Sri Lanka: Organize the Mass Struggle to Bring Down the Rajapakshe Regime!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 3 April 2022,




1.            The reactionary regime of the Rajapaksa clan – with Gotabaya being President and Mahinda being Prime Minister – has imposed a state of emergency in Sri Lanka in order to smash a spontaneous mass uprising. The government has ordered troops to reinforce the police “to discourage any unrest.” Since a few days, the island is rocked by spontaneous mass protests including thousands of people besieging the residence of the President.


2.            These protests are a response against the dramatic consequences of the economic crisis for the popular masses. Prices of essential commodities – including oil and gas – have massively increased and households experience regular and long-lasting power cuts. Several people have died from exhaustion while waiting in long queues for food.


3.            The dramatic economic crisis is the result of a combination of causes. As a capitalist semi-colony, Sri Lanka faces super-exploitation by imperialist corporations, banks and global institutions. The country’s debts have massively increased in the past decade – from $19.5 billion (2009) to more than $56 billion (2019). As a result, its external debt stock was the equivalent 69% of the Gross National Income and 285% of its exports income in the years 2019. Among the most important imperialist creditors are the IMF as well as China.


4.            Since then, the situation has worsened even more – mainly for two reasons. First, the Great Depression of the capitalist world economy began in autumn 2019. And, secondly, the Second Slump at the end of last year and, more recently, the Ukraine War and the economic warfare between the imperialist powers have dramatically affected Sri Lanka’s economy. Its foreign-exchange reserves have fallen from $7.6 billion in 2019 to $2.3 billion in October 2021. At the beginning of this year, its useable reserves fell below US$1 billion. The government is therefore unable to repay the $6.9 billion owed in 2022. As a result of the economic crisis, more than half a million people have fallen below the poverty line in the past two years, according to the World Bank.


5.            The mass protests have a very spontaneous character. People are demanding the downfall of the regime. A famous slogan is “Gotabaya go home!” referring to the fact that the President did live for many years in the U.S. Hence, people speak about the “GotaGoHome” movement.


6.            The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) and its comrades in Sri Lanka support the spontaneous mass movement. If the regime does not succeed in putting down these protests, they could soon open a (pre-)revolutionary crisis. Given the deep political and economic crisis of the capitalist world order, we are convinced that the explosive developments in Sri Lanka are a harbinger of revolutionary upheavals in other countries.


7.            At the moment, the most important task in Sri Lanka is to transform the spontaneous protests into an organized uprising. For this it is urgent that the masses organize themselves in action committees and popular councils based in workplaces, neighbourhoods and villages. Representatives of such committees should form a national delegate body in order to lead the struggle. Activists within the splintered trade union movement should call for a national unified coordination so that the unions can jointly fight against the government.


8.            The RCIT considers it as most important to transform the protests into a real “hartal” – a national general strike combined with an uprising to finish off the reactionary Rajapaksa regime.


9             Socialists in Sri Lanka should work towards winning the movement for an Action Program which would include the following demands.


* For massive wage increase in order to fight the consequences of high inflation.


* For a sliding scale of wages, i.e. an automatic rise in wages in relation to the increase in price of consumer goods.


* Fight inflation by imposing price control, supervised by committees on prices, made up of delegates from workers and poor peasants movement.


* Non-payment of debts! Cancel all debts!


* Nationalise the key industries and banks under workers control! Expropriate all imperialist corporations!


* For the unconditional right of national self-determination of the Tamil people, including the right to separate and to form their independent state!


* Down with the Rajapaksa regime! For a workers and poor peasants government based on popular councils and militias!


10.          The RCIT calls all activists who agree with such a platform to join forces and to advance the construction of a revolutionary party!




Sri Lanka: ¡Organizar la lucha de masas para derribar el régimen de Rajapakshe!


Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI), 3 de abril de 2022,




1. El régimen reaccionario del clan Rajapaksa, con Gotabaya como presidente y Mahinda como primer ministro, ha impuesto un estado de emergencia en Sri Lanka para aplastar un levantamiento masivo de los trabajadores y el pueblo pobre. El gobierno ha ordenado a las tropas que refuercen a la policía “para desalentar cualquier disturbio”. Desde hace unos días, la isla es sacudida por protestas masivas espontáneas que incluyen a miles de personas que asediaron la residencia del presidente.


