
To discover older articles, reports and documents of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) visit the Archive:


[MANIFESTO] Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance


[PAMPHLET] Ukraine: A Capitalist Semi-Colony


Ukraine War: Internationalist Workers Solidarity and European Imperialism (On the “Solidarity with Ukraine” Conference in Brussels on 26-27 March)


On the Shift in the World Situation and its Consequences for the Ukraine War


In Defence of the Palestinian and Ukrainian Peoples! Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu - Out of Ukraine and Palestine! (Joint Statement of LIT-CI, UIT-CI & RCIT)


Russia: Report on the Main Events (Winter 2024-25)


Spalakh (Ukraine) Joins the RCIT!


Trump-Putin Rapprochement Signals End of “Trans-Atlantic Partnership”


How Can Socialists in Europe Continue Supporting Ukraine in Face of the Trump-Putin Rapprochement? (Q&A)


Towards the 3rd Anniversary of the Ukraine War


Assembly of Russian and Ukrainian Socialists at the 3rd Anniversary of Putin’s Invasion (Paris, 24.02.2025)


Zelensky to Trump and Vance: “Suka, Blyat”


Video: Russian and Ukrainian Revolutionaries Speak Out against Russian Imperialism (27.02.2025)


“A Defeat for Russia in this War would be a Blessing for Russian Workers!” (Interview with Russian Activist)


Three Years of Russian-Ukrainian Crisis


Germany has replaced the persecution of the Jews with the persecution of Muslims


The Role of the Zionism in Helping the far right AfD in Germany


The Shroud Has Fallen: Exploiting Russia’s invasion, U.S. imperialism tries to plunder Ukraine’s resources


A Revealing Insight from Within (On the split in the social-democratised ex-Stalinist Party of the European Left)


Ukraine War: Requiem for Pokrovsk


Ukraine War: Report & Documents from the Russian Anti-War Left Emigration Forum (2-3.11.2024)


Russia: Report on the Main Events (Autumn 2024)


Our Salutes to the Rebels in Georgia!


UK: Starmer’s Labour Government Continues to Support Israel’s Genocide in Gaza


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)


UK: Labour Government Cuts Winter Fuel Allowance for Pensioners


Ex-NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg Advices Ukraine to Surrender Territory to Russia


What are the Causes of the Implosion of the Russian RRP?


Russia: The State Repression Escalates but the Revolutionary Struggle Continues! (About the Work of the RCIT Section in Russia)


Russia: Report on the Main Events (Summer 2024)


The Ukraine War and How It Affects the Domestic Situation in Russia


Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting (Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August)


Lenin on Serbia’s Role in World War I: A useful Analogy for the current Ukraine War?


On the British Labor Party and Weapons Shipment


Austria: Rally against imperialist Russia (19.8.2024)


UK: The New Labour Governments’ Minimum Programme


France: Which Tactics towards the Popular Front?


France: Revolutionary Tactics in the Parliamentary Elections


2024 General Election in Britain: Labour Wins by a Landslide


The Labor Party in Britain is under tremendous pressure from the Pro-Palestinians. It makes promises, but will it keep them?


Russia Overtakes Japan to Become Fourth Largest Economy in the World


Repression of Marxists in Ukraine – Freedom for Bohdan Syrotyuk!


European Imperialism: A Shift towards Armament and Militarisation


Austria: Protest Rally against Deportations of Syrian Refugees (02.06.2024)


Russia: Report on the Main Events (Spring 2024)


UK General Election 2024: Break with Labour and Build a new Workers Party!


Western Financial Sharks Try to Squeeze Dividends from the Ukraine


Austria: Rally against the Deportations of Syrian Refugees (10.05.2024)


Two Blindfolded Try to Hit Each Other (On the split of the “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia)


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Chechen People (21.4.2024)


For an Independent and Socialist Ukraine free from Russian Occupation and Western Domination! (Declaration of Fraternal Relations between Spalakh (Ukraine) and RCIT)


Joint Statement of Spalakh (Ukraine) and RCIT on Wars in Ukraine and Gaza


Austria: Pro-Israel Forces Lay Criminal Complaint against Michael Pröbsting


National Platform of the Marxist Group "Spalakh" (Ukraine)


