Upcoming Elections in Greece: Down with the Pro-Memorandum Parties! Critical Support for LAE (Popular Unity)!

For a New Workers’ Party with a Revolutionary Program! For Working Class Internationalism instead of Narrow-minded, Nationalistic Left Reformism!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 13.9.2015, www.thecommunists.net


1.            The upcoming 20 September snap elections in Greece are taking place at a crucial moment. They are the result of a manoeuvre by SYRIZA’s leadership – with the support of European imperialism – to confuse the popular masses at the moment of their greatest betrayal. On 5 July nearly 62% of the people voted OXI (No) against the austerity policy dictated by the EU-Troika. However, only a few days later the Tsipras government betrayed the popular will. It accepted and passed in parliament the so-called Third Memorandum which is far worse than any other EU dictate previously imposed on Greece!

2.            However, a minority of SYRIZA’s MP voted against the Third Memorandum and ultimately split from the party. This left wing – together with others – has founded a new party called Λαϊκή Ενότητα (Laïkí Enótita [LAE] which means Popular Unity) which is led by the former Minister of Energy in the Tsipras cabinet, Panagiotis Lafazanis. LAE denounced the capitulation of Tsipras to the EU as well as its collaboration with the Zionist Apartheid state of Israel. It proposes Greece’s exit from the EU and the Eurozone and opposes the country’s membership in NATO.

3.            However, as we have outlined in our last statement, the LAE leadership supports a reformist, popular-frontist, and nationalist program. It is spreading illusionary hopes for growth and wealth for the people via a Keynesian state-capitalist program of investments and social reforms without overthrowing the ruling capitalist class. Its program for a “patriotic popular front” aims to form alliances with “progressive” sectors of the bourgeoisie. While the party has still not been completely consolidated, it’s clear that it is aspiring to become a new version of SYRIZA, i.e., the party which just demonstrated its inability to serve the interests of the working class and the popular masses!

4.            The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) calls for Greek workers and oppressed to critically cast their vote for LAE in the upcoming elections. We support LAE not because of its program but because, in the present situation, it represents that sector of the workers’ vanguard which played a crucial role in organizing the OXI movement and which ultimately broke with the dominant reformist party, SYRIZA. It is precisely this sector of the workers’ vanguard which can play a central role in the next period of class struggle. Therefore, this is the sector to which revolutionaries should orient themselves, with the aim of helping these workers overcome their illusions in left reformism. Consequently, revolutionaries should combine agitation for a critical vote for LAE with criticism of its program, while making demands on its leadership to mobilize mass actions against the austerity policy in the workplaces, schools and on the streets – both before and after the elections.

5.            We do not call for a critical vote for the Stalinist KKE, which is just another left-reformist party. While they also voted against the Third Memorandum, the sectarianism of their leadership during the period leading up to the historic referendum of 5 July made certain that they will not be capable of forging any links with the historic OXI movement. Instead, the KKE leadership foolishly remains steadfast in its attempts to build a caricature-like “Socialism in one Party,” hoping for better days ahead.

6.            Neither do we call for a vote for the alliance of ANTARSYIA and EEK. While their joint program is certainly far more progressive than that of LAE, they represent only small forces among the Greek electorate. We contend that, in a period like the present one, it is crucial for revolutionaries to orient themselves to those sectors of the workers’ vanguard which are moving leftward. As a matter of fact, ANTARSYA – a coalition of centrist organizations – has failed to organize the workers’ vanguard despite enjoying most favorable conditions. After four or five years of repeated general strikes, pre-revolutionary and revolutionary situations, ANTARSYA – irrespective of the courageous and valuable work of many of the comrades working inside it – is no stronger electorally than it was previously. All the important political developments we have witnessed – the rapid growth of SYRIZA, the rise of the OXI movement, the split within SYRIZA and the creation of LAE – all have taken place in sectors which, because of its sectarianism, ANTARSYA has ignored in the past years.