3. La dramática crisis económica es el resultado de una combinación de causas. Como semi-colonia capitalista, Sri Lanka se enfrenta a la superexplotación por parte de las corporaciones imperialistas, los bancos y las instituciones globales. Las deudas del país han aumentado enormemente en la última década, de $ 19,5 mil millones (2009) a más de $ 56 mil millones (2019). Como resultado, su stock de deuda externa fue equivalente al 69% del Ingreso Nacional Bruto y al 285% de sus ingresos por exportaciones en los años 2019. Entre los acreedores imperialistas más importantes se encuentran el FMI y China.


2. Estas protestas son una respuesta a las dramáticas consecuencias de la crisis económica para las masas populares. Los precios de los productos básicos, incluidos el petróleo y el gas, han aumentado enormemente y los hogares experimentan cortes de energía regulares y prolongados. Varias personas han muerto de agotamiento mientras esperaban en largas colas para recibir comida.


4. Desde entonces, la situación ha empeorado aún más, principalmente por dos razones. Primero, la Gran Depresión de la economía capitalista mundial, que comenzó en otoño de 2019. Y, segundo, la Segunda Depresión a fines del año pasado y, más recientemente, la Guerra de Ucrania junto con la intensificación de la guerra económica entre las potencias imperialistas. Por todo esto, sus reservas de divisas han caído de 7600 millones de dólares en 2019 a 2300 millones de dólares en octubre de 2021, a principios de este año, estos activos utilizables cayeron por debajo de los 1000 millones de dólares. Por lo tanto, el gobierno no puede pagar los 6.900 millones de dólares adeudados en 2022. Como resultado de la crisis económica, más de medio millón de personas han caído por debajo del umbral de la pobreza en los últimos dos años, según el Banco Mundial.


5. Las protestas masivas tienen un carácter muy espontáneo. La gente exige la caída del régimen. Un eslogan famoso es "¡Gotabaya vete a casa!" refiriéndose al hecho de que el presidente vivió durante muchos años en los EE. UU. Por lo tanto, la gente habla sobre el movimiento "GotaGoHome".


6. La Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI) y sus camaradas en Sri Lanka apoyan a los trabajadores y el pueblo de Sri Lanka en lucha, asumiendo que, si el régimen no logra sofocar estas protestas, pronto podría producirse una crisis de carácter (pre)revolucionaria. Dada la profunda caída en la que se encuentra el orden mundial capitalista, estamos convencidos de que los desarrollos explosivos en Sri Lanka son un presagio de levantamientos revolucionarios en otros países.


7. Por el momento, la tarea más importante en Sri Lanka es transformar las protestas espontáneas en un levantamiento organizado. Para ello es urgente que las masas se organicen a través comités de acción y consejos populares con base en los centros de trabajo, barrios y pueblos. Los representantes de dichos comités deben coordinar entre sí, con delegados nacionales, de manera de liderar la lucha. Los activistas dentro del fragmentado movimiento sindical deberían reclamar e imponer una coordinación nacional unificada para que los sindicatos puedan luchar juntos contra el gobierno.  


8. La CCRI considera de suma importancia transformar las protestas en una verdadera rebelión, con una huelga general nacional combinada con grandes movilizaciones, para acabar con el régimen reaccionario de Rajapaksa.


9. Los Socialistas en Sri Lanka deberían trabajar para ganar el movimiento de masas para un Programa de Acción que incluiría las siguientes demandas.


* Por aumento masivo de salarios para combatir las consecuencias de la alta inflación.


* Para una escala móvil de salarios, es decir un aumento automático de los salarios en relación con el aumento del precio de los bienes de consumo.


* Para acabar con la inflación, imponiendo un control de precios, supervisado por comités de precios, integrados por delegados del movimiento obrero y campesino pobre.


* ¡Por el desconocimiento y la cancelación de todas las deudas que tiene el país con los imperialistas!


* ¡Por la nacionalización de las industrias clave y los bancos bajo el control de los trabajadores y la expropiación de todas las corporaciones imperialistas!


* ¡Por el derecho incondicional a la autodeterminación nacional del pueblo tamil, incluido el derecho a separarse y formar su estado independiente!