Russia: National Platform of the Socialist Tendency


Ukraine: Rapidly Growing Escalation in the War with Russia


Britain: Rishi Sunak Declares War on the Working Class and the Oppressed


Presidential Elections in Russia: Putin's Fifth Attempt


Ukraine: Brief Overview of the Political Situation (February 2024)


Britain: Cold Homes Kill Protest (06.10.2024)


Russia: Report on the Main Events (Winter 2023-24)


Ukraine War: Two Years after the Invasion


Northern Ireland: Vice President of Sinn Fein Becomes First Minister at Stormont


Internationalist Meeting in Milano: An Inspiring Conference! (February 2024)


Russia: On the Death of Navalny and the Imprisonment of Kagarlitsky


Are Hamas and Israel “Equally Reactionary”? (Critique of “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia)


Ukraine: Money for Pavements or for the Army?


Ukraine: Interview with Socialist Students


Russia: Zyuganov’s “Disciplined Party Members" (Critique of RRP)


Britain: TUC Demonstration Against Tory Anti-Trade Union Laws (27.01.2024)


Britain: An Escalating Pro-Zionist Hysteria


Russia: The Death Agony of the Putin Regime and the Perspectives for the Class Struggle


Russia: Report on Latest Events (Autumn 2023)


A Mistaken Polemic about the Anti-Israel Riots in Dagestan (Reply to OKI/IMT)


Gaza War: On the Anti-Israel Riots in Northern Caucasus


Austria: Tabloid Attacks RCIT for “Open Call for Violence against Israel”


Armenia-Azerbaijan: Another Outburst of the Reactionary Conflict


Russia: The Meaning of Prigozhin’s Death


Russia: Solidarity with Boris Kagarlitsky!


Russia: Not to Police Repression against Muslim Migrants!


NATO-Russia Cold War: Sabre-Rattling at the Polish-Belarusian Border


Protesters Torch Swedish Embassy in Baghdad over Quran Burning


Supporting Ukraine without Dual Tactic Leads to Social-Imperialism


EU-Tunisia: Down with the Anti-Migration Deal!


Ukraine War: What Are the Results of the NATO Vilnius Summit?


Ukraine War: Secret Negotiations between U.S. and Russia Have Started


Manifesto on the First Anniversary of the Ukraine War


Britain: Boris Johnson’s Resignation from Parliament shows that Tories are in Crisis


France: Justice for Nahel! Build Self-Defence against Racist Police!


Prigozhin’s Coup Attempt in Russia: A Quarrel between Thieves


NATO Integration: An Imperialist Trap for the Ukrainian People!


Russia: Zyuganov’s KPRF and some “Trotskyists” on the Prigozhin Coup


Once Again on the Worries of Western Powers after the Prigozhin Coup in Russia


Western Powers and the Prigozhin Coup in Russia


[VIDEO] Russia: On Prigozhin's Attempted Coup


[VIDEO] Greece Migrant Boat Disaster: Open the Borders for Refugees!


Western “Solidarity” with the Ukraine: A Cynical Example


Revolutionary Speech at Mass Rally for Independent Kosova in March 1998 (Report + Video)


The Pro-Bourgeois Opportunism of LIS/MST (Part 1: Ukraine)


Defeat NATO Troops in Kosovo!


Ukraine War: The Logic of Annihilation in Theory and Practice


Is Ukraine About to Become NATO’s “Israel” in Eastern Europe?


Ukraine War: “Wall Street Journal” Reveals Western Governments Eagerness to Push for Ceasefire


Towards a Turning Point in the Ukraine War?


Report on Political Situation in Russia for May 2023


Russia: The RRP and its “War Socialism”


Russia: The RRP's Loudly Proclaimed Opportunism and Deafening Silence


The Ukraine War is Highly Profitable for Russia’ Billionaires


Medvedev claims: “We need a Big Great Russia”


Report on Political Situation in Russia for April 2023


Macron and his Plans for Europe as a “Third Superpower”


France: For an Indefinite General Strike!


Social Unrest in Europe, including Strikes & Industrial Unrest!


