersetzt bzw. veröffentlicht haben. ([tt_news]=77610&tx_ttnews[backPid]=9&cHash=e4d2e2a496)
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Man kann die Bedeutung des Vorfalls im Schwarzen Meer, der sich am 23.06. zwischen russischen und britischen Streitkräften ereignete, kaum unterschätzen. Ein britisches Kriegsschiff war in Gewässer in der Nähe von Sewastopol, dem wichtigsten russischen Marinestützpunkt auf der Krim, eingedrungen. Als der britische Zerstörer die russische Warnung via Funk ignorierte, gab ein russisches Patrouillenschiff Warnschüsse ab und ein russischer Su-24-Bomber warf auch vier Bomben vor dem Schiff ab, um es zu einem Kurswechsel zu zwingen (was es Minuten später tat).
Wie wir in unserer Dringlichkeitserklärung feststellten: "Dies ist eine dramatische Eskalation des Kalten Krieges zwischen den imperialistischen Großmächten. Es war das erste Mal seit dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion 1991, dass Moskau den Einsatz von scharfer Munition zur Abschreckung eines NATO-Kriegsschiffs zugab. " [1]
Während London gesichtswahrend versucht, den Vorfall herunterzuspielen, warnt Russland Großbritannien davor, Verletzungen Seiner Gewässer zu wiederholen. Russlands stellvertretender Außenminister Sergej Rjabkow sagte heute, dass das nächste Mal, wenn Warnung nicht beachtet werden, russische Kräfte "das Ziel bombardieren" werden. Rjabkow sagte am Donnerstag, dass "die Unverletzlichkeit der russischen Grenzen ein absolutes Gebot ist" und fügte hinzu, dass sie "mit allen Mitteln, diplomatische, politische und militärische, wenn nötig", geschützt werde. (...) Auf die Frage, was Russland tun würde, um solche Eindringlinge in Zukunft zu verhindern, sagte Rjabkow Reportern, dass es bereit sein würde, auf Ziele zu schießen, wenn Warnungen nicht funktionieren. "Wir können uns an die Vernunft wenden und fordern, das Völkerrecht zu respektieren", sagte Rjabkow laut der Nachrichtenagentur Interfax. "Wenn es nicht hilft, können wir Bomben abwerfen und nicht nur vor den Bug, sondern direkt auf das Ziel, wenn die Kollegen der Streitkräfte es anders nicht abwenden können." [2]
Diese Drohungen spiegeln die massive Eskalation der Spannungen zwischen den imperialistischen Großmächten wider. [3] Die kapitalistische Weltwirtschaft ist in die schlimmste Depression seit 1929 eingetreten. [4] Der globale Klassenkampf – Massenmobilisierungen und Volksaufstände – hat ein Niveau erreicht, das seit der Periode 1968-76 nicht mehr gesehen wurde. [5] Es ist kein Zufall, dass die herrschenden Klassen unter solchen Bedingungen mit ähnlichen Methoden reagieren.
Einerseits erweitern sie den Polizei- und Überwachungsstaat, indem sie die SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie als Vorwand nutzen. Die RCIT nennt diese antidemokratische Offensive die COVID-19 Konterrevolution. [6] Auf der anderen Seite beschleunigt die herrschende Klasse – insbesondere die der Großmächte (USA, China, EU, Russland und Japan) – ihre aggressive Außenpolitik gegenüber ihren Rivalen. Deshalb charakterisieren wir diese völlig neue Entwicklung als eine Verschiebung hin zum chauvinistischen Staat.
Mit der Verschärfung der Krise des Kapitalismus verschärft sich auch die Rivalität zwischen den imperialistischen Mächten. Tatsächlich erwarten viele US-Strategen eine militärische Konfrontation mit China in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft. James G. Stavridis, ein pensionierter Admiral der US Navy und derzeit stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Carlyle Group und Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums der Rockefeller Foundation, hat kürzlich ein Bestseller mit dem Titel "2034: A Novel of the Next World War" veröffentlicht. [7] In diesem Buch beschreibt der Autor – aus der Rolle eines angesehenen Militärexperten und Vertreters einer Symbiose von Militarismus und Monopolkapitalismus – in Form eines Romans, einen Krieg zwischen den USA und China der mit einer Konfrontation im Südchinesischen Meer beginnt.
Verschiedene hochrangige Kommandeure haben zu diesem Buch kommentiert, dass es zwar richtig mit dem bevorstehenden Krieg zu recht kommt, das Datum aber zu spät festgelegt werden könnte. Ein solcher Krieg könnte bereits 2024 oder 2026 beginnen. [8]
Angesichts einer derart dramatisch zunehmenden Rivalität zwischen den Großmächten und der Militarisierung der Außenpolitik ist es für Marxisten dringend erforderlich, die Natur solcher Konflikte zu verstehen. Das sind interimperialistische Konflikte, in denen alle Staaten reaktionäre Ziele verfolgen. Keiner von ihnen – weder die USA, China, die EU, Russland und Japan – repräsentiert etwas Progressives. Alle sind imperialistische Großmächte, denen Sozialisten keine Unterstützung geben dürfen.
Sie müssen in solchen Konflikten vielmehr eine kämpferische Position gegen alle Beteiligten einnehmen. Hier gibt es kein "kleineres Übel" für die Arbeiterklasse und unterdrückte Völker. Die Aufgabe besteht vielmehr darin, solche Konflikte zu nutzen, um den Klassenkampf zu intensivieren und letztlich alle kapitalistischen herrschenden Klassen zu stürzen!