* ¡Abajo el régimen de Rajapaksa! ¡Por un gobierno obrero y campesino basado en consejos populares y milicias!


10. ¡La CCRI llama a todos los activistas que estén de acuerdo con tal plataforma a unir fuerzas y avanzar en la construcción de un partido revolucionario!




Шри-Ланка: За массовую борьбу против режима Раджапакса!


Заявление Революционной коммунистической интернациональной тенденции, 3 апреля 2022 года,




1. Реакционный режим клана Раджапакса ввёл чрезвычайное положение в Шри-Ланке для того, чтобы подавить спонтанное восстание масс. Правительство приказало войскам усилить полицию, "чтобы препятствовать любым беспорядкам". В течение нескольких дней Шри-Ланку сотрясают стихийные массовые протесты, включая тысячи людей, осаждающих резиденцию президента.


2. Эти протесты являются реакцией против в ответ на последствия экономического кризиса. Цены на товары первой необходимости, включая нефть и газ, значительно выросли, а домохозяйства испытывают постоянные и длительные перебои с электричеством. Несколько человек умерли от истощения, стоя в длинных очередях за продуктами.


3. Тыжелый экономический кризис является результатом сочетания причин. Будучи капиталистической полуколонией, Шри-Ланка сталкивается со сверхэксплуатацией со стороны империалистических корпораций, банков и глобальных институтов. За последнее десятилетие долги страны массово выросли с 19,5 млрд долларов (2009 год) до более чем 56 млрд долларов (2019 год). В результате, запас её внешних долгов составил эквивалент 69% валового национального дохода и 285% доходов от экспорта в 2019 году. Среди наиболее важных империалистических кредиторов - МВФ, а также КНР.


4. С тех пор ситуация ухудшилась еще больше по двум причинам. Во-первых, осенью 2019 года начался капиталистический кризис мировой экономики. Вв-вторых, Второй спад в конце прошлого года и, совсем недавно, война в Украине и экономическая война между империалистическими державами резко повлияли на экономику Шри-Ланки. Её валютные резервы сократились с $7,6 млрд в 2019 году до $2,3 млрд в октябре 2021 года. В начале этого года его пригодные для использования резервы упали ниже 1 млрд долларов США. Поэтому правительство не в состоянии погасить задолженность в размере 6,9 млрд долларов в 2022 году. В результате экономического кризиса за последние два года, по данным Всемирного банка, более полумиллиона человек оказались за чертой бедности.


5. Массовые протесты имеют очень спонтанный характер. Люди требуют падения режима. Известный лозунг - "Gotabaya go home!", ссылаясь на то, что президент действительно много лет жил в США. Следовательно, люди говорят о движении "GotaGoHome".


6. РКИТ и её товарищи в Шри-Ланке поддерживают спонтанное массовое движение. Если режиму не удастся подавить эти протесты, то вскоре они могут открыть (пред)революционный кризис. Учитывая глубокий политический и экономический кризис капиталистического миропорядка, мы убеждены, что взрывные события в Шри-Ланке являются предвестником революционных потрясений в других странах.


7. На данный момент важнейшей задачей в Шри-Ланке является превращение спонтанных протестов в организованное восстание. Для этого необходимо срочно организовать массы в комитеты действия и народные советы, базирующиеся на рабочих местах, в кварталах и деревнях. Представители таких комитетов должны сформировать национальный орган, чтобы возглавить борьбу. Активисты внутри расколотого профсоюзного движения должны призвать к национальной единой координации, чтобы профсоюзы могли совместно бороться против правительства.


8. РКИТ считает самым важным превратить протесты в настоящий "хартал" - общенациональную всеобщую забастовку в сочетании с восстанием, чтобы покончить с реакционным режимом Раджапаксы.


9 Социалисты Шри-Ланки должны добиваться победы в движении за Программу действий, которая будет включать следующие требования.


* За массовое повышение заработной платы, чтобы бороться с последствиями высокой инфляции.


* За скользящую шкалу заработной платы, то есть автоматическое повышение зарплаты в зависимости от роста цен на потребительские товары.