[VIDEO] On the Mass Protests in France against Macron’s Pension Reform


Polish Left-Wing Party Razem Supports NATO and EU Militarisation


Russia: Medvedev’s “Anti-Colonialism for Idiots”


On People Who Don’t Know the Enemy (The ISA on Northern Ireland)


Cynical Doubletalk (The IMT and the Ukraine War)


Ukraine War: The “Manifesto for Peace”, Pacifism and European Imperialism


Anti-Imperialism versus Pro-Western Liberalism (Russian Socialist Movement and Ukraine War)


Russia: Friends Among Themselves (Zyuganov meets Putin)


Ukraine War: Mutiny of National Minority Battalions in the Russian Army


Our Solidarity is with the Ukrainian People! (Joint Declaration of the Anti-Imperialist Conference of Revolutionary Socialists)


Report: Joint Anti-Imperialist Initiative of Revolutionary Socialists in Russia


Many Western Corporations Continue to make Business with Russia despite the official Sanction Policy


Action Program against the Food and Energy Crisis


A Strategy for Popular Uprising against the Food and Energy Crisis


COVID Counterrevolution and Fertility Rate (Comparing China and Sweden)


Western Europe: Mass Strikes against Anti-Social Attacks


Report from a Socialist Soldier in the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Report on the Political Situation in Russia for January 2023


Russia: A Mirror of the Future (World situation, Global Class Struggle, Revolutionary Regroupment)


Socialists Should Support the Transfer of Russian State and Oligarchs Assets into Ukrainian Hands!


Kosova: Down with Serbian-Chauvinist Provocations


On Russia’s War Economy


The Gigantic Destruction of the Ukrainian Society


Ukraine War: The Liberation of Western Kherson Oblast and the Danger of a Great Power Deal


French Senate Votes to Impose Sanctions on Azerbaijan


Ukraine War & Great Power Rivalry: On the Missile Incident in Poland


Russia: A Disguised Support for Imperialist Armament (Critique of RRP)


Ukraine War: Spontaneous Protests of Soldiers of the Russian Army


Ukraine War: Former Russian Members of Alan Woods‘ IMT Speak Out


General Sisi: Gatekeeper of Imperialist Fortress Europe


Russia: So-Called “Communists” against LGBT+


France: From the Refinery Workers’ Struggle to the Grève Générale!


Britain: Truss Government in Deep Crisis


“Left” Stalinism and the Program of Russian Social-Imperialism (Critique of RKRP)


Said Kaba - 1985-2022 (Obituary for a Russian comrade)


Nothing Learned and Nothing Forgotten (Critique of IMT)


Against Russia’s War without Internationalism and Anti-Imperialism? (Critique of RRP Russia)


Zelensky: A Nuclear Nitwit?


Putin Announces Colonial Annexation of Ukrainian Territories


Greece: Social-Patriotic KKE Calls for the Defence of “Our Country’s Sovereign Rights”


Russia: Revolutionary Tactics in the Struggle against Putin’s Mobilisation


An Inspiring Internationalist Rally against Russian Imperialism (25.9.2022)


Do Ukrainian People in Occupied Territories Really Want Annexation by Russia? (IMT & Putin’s Mobilisation)


Armenia-Azerbaijan: Down with the Reactionary War!


Ukraine War: An Action Program for Authentic Socialists


Russian Empire Escalates its Colonial War against the Ukraine


Ukraine War: Join the International Solidarity Campaign – Support the Sunflower Convoy!

Open Letter to all Socialists in Russia: Unite in Fighting Russian Imperialism!


Russia: Zyuganov Calls for “General Mobilisation” to defeat the Ukraine


The Ukraine War after the Liberation of the Kharkiv Region


A Ukrainian Socialist Reports on the Successful Offensive against the Russian Occupation Forces


Britain: On the Queen’s Death


NATO Leader Warns of “Civil Unrest” in Europe


Britain: Liz Truss is the new Prime Minister


Russia: Report about the Current Situation (1.9.2022)


Zyuganov’s Servants (IMT Russia)


Climate Catastrophe Fires in Europe


Interview with Russian Trotskyist on the Ukraine War (18.8.2022)


[VIDEO] Defend the Ukrainian People against Putin’s Invasion!


On Egypt, Zionism & Islamophobia: Interview with Michael Pröbsting on Arab Satellite Channel WATAN TV


Britain: Rail Unions Announce Further Strike Action


Italy: Protest the Arrest of 6 Militant Trade Union Leaders!


“Socialism” a la Putin and Zyuganov


Russia: Brief Report about the Current Situation (12.7.2022)


Britain: Boris Johnson Resigns as Prime Minister


The Ukraine in the Imperialist Debt Trap


Spain/Morocco: Police Kills Dozens of Migrants at the Border


Is Europe’s Ruling Class About to Declare a War Economy?