7.            It is crucial that revolutionaries engage in the political debates within LAE and put forth a transitional program of action. No less important, revolutionaries should see to it that LAE becomes an activist party, organizing mass mobilizations against the upcoming attacks on the working class and the popular masses. Revolutionaries should frankly and openly explain that the most important arena of class struggle is not electoral politics but rather on the streets and in the workplaces, schools, and universities. Consequently they should agitate for a battle plan oriented to the formation of action committees in all workplaces, neighborhoods, schools, universities, and villages; and mobilize for indefinite general strikes and occupations as well as for the formation of self-defense units to defend the workers’ movement against the fascists and the police. Revolutionaries should explain that capitalism cannot be overthrown by general strikes but only by an armed insurrection of the working class and youth.

8.            Advocating such a program and tactics must be combined with the building of a revolutionary workers’ party on the national level as part of a new workers’ international. Such a revolutionary party must fight for a socialist revolution in Greece and throughout Europe. The RCIT calls upon all revolutionaries who agree with such a perspective for the Greek and international revolution to join forces. We look forward to working together with Greek socialists in implementing such a political and organizational program!


International Secretariat of the RCIT


For our analyses on Greece, we refer readers to:

* RCIT: Greece: SYRIZA Splits after Tsipras-Government Capitulates to the EU. For a new Workers’ Party with a Revolutionary Program instead of nationalist narrow-minded Left Reformism, 25.8.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/syriza-splits/

* RCIT: SYRIZA betrays Greece’s Workers and Poor – “OXI” was not meant as a “YES” to another austerity program! For the organization of mass resistance against the betrayal of the Tsipras government! Left wing in SYRIZA: Fight against the party leaders who are lackeys of the EU-Bosses! 11.7.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/syriza-betrayal/

* RCIT: 61.3% Vote OXI in the Greek Referendum: A Victory for the Entire European Working Class! A battle has been won, but the war against the EU and IMF continues! Nationalize the banks and media under workers’ control! 6.7.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-after-referendum/

* RCIT: Greetings to All Greek Socialists Who Are Campaigning for a Vote of OXI in 5 July Referendum. Solidarity Message from the RCIT, 3.7.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-solidarity-greetings/

* RCIT: Referendum in Greece on 5 July: Vote OXI! against the EU-Troika! No to any Austerity Program! Break with the EU and IMF! Nationalize the Banks and Media under Workers’ Control! 30.6.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-referendum-oxi/

* RCIT: Greetings to All Greek Socialists Who Are Campaigning for a Vote of OXI in 5 July Referendum, 3.7.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-solidarity-greetings/

* Brazil Trade Unionists: Solidarity with the Greek Resistance against the EU-Troika! http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/brazil-solidarity-with-greece/

* RCIT: Greece: No to the Surrender of the SYRIZA Leadership! 26.2.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/syriza-surrenders/

* RCIT: Greek Elections: SYRIZA Wins … and Forms an Alliance with Reactionary Racists! 27.1.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-syriza-anel/

* RCIT: Elections in Greece: Vote SYRIZA but Don’t Trust the Tsipras Leadership! Organize the Struggle in Workplaces, Schools, and on the Streets! Fight for a Workers’ Government! 22.1.2015, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-election-statement/

* RCIT: Greece: Honor Pavlos Fyssas! Smash the fascist Golden Dawn, 21.9.2013, http://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-smash-golden-dawn/

* RCIT: Greece: Down with the Trial against Savas Michael-Matsas! 23.7.2013, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-solidarity-with-savas-matsas

* Nina Gunić: Solidarity with the Hunger Strike in Greece! Forward to a Revolutionary Migrant Movement! April 2013, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-solidarity-with-migrant-strike

* Michael Pröbsting: After the elections on 17th June: A new phase of the Greek Revolution is beginning! 19.6.2012, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-after-17-6-elections

* Michael Pröbsting: Greece: For a Workers' Government! Critical electoral support for SYRIZA and KKE! Workers: Organize and prepare yourselves for the struggle for power! 6.6.2012, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-for-a-workers-government

* Michael Pröbsting: After SYRIZA’s victory in the Greek elections: The question of a Workers Government and the revolutionary way forward, May 2012, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/after-the-greek-elections

* Michael Pröbsting: Perspectives on the Greek Revolution, 10.11.2011, www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/europe/greece-revolution-or-tragedy