* Бороться с инфляцией путем введения контроля над ценами, под надзором комитетов по ценам, состоящих из делегатов от рабочего и бедного крестьянского движения.


* Невыплата долгов! Аннулировать все долги!


* За национализацию ключевых отраслей промышленности и банков под контролем рабочих! За экспроприацию всех империалистических корпораций!


* За безусловное право на национальное самоопределение тамильского народа, включая право на отделение и формирование своего независимого государства!


* Долой режим Раджапаксы! За правительство рабочих и бедных крестьян, основанное на народных советах и ополчении!


10. РКИТ призывает всех активистов, согласных с такой платформой, объединить усилия и продвигать строительство революционной партии!




The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka


Report by Prasad, Correspondent of the RCIT, 2 April 2022,




The island nation is struggling to pay for essential imports after a 70 percent drop in foreign exchange reserves.


People are still gathering in large numbers holding placards and shouting slogans and demanding that the government provide immediate solutions to the fuel shortage, power crisis, gas shortage, and soaring commodity prices in the country.


Meanwhile Police in Sri Lanka have announced a 36-hour curfew ahead of planned mass anti-government protests against worsening shortages of food, fuel and medicine in the South Asian island nation.


The curfew will go into effect at dusk on Saturday and be lifted on Monday morning, police said a day after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa imposed a state of emergency giving authorities sweeping powers in the wake of mass protests against the unprecedented economic crisis.


The imposition of such a curfew is likely to provoke further public outcry of the country's citizens uniting non-partisanly tomorrow (April 3) to launch a massive campaign.


Sri Lanka: Report about the Economic and Political Situation in Sri Lanka


Report by Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union, with a brief Preface of the Editorial Board of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 28 April 2022,




Preface of the Editorial Board


Below we publish a report of comrade Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union. The report shows the dramatic deterioration of the living conditions of the popular masses which has provoked mass protests. As comrade Chandimal Wijeratne also reports, these protests are developing towards a hartal – a general strike combined with a total shutdown of all public institutions – which shall take place on 6 May.


It is clear that Sri Lanka is moving towards a (pre-)revolutionary situation. The masses are not willing to tolerate the worsening of their living conditions and they demand the downfall of the regime. The government is in deep crisis and wavers. As we outlined in a recent RCIT statement, the decisive question is now to organize the masses in popular councils so that they can overthrow the government and replace it with a workers and poor peasant government based on popular councils and militias. (See


The Sri Lankan comrades of the RCIT fully support the hartal and agitate for a program which includes the following demands:


* For massive wage increase in order to fight the consequences of high inflation.


* For a sliding scale of wages, i.e. an automatic rise in wages in relation to the increase in price of consumer goods.


* Fight inflation by imposing price control, supervised by committees on prices, made up of delegates from workers and poor peasants movement.


* Non-payment of debts! Cancel all debts!


* Nationalise the key industries and banks under workers control! Expropriate all imperialist corporations!


* For the unconditional right of national self-determination of the Tamil people, including the right to separate and to form their independent state!


* Down with the Rajapaksa regime! For a workers and poor peasants government based on popular councils and militias!




* * * * *




The economic and political situation in Sri Lanka is extremely precarious. Commodity prices have risen sharply over the past three months. Here is how the prices of some essential commodities have gone up from 2022.01.01 to 2022.04.27.


91% octane 92 petrol liter                             Today's price.99 $


139% per liter of diesel                                  Today's price is .85 $


77% gas cylinders 12.5 kg                             Today's price is 14.29$


77% of 1 kg of sugar                                       Today's price .76 $


1 kg of dhal 111%                                            Today the price is $ 1.70


57% of 1 kg of rice                                           Today's price is .70 $


400 gm milk powder packet 65%              Today's price is $ 2.32


1 kg bread flour 92%                                      Today's price .82 $




In addition to rising commodity prices, there has been a shortage of goods. There is a shortage of many essential commodities such as gas, fuel and milk powder. In this situation, the people of Sri Lanka are agitating for the resignation of the President, the Prime Minister and the government.


On April 9, a group of non-partisan youths blocked and captured the main gate of the Presidential Secretariat. They are still there today. Various groups are coming to support it. They provide food, water, sanitation, etc. to the protesters. Some nights attendance exceeded 10,000.