Britain: First Railway Strike in Britain for over 30 Years


Russia: Brief Report about the Current Situation (14.6.2022)


The Abyss between “Dr. Leftist” and the Mass Worker (On the Social Composition of ex-Stalinist Parties in Europe)


Book Review: Small Town Girl - Love, Lies and the Undercover Police


Only 6 out of 16 (The Finnish “Left Alliance” & the parliamentary vote about NATO membership)


Sweden and Finland Seek NATO Membership: Down with all Imperialist Powers!


Northern Ireland: Sinn Fein Scores a Momentous Electoral Victory


RCIT Declaration for Lviv Conference on Solidarity with the Ukrainian People (1.5.2022)


Interview with a Ukrainian Socialist serving at the Joint Force Operation (JFO)


Why Socialists Should Not Support Imperialist Sanctions or the United Nations


Britain: Climate Change Protester Faces Prison over Damage to a Government Building


Sinking "Moscow" Cruiser: A Significant Blow to Russian Military Prestige


A Revealing Document of Great Russian Totalitarianism (RIA Novosti)


Defend Ukraine! Defeat Russian & NATO Imperialism! (War Platform for Socialists in Russia & Ukraine)


Ukraine War: RCIT Leaders Speak at a Public Online Event (19.3.2022)


LIT-CI “Would Undoubtedly Defend Russia”


No to Workers Boycott against Russia but Yes to Boycotting the Ukraine? (Critique of PTS/FT)


[VIDEO] War in Ukraine: Interview with Russian Socialist


[VIDEO] A Revolutionary Socialist from Russia Speaks Out in Solidarity with Ukraine


Ukraine: No Changes of the Labor Laws during the War!


Down with Putin’s Imperialist War against the Ukraine!


The Ukraine War and the Second Sino-Japanese War: A Historical Analogy


[VIDEO] Support the Ukrainian People against Putin’s Invasion


Ukraine War: Dockworkers Boycott Imperialist Russia


Can Socialists Support Imperialist Sanctions?


The IMT and the Ukraine War: A Shameful Betrayal


Dozens of Nazi groups support the invasion of Ukraine


Ukraine: The Capture of Berdyansk or the True Goals of the Kremlin's Military Company




Defeat the Russian invasion with popular militias independent from NATO


Convergencia Socialista (Argentina) organizes Rally against Russian invasion in Front of Embassy (26.2.2022)


A new turning point in Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine


Interview with Kharkiv Socialist about the War in the Ukraine


NATO-Russia Conflict: Platform of Socialists in Russia and the Ukraine


The Current NATO-Russia Conflict and the Anti-Imperialist Tasks of Revolutionaries


PAMPHLET: Putin’s Poodles (Pro-Russian Stalinists and their arguments in the current NATO-Russia Conflict)


Putin’s Recognition of Donbass “Republics” – A Major Escalation in the Inter-Imperialist Conflict


The Ukraine and the looming Russian Invasion


NATO-Russia Conflict: Platform of Socialists in Russia and the Ukraine


NATO-Russia Conflict: Is this the Beginning of the War in the Ukraine?


NATO-Russia Conflict: “Trotskyists” in the Camp of Russian Imperialism


NATO-Russia Conflict: The “Party of the European Left” as Government Adviser for EU Imperialism


NATO-Russia Conflict: The Anglo-Saxon ‘Marxist’ Tendency


Green Pass Rule: We Workers are not Police Officers! Stop the Raids in the Shops!


Neither NATO nor Russia! Down with all Imperialist Warmongers!


COVID-19: Excess Mortality and Mass Vaccination in Europe … and Some Unpleasant Facts


Scotland: Sturgeon Government Imposes more Bonapartist Restrictions on People attending Events


Britain: COVID Passports and Mandatory Vaccinations are now in force


Austria: Where Were the Masses? Failure of rally in support of government's COVID policy


The “Government Trotskyists” SLP/ISA participated in a rally supporting the government’s COVID policy


EU: “We will use the Health Pass also after the Pandemic”


How Does the Capitalist Pandemic Policy Affect the Income? Judge Yourself!