[1] RCIT: Russland feuert Warnschüsse gegen britisches Kriegsschiff im Schwarzen Meer ab. Down mit Cold Warmongering! Keine Unterstützung für eine imperialistische Großmacht – weder Großbritannien, die USA noch Russland! 24. Juni 2021,
[2] Vladimir Isachenkov: Russland sagt das nächste Mal, wenn es feuert, um eindringende Kriegsschiffe zu treffen, 2021-06-24
[3] Zur RCIT-Analyse der Rivalität der Großmacht und des Aufstiegs Chinas und Russlands als imperialistische Mächte siehe die Literatur, die im speziellen Unterabschnitt auf unserer Website erwähnt wird: Insbesondere beziehen wir uns auf das Buch von Michael Pröbsting: Antiimperialismus im Zeitalter der Großmachtrivalität. Die Faktoren hinter der beschleunigten Rivalität zwischen den USA, China, Russland, der EU und Japan. A Critique of the Left es Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Januar 2019, Siehe auch unsere zahlreichen Dokumente zum Globalen Handelskrieg, die auf einer speziellen Unterseite auf unserer Website gesammelt wurden: Siehe auch die neueste Broschüre von Michael Pröbsting:"A Really Good Quarrel". Treffen zwischen den USA und China in Alaska: Der interimperialistische Kalte Krieg geht weiter, 23. März 2021,
[4] Siehe z.B. Michael Pröbsting: Nein, das Corona-Virus ist nicht die Hauptursache für den weltweiten Konjunktureinbruch! Bourgeois Media Officially Recognize the Beginning of another Great Recession, 3 March 2020,; Chapter "Another Great Recession has started in RCIT: World Perspectives 2020: A Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation. Thesen zur Weltsituation, zu den Perspektiven des Klassenkampfes und den Aufgaben der Revolutionäre, 8. Februar 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: Eine weitere große Rezession der kapitalistischen Weltwirtschaft hat begonnen. Die Wirtschaftskrise ist ein wichtiger Faktor in der aktuellen dramatischen Verschiebung der Weltlage, 19. Oktober 2019,; sieheauch Michael Pröbsting: Die nächste drohende große Rezession. Beobachtungen zum jüngsten Börseneinbruch und zur Strukturkrise der kapitalistischen Weltwirtschaft, 12. Oktober 2018,
[5] Sehen Sie dazu z.B. Michael Pröbsting: Interessante Einschätzungen des globalen Klassenkampfes durch einen bürgerlichen Think Tank. Ein Kommentar zu den Ergebnissen der aktuellen Ausgabe des "Global Peace Index" des "Institute for Economics & Peace", 21. Juni 2021,
[6] Das RCIT hat die COVID-19-Gegenrevolution seit ihren Anfängen ausgiebig analysiert. Seit dem 2. Februar 2020 haben wir fast 90 Broschüren, Essays, Artikel und Statements sowie ein Buch veröffentlicht, die alle auf einer speziellen Unterseite auf unserer Website zusammengestellt sind: Insbesondere verweisen wir die Leser auf das RCIT Manifesto: COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive. Wir befinden uns an einem Wendepunkt in der Weltlage, da die herrschenden Klassen eine kriegsähnliche Atmosphäre provozieren, um den Aufbau chauvinistisch-staatsbonapartistischer Regime zu legitimieren, 21. März 2020, Darüber hinaus machen wir auf unser Buch von Michael Pröbsting aufmerksam: The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution: What It Is and How to Fight It. Eine marxistische Analyse und Strategie für den revolutionären Kampf, RCIT Books, April 2020, Siehe auch unseren allerersten Artikel zu diesem Thema von Almedina Gunić: Coronavirus: "Ich bin kein Virus"... aber WIR werden die Heilung sein! Die chauvinistische Kampagne hinter der Hysterie des "Wuhan Coronavirus" und der revolutionären Antwort, 2. Februar 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: Die zweite Welle der COVID-19 Konterrevolution. Über die herrschende Klassenstrategie in der gegenwärtigen Konjunktur, ihre inneren Widersprüche und die Perspektiven der Arbeiter und des Volkswiderstands, 20. Juli 2020,;vom selben Autor: Der Polizei- und Überwachungsstaat in der Post-Lockdown-Phase. Eine globale Überprüfung der Pläne der herrschenden Klasse zur Erweiterung der bonapartistischen Staatsmaschinerie inmitten der COVID-19-Krise, 21. Mai 2020,; COVID-19: Die Große Barrington-Erklärung ist in der Tat großartig! Zahlreiche Mediziner protestieren gegen die reaktionäre Sperrpolitik, 11. Oktober 2020,; Michael Pröbsting: COVID-19: The Current and Historical Roots of Bourgeois Lockdown "Socialism". Polizeistaat und allgemeines Grundeinkommen sind Schlüsselelemente der neuen Version des reformistischen "Kriegssozialismus" von 1914, 19. Dezember 2020,
[7] Elliot Ackerman und James Stavridis: 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, New York, Penguin Press, 2021
[8] GFP: Der große Krieg. US-Militärs debattieren über einen Krieg der Vereinigten Staaten gegen China. Der könnte "vielleicht schon 2026 oder 2024" beginnt, 2021-06-18