Every day, Sri Lankan workers, farmers and students take to the streets to demand the government's resignation. Picket. On the 25th the teachers reported sick leave. Today is a strike. It had the support of about 1,000 unions. The public service was completely inactive. There were also a number of strikes in the private sector. Shops were closed in some cities. More than 25,000 people took part in the protests in Colombo.


Protests took place in almost every other city, all demanding the resignation of the cabinet, led by the president and prime minister. If they do not resign within a week, May 6 will be declared a "National Day of Protest" and the course of action for that day has not yet been decided. The Ceylon Independent Teachers' Union also actively contributes to all these activities.




Chandimal Wijeratne


General Secretary 


Ceylon Independent Teachers' Service Union




Postscript: Hartal on 6 May


A 'hartal' will be held in Sri Lanka on 6 May 2022, demanding the resignation of the President and the government due to the rising cost of living. It has the support of more than 1,000 trade unions and mass organizations.




Habla el trotskismo de Sri Lanka, en medio de la huelga general


Informe de Chandimal Wijetatne, secretario general del Sindicato del Servicio de Maestros Independientes de Ceilán, con un breve prefacio del Consejo Editorial de la CCRI, 28 de abril de 2022 ,




Chandimal Wijetatne explica el dramático deterioro de las condiciones de vida de las masas populares, que ha provocado protestas masivas, acciones que se están convirtiendo en un hartal, palabra Gujerati que significa protestas masivas, que generalmente implican una huelga, cierre de trabajo, oficina, tienda y piquetes). Está claro que Sri Lanka se está moviendo hacia una situación prerevolucionaria, ya que las masas no están dispuestas a tolerar el empeoramiento de sus condiciones de vida y, en ese marco, exigen la caída del régimen. 


El gobierno está en profunda crisis y vacila, por lo tanto, como señalamos en un comunicado reciente de nuestra Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional, CCRI, la cuestión decisiva ahora es organizar a las masas en consejos populares para que puedan derrocar al gobierno y reemplazarlo por un ejecutivo propio, de carácter obrero y campesino, apoyado en los consejos democráticos y las milicias. (Ver )


Nuestros camaradas de Sri Lanka, integrantes de la CCRI, apoyan plenamente la rebelión, realizando campaña por un programa que incluye las siguientes demandas: Por aumento masivo de salarios para combatir las consecuencias de la alta inflación. Por una escala móvil de salarios, es decir, una subida automática de salarios en relación con el aumento de precio de los bienes de consumo. Combatir la inflación imponiendo un control de precios, supervisado por comités de precios, integrados por delegados del movimiento obrero y campesino pobre.  


¡Por el no  pago de las deudas, por su total y absoluta cancelación! ¡Nacionalizar las industrias clave y los bancos bajo el control de los trabajadores! ¡Expropiar todas las corporaciones imperialistas! ¡Por el derecho incondicional a la autodeterminación nacional del pueblo tamil, incluido el derecho a separarse y formar su estado independiente! ¡Abajo el régimen de Rajapaksa! ¡Por un gobierno obrero y campesino basado en consejos populares y milicias! 


Habla Chandimal Wijeratne 


La situación económica y política en Sri Lanka es extremadamente precaria. Los precios de las materias primas han aumentado considerablemente en los últimos tres meses. Así es como los precios de algunos productos básicos han subido desde el 01.01.2022 hasta el 27.04.2022. Además del aumento de los precios, hay escasez de muchos productos básicos, como gas, combustible y leche en polvo. En esta situación, el pueblo de Sri Lanka está exigiendo la renuncia del presidente, el primer ministro y el gobierno.  


El 9 de abril, un grupo de jóvenes independientes de los partidos bloquearon y tomaron la puerta principal de la Secretaría Presidencial, permaneciendo aún allí. Varios grupos están yendo a apoyarlos, proporcionándoles alimentos, agua, elementos de sanidad, etc. Algunas noches, la asistencia de personas solidarias en ese lugar, superó los 10.000. Todos los días, los trabajadores, agricultores y estudiantes de Sri Lanka salen a las calles para exigir la renuncia del gobierno. 