COVID-19: An Austrian Government Adviser on Compulsory Vaccination


Egypt: General Sisi and his French Partner in Crime


A Shameful Slander of Popular Mass Protests


Vienna: Gigantic Mass Mobilization against Compulsory COVID-Vaccinations and Lockdowns


Poland/Belarus: Open the Borders for Refugees!


Dark Winter could arrive in Britain


Austria: Lockdown and Compulsory Vaccinations are the Road to Police State & Apartheid


Leaflet: Equal Rights for All! Against Lockdown and Forced Vaccinations! Against Police State and Apartheid!


Green Pass in Italy: International Dockworkers Council Supports the Struggle of the Port Workers


Austria: Pseudo-Trotskyists Call for a 3-Week Total Lockdown


Why Do Some Socialists Refuse to Support the Mass Struggle against the “Green Pass”?


Russia: Winter is Coming! Down with Russian Imperialist Monopoly Price War!


Britain: Keir Starmer Defeated at Labour Party Conference over Palestine


Italy: Dockers Prepare for Strike against the Green Pass!


General Strike in Italy on 11 October: An Important Step Forward!


Fourth Gaza War: European Governments Try to Suppress Pro-Palestine Protests


Russia Fires Warning Shots against UK Warship in the Black Sea


Britain: Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is defeated in English Local Elections


Thousands of refugees try to reach the Spanish enclave on Moroccan land


Britain: Tens of Thousands Protest against the Lockdown Regime

English   Spanish


Britain: The Conviction of the 24 Shrewsbury Building Workers in 1972


Germany: An Insidious Campaign against Migrants


A New War between Russia and Ukraine?


Spain: Freedom for Pablo Hasél!


France: The Parliamentary “Left” Fails to Oppose Macron’s Anti-Muslim “Separatism Law”


Britain: Strikes taking place at Heathrow Airport, British Gas, DHL and others


Anti-Curfew Protests in the Netherlands: The People are Right to Rebel!


Russia: Solidarity with the Mass Protests against the Putin Regime!


France/Egypt: Heil Sisi?


France: Bring Down Macron and his ‘Police State’ Law!


Britain: Defend Corbyn and his supporters against Blairite and Zionist Witchhunt!


Austria: Hands Off Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas!


Austria: Scandalous Bann of a Rally against Islamophobe Racism!


Austria: Daesh is the Bullet but Macron is the Political Assassin!


French Left: Social-Chauvinism and Capitulation to Islamophobia


Boycott Imperialist and Islamophobic France!


Down with the Islamophobia in France: “We Are Not Samuel!


COVID-19: Madrid’s Workers and Poor Protest against the Reactionary Lockdown Regime!


New War in the South Caucasus


UK: On the 1972 Building Workers Strike


Mr. Ichlov’s Truth Barometer (Reply to the Russian left-wing journalist Boris Ichlov)


Open Letter: Belarusian Working-Class Protestors Need Your Support!


Open Letter to Belarusian Workers


Britain: Fascists harras Migrants & Asylum Seekers


Chechnya: Rally against the Murder of Mamikhan Umarov by the Russian Security Service


Britain: Boris Johnson Government is the most incompetent in dealing with COVID-19 in Europe


COVID-19 Crisis: Internal Document Reveals Austrian Government Plan to Spread Fear


Britain: COVID-19 is a Cover for State Repression and for Attacks on Democratic Rights


Britain: Keir Starmer, loyal Servant of British Capitalist State


Britain: The Blairite Keir Starmer is elected leader of the Labour Party with Angela Rayner elected as Deputy


Open Europe’s Borders for Syrian Refugees - Now!


Scotland: For the Right of Self-Determination! No Support for Brexit or Remain!


Ireland: Sinn Féin Wins in Historic Result


UK: Labour Elects New Leadership after Humiliating Defeat


On the Elections in Britain and the Role of Zionism


Britain: Boris Johnson and the Tories win the General Election with an 84 Majority


France: Indefinite General Strike in All Sectors! Stop the neoliberal pension “reform” and bring down the Macron government!


Britain: Critical Support for the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn at the forthcoming General Election on December 12th


Britain: Grenfell Fire Tragedy Public Enquiry Report exonerates Corporate Figures of Social Murder


Britain: Boris Johnson makes last attempts for an agreement with the European Union


Spanish State: Freedom for Catalan Political Prisoners!


French Stalinists Join the Bandwagon of Anti-Migrant Demagoguery


Britain: Defy Boris Johnson's Coup Attempt to suspend Parliament!


Britain: For Mass Protests up to an indefinite General Strike to stop Johnson's Coup!


Chechnya: Rally against the Murder of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili by the Russian Security Service


Britain: Boris Johnson Determined to Impose a No Deal Brexit


Britain: Brexit and the Crisis of the Labour Party


Stalinist Chauvinism: The Example of the Greek KKE


Britain after the European Elections and Theresa May’s Resignation


UK: Critical Support for Labour at the EU Elections


Austria: FPÖ Leader Strache Forced to Resign – Right-Wing Government in Crisis!


UK: Demonstration in Solidarity with Palestine (11.5.2019)


On Assange and the right to free speech


Socialists and the EU Elections 2019


Protests in Ingushetia (Russia): Down with the Yunus-bek Yevkurov Government


Obituary: Russian RWP Leader Sergei Biets has Died


UK: Large Demonstration against Fascism and Racism


UK: Defend Chris Williamson and Others Against the Zionist Witch-Hunt!


Brexit: Theresa May Government on the Verge of Collapse


Brexit: A Historical Defeat for Tory Government!


UK: Peoples Assembly against Austerity March (Report with Pictures)


Brexit: May Narrowly Survives No-Confidence Vote in the Tory Party


UK: Defeat the Witch-Hunt by the Metropolitan Police against Anti-Zionists!


France: Defend the “Yellow Vests” Movement against State Repression!


Military Escalation between Russia and Ukraine at the Kerch Strait


Britain: No to the Anti-Russian Hysteria and Chauvinism!


Britain: No-Deal Brexit Is Imminent


Russia: Mass Arrests at Protest against Putin’s Pension Reform!


Britain: Boris Johnson Instigates Racial Hatred!


UK: Protests against Northamptonshire County Council cuts in Social care


Britain: Splits and Divisions inside both the Conservative Party as well as in Corbyn's Labour Party


Do it like the Danes! Important lessons from the protests against the ban of wearing face veils


Global Trade War: No to Great Power Jingoism in West and East!


The Trump-Putin Summit: A Meeting of Two Robber Chiefs


Protest against Trump Visit to Britain


Austria: Report (with Pictures and Videos) from a Mass Demonstration against the 12 Hour Day


[VIDEO] Why We Oppose Russian Imperialism


UK: Grenfell Tragedy One Year after the Fire


UK: Livingstone Resigns from the Labour Party


Austria: Islamophobic Racism on the Rise!


Poland: Stop State Repression against Socialists!


Russia: Free Viktor Filinkov, Igor Shishkin and other arrested Anarchists!


On the Escalating Greek-Turkish Tensions


France: Pour la Grève Générale – Illimitée, militante, multinationale!


Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Chechen People!


UK: Defend Jeremy Corbyn and his Supporters against the recent Zionist and Blairite Witchhunt!


Corbyn, Brexit and the Blairites’ Call for a Second Referendum


Carillion and the Crisis of British Capitalism


Catalunya/Catalonia: Election under the Shadow of Madrid’s Tyranny!


Britain: Sunderland’s 2021 Bid for the “City of Culture” will not benefit the Working Class


Larga vida a la República Catalana! Long live the Catalan Republic!


Catalonia: Puigdemont & Co. fear the Consistent Struggle for Independence!


1 October 2017: Big Decision for Catalonia


Interview with Russian Marxists: Imperialism, Authoritarian Regime and the Left in Russia


Catalonia: This is what Democracy looks like - The Spanish ambassador in Britain explains bourgeois democracy


Catalonia: Support the Democratic Right for Independence!


Catalonia: For the Immediate Release of All Arrested Officials!


Britain: Corbyn and Brexit


France: Down with the decrees of the Macron/Philippe government!


Fight Macron's Labor Bill: Time to shake France to its very foundations!


G20 Summit: A Symbol for Global Capitalism and its Crisis


Britain: Grenfell Tower Fire: When a Poor Man's Life Isn’t Worth £8


Britain: Elections are a disaster for Theresa May and the capitalists!


Second Terror Attack Comes to Britain


Britain: Terror Comes To Manchester - War Comes Home


UK General Election 8. June 2017: Vote for Labour – but organize the resistance!