El día 25 los profesores informaron que dejarba de ir a las escuelas por enfermedad, actitud que terminó convirtiéndose en una gran huelga que contó con el apoyo de unos 1.000 sindicatos. El servicio público permaneció completamente inactivo, al igual que varios sectores privados, como las tiendas que cerraron en algunas ciudades. 


En ese marco, más de 25.000 personas participaron en las protestas en Colombo, pero también se realizaron movilizaciones en casi todas las demás ciudades exigiendo la renuncia del gabinete. Si no renuncian dentro de una semana, este 6 de mayo será declarado "Día Nacional de Protesta". Desde el Sindicato de Maestros Independientes de Ceilán estamos contribuyendo activamente a las protestas.




Sri Lanka: A Massive Hartal Brings the Country to a Standstill!


Report by Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union, with a brief Preface of the Editorial Board of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 7 May 2022,




Preface of the Editorial Board


Below we publish another report of comrade Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union. A few days ago, a massive hartal – a general strike combined with a total shutdown of all public institutions – brought the country to a standstill on 6 May.


This is an historic event as this has been the first hartal since more than four decades! It demonstrates the power of the working class defending their interests. It also shows that the working class and the popular masses seem to have overcome the terrible effects of the massive defeats in the past decades – most importantly the horrendous crushing of the Tamil liberation struggle and the slaughter of more than 40,000 Tamil civilians in the last months of the civil war in 2009!


However, the reactionary Rajapaksa regime tries to stay in power by imposing a state of emergency. This shows the real danger of a military coup d'état aiming at brutally suppressing the popular uprising.


The RCIT repeats the urgent necessity to unite the masses around a program of struggle in defense of the living standards, for the cancellation of foreign debts and for the nationalization of key industries and banks under workers control. At the same time, it is crucial to fight against the state of emergency.


Socialists work towards organizing the masses in popular councils so that they can overthrow the government and replace it with a workers and poor peasant government based on popular councils and militias. (See our statement




* * * * *




The whole country is now paralyzed due to the hartal movement launched by the trade unions on May 06 to protest against the government. Public transport across the country has been completely disrupted. Trains will be closed after midnight on May 5 and private buses will not run. Banks have also been closed due to non-reporting of government and private bank employees. Many shops have been closed and black flags hoisted. Protests were held in front of the zones and financial trading centers were closed. All public and private schools were closed due to non-attendance of teachers and students. University professors, non-academic staff and students boycotted.


Hundreds of thousands of people marched and protested in various parts of the island. The whole state apparatus was paralyzed by this hartal. Parliament convened on Hartal Day. In the evening, inter-university students and locals cordoned off the entrance to the parliament. Locals carried brooms and waited for the MPs to arrive. Police were transporting the MPs along the by-roads.


The demand of the people is that the President and the 225 Members of Parliament should not be allowed. The government called an emergency cabinet meeting. The state of emergency was declared. The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has inquired into six reasons. A number of countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the European Union, have expressed concern.


Sources say that Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa is likely to resign on Monday (May 09). Meanwhile, trade unions and mass organizations have declared the week beginning on the 9th as 'Protest Week'.


Chandimal Wijerathna


General Secretary 


Ceylon Independent Teachers' Service Union




Huelga general en Sri Lanka, habla dirigente docente de la CCRI


Sri Lanka: ¡Huelga General paraliza el país! Informe de Chandimal Wijetatne, secretario general del Sindicato del Servicio de Maestros de la Independencia de Ceilán, con un breve prefacio del Consejo Editorial de la Tendencia Internacional Comunista Revolucionaria (RCIT), 7 de mayo de 2022 ,




Prefacio del Consejo Editorial


A continuación publicamos otro informe del camarada Chandimal Wijetatne, Secretario General del Sindicato del Servicio de Maestros de la Independencia de Ceilán. Hace unos días, un hartal (palabra del dialecto malayo) masivo -una huelga general combinada con el cierre total de todas las instituciones públicas- paralizó el país el 6 de mayo.


¡Este es un evento histórico, ya que ha sido el primer hartal desde hace más de cuatro décadas! Demuestra el poder de la clase obrera defendiendo sus intereses. También muestra que la clase obrera y las masas populares parecen haber superado los terribles efectos de las derrotas masivas de las últimas décadas, sobre todo el horrendo aplastamiento de la lucha de liberación tamil y la matanza de más de 40.000 civiles tamiles en los últimos meses. de la guerra civil en 2009! 