Presidential Elections in France: Neither Le Pen nor Macron!


Stop Persecution of Homosexuals in Chechnya! Down with anti-gay chauvinism, lynching’s and Russian imperialism! For a free, red Chechnya!


Elections in France under Conditions of a State in Emergency


Brexit and the Crisis of British Imperialism


EU Politicians Call for Banning of Turkish Politicians


France: Nique la Police, avenge Theo! Throw the racist police out of the Banlieues, build self-defense committees and organize mass protests of the workers and oppressed!


Britain: For Critically Support for the Rank and File Candidate Ian Allinson in the Election for General Secretary of UNITE in 2017!


Britain: Capitalist Crisis Deepens but Left-Reformism fails to Provide a Solution


Britain: After Corbyns’ Re-Election: Fight against Austerity!


British Labour Party Leadership Election: Critical Support for Jeremy Corbyn


Defend Jeremy Corbyn against the Blairite-coup! Statement of RED LIBERATION


After the BREXIT Vote – Stormy times ahead for the workers and oppressed in Britain


National Elections in the Spanish State: Critical Support for Unidos Podemos!


France: Defeat the El Khomri Law!


Internationalist Week of Action around the 20th June 2016: Solidarity with Refugees in Europe and worldwide! Open the boarders! Stop deportations!


Defend Refugee Rights! Support the Arab Revolution! Defeat EU Chauvinism and Imperialism!


Joint Call for an International Day of Action on 20 June 2016  Open Europe’s Borders for Refugees! Solidarity with the Arab Revolution!


Defend Nazeem Shah and Ken Livingstone against the Pro Zionist Labour Leadership!


Steel Crisis in Britain


UK: No to Cameron’s Trap: Neither YES nor NO to UK membership in the EU! For Abstention in the Referendum!


How Jeremy Corbyn has capitulated to the Pro-War and Pro-Austerity Wing of the Labour Party


For a General Strike to Bring Down the Cameron Government! For a Workers’ Government! For a Constituent Assembly!


Britain: Defeat Zionism in the Labour Party


What Do the Panama Papers Reveal?


Crisis and Class Struggle in Ireland after the General Election


Terror in Brussels: The War comes Home


Interview with Alan Can (Kurdish Syrian refugee in Austria)


Report from anti-fascist Demonstration in Austria against the "Akademikerball 2016"


The Housing Crisis in Britain in 2015


Portugal: For a Workers’ Offensive against Austerity!


Britain: Statement on the Public Controversy about the STOP THE WAR Coalition


Increasing Instability and Militarization in the European Union


Britain: Stop Cameron’s War Drive against the Syrian People!


Terror in Paris is the Result of Imperialist Terror in the Middle East!


RCIT-Articles on Solidarity with Refugees 


Britain: Defend Socialists in the Labour Party Threatened With Expulsion!


Greek Elections Result in Victory for the Reformist SYRIZA 


Throw Open the Gates of Europe to Refugees!


Upcoming Elections in Greece: Down with the Pro-Memorandum Parties! Critical Support for LAE (Popular Unity)! 


Britain: Corbyn Victorious in Labour Leadership Election


Greece: SYRIZA Splits after Tsipras-Government Capitulates to the EU


British Labour Party Leadership Contest: Critical Support for Jeremy Corbyn!


Boycott Cameron’s Trap: Neither Brussels, nor Downing Street! For Abstention in Britain’s EU-Referendum!


Audiofile: SYRIZA betrays Greece's Workers and Poor - "OXI" was not meant as a "YES" to another austerity program!


Bosnia War 1992-1995: The Lessons of Srebrenica


SYRIZA betrays Greece’s Workers and Poor – “OXI” was not meant as a “YES” to another austerity program!

61.3% Vote OXI in the Greek Referendum: A Victory for the Entire European Working Class!

Referendum in Greece on 5 July: Vote OXI! against the EU-Troika!

Britain: Defend Migrants and Ethnic Minorities from Racist and Fascist Attacks

Britain: Proposed Rail Strikes Abandoned by RMT Leadership

The British General Election of 2015: The Crisis of the Labour Party in Britain

Stop the Imperialist EU-War against Refugees!


Macedonia: Stop the Police Violence! Support the National Self-Determination of the Albanian Minority!


Britain: A Strong Signal against Racism


The General Election in Britain on May 7th 2015


France: The “Socialist” Government’s Neoliberal Autocracy


Greece: No to the Surrender of the SYRIZA Leadership


The Minsk Agreement and the Civil War in the Ukraine


Freedom and Self-Determination for Kosova!


Collection of RCIT-Articles on Greece


Greek Elections: SYRIZA Wins … and Forms an Alliance with Reactionary Racists!


Elections in Greece: Vote SYRIZA but Don’t Trust the Tsipras Leadership!


Collection of Articles on the Paris Attack Against the Charlie Hebdo Office


The Racist Character of Charlie Hebdo and the pro-imperialist campaign “Je Suis Charlie”


After the Paris Attack: Socialists must Join Hands with Muslim People Against Imperialism and Racism!


France: “Communist” Party fails to Vote in Parliament against Imperialist War in Iraq!


France: Defend the Muslim People against Wars, Chauvinism, and Repression!


France: Brief Statement on the Attacks in Paris


Borotba activists Maxim Firsov, Victor Shapinov and Maria Muratova missing


The Uprising in East Ukraine and Russian Imperialism


Swedish police in assassination attempt - to wash the dirty linen now!


After the Fascist Pogrom in Odessa: Advance the Struggle against the Counterrevolution in the Ukraine!


Counterrevolution and Mass Resistance in the Ukraine


Russia continues its Repression against Migrants


Russia: Stop the Attacks on Migrant Workers Rights!


Ukraine/Russia: The victory over the imperialist colonialism is impossible without the proletarian revolution!


Ukraine: Rivalry between Imperialist Powers escalates after Right-Wing Coup: Stop the Imperialist Saber-Rattling!


Right-Wing Forces Take Power in the Ukraine: Mobilize the Working Class against the New Government!


No to the Terror of the Bandera-Fascists! Stop the Repression against the Communists of Ukraine!


Austria: Report (with Pictures and Videos) from Rally in Solidarity with the Bosnian Revolution (22.2.2014)


Austria: Report (with Pictures and Videos) from Rally in Solidarity with the Bosnian Revolution (15.2.2014)


Austria: Report (with Pictures and Videos) from Rally in Solidarity with the Bosnian Revolution (11.2.2014)


International Workers Aid: Our Solidarity Work with the Liberation Struggle of Bosnia in 1992-95


Ukraine: Weder Brüssel noch Moskau! Für einen unabhängigen Arbeiterstaat!


Für den Sieg der Bosnischen Revolution


Victory to the Bosnian Revolution!


Austria: Successful Conference of Red*REVOLUTION and Greetings to Revolutionaries around the World


Ukraine: Neither Brussels nor Moscow! For an independent Workers’ Republic!


Austria: The Great Second School Student Strike on December 12! (with Photos and Videos)


Austria: Red*REVOLUTION calls for a second School Student Strike on December 12!


Austria: Successful School Student Strike on 6.December 2013!


Austria: School Students go on strike for their education rights!


Austria: School Students protest against attack on education rights!


RKOB-Aktionsprogramm für Österreich


Österreich: Über den Ausgang der KV-Verhandlungen der Metaller und seine Lehren


RKOB-Flugblatt: Vorwärts zum Metallerstreik in Österreich!


Österreich: Metaller KV-Verhandlungen '13 – Jetzt gilt es in den STREIK zu treten!


Greece: Honor Pavlos Fyssas! Smash the fascist Golden Dawn!


Solidarity with Michael-Matsas: Picket in London and Letter of Protest to Greek Ambassador


Stop the witch-hunt against WikiLeaks and Assange!


Austria: Report and Pictures from Demonstration against Deportation of Refugees

Griechenland: Sofortiger Stop des Prozesses gegen Savas Michael-Matsas!


Greece: Down with the Trial against Savas Michael-Matsas!


The Way Forward and the Obstacles for the Anti-Capitalist Fight Back in Europe. Declaration on the Alter Summit in Athens, June 2013


Britain: Statement on Woolwich Attack


Sweden: Long live the Uprising of the Migrants!


Greece: Solidarity with the hunger strike of the migrants


France: Fight against the Discrimination of the LGBT Community


Cyprus: General strike against EU Troika Diktat and Austerity Program


Bulgaria: Build Councils of the Workers and Poor, not a "Public Council"!