Sin embargo, el régimen reaccionario de Rajapaksa intenta mantenerse en el poder imponiendo un estado de emergencia. Esto muestra el peligro real de un golpe de Estado militar destinado a reprimir brutalmente el levantamiento popular. La CCRI reitera la urgente necesidad de unir a las masas en torno a un programa de lucha en defensa de los niveles de vida, por la cancelación de las deudas externas y por la nacionalización de las principales industrias y bancos bajo control obrero. Al mismo tiempo, es crucial luchar contra el estado de excepción.


Los socialistas trabajan para organizar a las masas en consejos populares para que puedan derrocar al gobierno y reemplazarlo con un gobierno de trabajadores y campesinos pobres basado en consejos populares y milicias. (Vea nuestra declaración )


Reportaje al compañero Chandimal Wijetatne de la CCRI de Sri Lanka


Todo el país está ahora paralizado debido a la fenomenal huelga general, hartal, lanzada por los sindicatos el 06 de mayo para protestar contra el gobierno. El transporte público en todo el país se ha visto completamente interrumpido, los trenes estarán cerrados después de la medianoche del 5 de mayo y los autobuses privados no funcionarán.


Los bancos también se han cerrado debido a la falta de informes de los empleados del gobierno y de los bancos privados, también se han cerrado muchas tiendas y se han izado banderas negras. Se realizaron protestas frente a las zonas y se cerraron los centros comerciales financieros. Todas las escuelas públicas y privadas fueron cerradas debido a la inasistencia de maestros y estudiantes, profesores universitarios, personal no académico y estudiantes boicoteados.  


Cientos de miles de personas marcharon y protestaron en varios puntos de la isla, donde todo el aparato estatal quedó paralizado por este hartal. Por la noche, estudiantes interuniversitarios y vecinos acordonaron la entrada al parlamento, que se reunió en medio de las protestas. Los lugareños cargaron escobas y esperaron a que llegaran los diputados, mientras tanto, la policía transportaba a los parlamentarios por las carreteras secundarias.  


La demanda del pueblo es que no se les permita al Presidente y a los 225 diputados llevar adelante sus políticas de ajuste y represión. El gobierno convocó una reunión de gabinete de emergencia, declarando el estado de excepción. La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Sri Lanka está investigando la situación y, en ese marco, varios países, como Estados Unidos, Canadá, el Reino Unido, Nueva Zelanda y la Unión Europea, han expresado su preocupación.


Las fuentes dicen que es probable que el primer ministro Mahinda Rajapaksa renuncie el lunes (9 de mayo). Mientras tanto, sindicatos y organizaciones de masas han declarado la semana que comienza el día 9 como 'Semana de Protesta'.  (ver imágenes e informe en inglés)




Sri Lanka: Popular Uprising force Prime Minister to Resign


Report by Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union, with a Preface of the Editorial Board, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 14 May 2022,




Preface of the Editorial Board


Below we publish another report of comrade Chandimal Wijetatne, General Secretary of the Ceylon Independence Teacher Service Union. As the report shows, the popular uprising had already a first success and forced Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa to resign. However, his brother – Gotabhaya Rajapakse – is still running the country as President. More importantly, the ruling class – while their institutions are shattered – still controls the economy as well as the state institutions.


As the RCIT has pointed out in past statements and articles, the central task now is to overthrow the government via an indefinite hartal (a general strike combined with a total shutdown of all public institutions) and to replace it with a workers and poor peasant government. In order to organize such a struggle, it is crucial to organize the working class and the rural masses in popular councils and militias. (See our statement


The biggest problem is the lack of a strong revolutionary party which could win the masses for such a perspective and which could organize the vanguard on the basis of a socialist program. As a result, bourgeois opposition forces can maneuver and undermine the struggle as the report of comrade Chandimal demonstrates.


A revolutionary party would also be able to combat the reactionary influence of the JVP (Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, English: People's Liberation Front) within the working class. The JVP is a petty-bourgeois party which originated in 1965 as an organization of revolutionary youth in the Guevarist tradition. It launched an important armed insurrection in 1971 which was brutally smashed by the regime. However, it later degenerated into a Sinhala chauvinist party joining the reactionary government in 2004 – ironically led by Mahinda Rajapaksa. This government intensified the war against the Tamil minority and finally crushed the Tamil Tigers, slaughtering more than 40,000 civilians in the last months of the civil war in 2009.


Today the JVP is an opposition party with strong influence within the trade union movement. It combines “Marxist” phraseology with petty-bourgeois policy of maneuvering and alliances with bourgeois forces. It is crucial to build a strong revolutionary party in order to combat their influence among the working class and the rural poor.




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Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned from his post on the 9th May amidst strong public opposition. Prior to his resignation, he had summoned local leaders from across the country to his official residence, where he reportedly spoke provocatively to his supporters. Mahinda's supporters then stormed the Gota Go village in Galle Face (this is an area occupied by protestors which is close to the Presidential residence, Ed.). The prime minister has not yet resigned. Supporters from the PM's official residence vandalized all temporary shelters in the anti-government Gota Go village while security forces watched.


As soon as this situation was reported, ordinary people in the city of Colombo took to the streets and retaliated against the Prime Minister's supporters. In addition, supporters of the Prime Minister returning from Colombo were attacked outside the capital.


Lankadeepa“ reports on the damage caused by the people's retaliatory attack on government supporters island wide after the government thugs attacked the 'Gota Go village'.


‘‘Gota Go Villege" in Galle Face Green and "Maina Go Villege" in front of Temple Trees were attacked by thugs in support of the Sri Lanka People's Front.


People set fire to more than 100 buses and other vehicles that had come to attack the villages of Gota and Maina. (Gota is President Gotabhaya Rajapakse. Maina is Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa)


As a result of the clashes, the houses of about 55 government ministers and MPs have been set on fire. 232 injured and hospitalized. Nine people were killed, including a government MP.


The government imposed an island-wide curfew on the 9th at 2 p.m. The prime minister then announced his resignation. Curfew lasts from 11.00 am to 07.00 pm. The curfew imposed at 2 pm on the 11th was in effect until 6 am on the 12th. Curfew was re-imposed on the 12th and 13th


Meanwhile, about 2,000 unions had decided to go on strike until President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa resigned.


However, after the resignation of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, the trade unions affiliated to the JVP decided to call off the strike. The reason given was that the strike was called off to avoid embarrassment to the people and to prevent the country from becoming anarchic. The end result was that other unions had to abandon the strike. This is because the JVP holds the majority in the trade union movement.


We think the Frontline Socialist Party and the Catholic Church are behind the "Gota Go Village" campaign in front of the Presidential Secretariat in Gulface. This is the only time the Catholic Church has been openly involved in politics in post-independence Sri Lanka.


The 'Gota Go Village' battle is likely to weaken as the JVP abandons its proposed strike until Gotabhaya steps down as president. Here are some of the reasons why. One of them is the attempt to attack the leader of the opposition who went to investigate the attack on the ‘‘Gota Go Village " by government thugs on the 9th by a group of people who are believed to be JVP activists. Their support for Gota Go village is being eroded as they try to attack the opposition leader, a popular and powerful figure among Colombo's urban slums and low-income earners. The other reason is that with Ranil Wickremesinghe becoming the Prime Minister, there is a good hope among the urban upper middle class who supported Gota Go village.


The new Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has stated that he will bring about political reforms as well as economic reforms. Political reforms will be presented in two months. A number of capitalist countries, including the United States, India and the European Union, have already pledged their support. The stock market was growing when he was prime minister. The rupee rose. India has stated that it will supply the required amount of urea to Sri Lanka in full. New Zealand provided $ 500,000 in aid. The ambassadors of the above countries met with all the opposition leaders and asked them to support the new government. The national and international bourgeoisie believes that Ranil Wickremesinghe is the savior of the Sri Lankan bourgeoisie. Otherwise, Ranil, who has only one seat in the 225-seat parliament, would not be prime minister.


It can be said that the JVP in the guise of Marxism was instrumental in re-establishing the domination of the bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan bourgeoisie will not be able to breathe unless the strike is called off. This is what they did during the 1980 general strike. They can be likened to dragons preying on the working class in Marxist guise.