A Strong Confirmation of the Marxists’ Opposition against the Lockdown Policy
By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 30 November 2022, www.thecommunists.net
The current wave of mass protests in China against the regime’s repressive Lockdown policy are a crucial event not only for the country but also globally. As we stated in a recently published declaration, the RCIT fully supports this popular rebellion which has spread to numerous cities including the most important metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Chengdu, or Chongqing. [1]
These protests are a powerful confirmation of our intransigent opposition against the capitalist Lockdown policy which was primarily driven not by health-related considerations but rather by political and economic interest of the ruling class. [2]
The uprising in China shows once more that the workers and oppressed despise the totalitarian restrictions – in contrast to the reactionary Lockdown Left which shamefully supported these measures since spring 2020.
At this place we will neither repeat to explain our program against the COVID Counterrevolution nor will we discuss the disastrous policy of the Lockdown Left. [3] Here we will rather focus on a highly interesting set of demands which has been raised by a group of 40 students at the prestigious Peking University a few days ago.
In a widely-circulated statement, they criticize that the Lockdown and “Zero COVID” policy of the Xi regime which makes life increasingly difficult for people: “Patients or mothers are denied timely medical treatment because they cannot provide their nucleic acid results, residents and students are forcibly transferred and quarantined without their knowledge, and doors are blocked so that people have nowhere to go or even lose their lives in the event of an accident.” [4] They state that because of these results the official policy is “becoming more and more unpopular”.
Consequently, the call for an end of the reactionary Lockdown and “Zero COVID” policy. Concretely, the raise the following demands:
“Therefore, we hereby call for:
1. To avoid the abuse of public power, all regional quarantine blockades should be stopped to ensure that all people in communities, villages, units and schools can enter and leave freely;
2. Abolish technical means to monitor the whereabouts of citizens, such as pass codes and “jiankang bao” cell phone tracking app. Stop considering the spread of the epidemic as the responsibility of certain individuals or institutions. Devote resources to long-term work such as vaccine, drug development and hospital construction;
3. Implement voluntary nucleic acid testing and voluntary quarantine for undiagnosed and asymptomatic individuals;
4. Liberalize restrictions on the expression of public opinion and allow suggestions and criticism of specific implementation problems in different regions;
5. Make truthful disclosures of infection data, including the number of infected people, the death rate, long sequelae rate, to eliminate epidemic panic during the transition.”
The RCIT has called since the very beginning of the COVID Counterrevolution in spring 2020 for an end of the quarantine measures for the population (irrespective if they are infected or not), of the restriction of movement and of the mass surveillance by the capitalist state. We also called for social measures (e.g. full payment of wages for infected people forced to stay at home) and for health-orientated measures like the expansion of the public health sector and the planned development of drugs or vaccination not by capitalist corporations but by public health institutions under workers and popular control. [5]
The demands raised by the students at the Peking University – like similar democratic anti-Lockdown demands which became popular at mass demonstrations in Europe last year – show that the spontaneous response of the rebellious masses goes into a revolutionary direction. They fully confirm the Marxist program which the RCIT and other authentic socialists have defended in the last three years! And they ridicule the opportunist Lockdown Left which supported the bonapartist policy of the capitalist state or even praised China as a model and called for more draconic restrictions for the people!
[1] RCIT: China: Popular Rebellion against Lockdowns and “Zero COVID”, 28 November 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/china-popular-rebellion-against-lockdowns-and-zero-covid/; see also Juan Giglio: Defensores de cuarentenas y pases sanitarios apoyan la lucha de chinos contra cuarentenas ¿Doble vara o una realidad que liquidó sus argumentos? https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com/2022/11/defensores-de-cuarentenas-y-pases.html
[2] The RCIT has published more than 100 pamphlets, essays, articles and statements plus a book on the COVID Counterrevolution which are all compiled at a special sub-page on our website: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-2019-corona-virus/. In particular we refer readers to two RCIT Manifestos: COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive. We are at a turning point in the world situation as the ruling classes provoke a war-like atmosphere in order to legitimize the build-up of chauvinist state-bonapartist regimes, 21 March 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/covid-19-a-cover-for-a-major-global-counterrevolutionary-offensive/; “Green Pass” & Compulsory Vaccinations: A New Stage in the COVID Counterrevolution. Down with the chauvinist-bonapartist police & surveillance state – defend democratic rights! No to health policy in the service of the capitalist monopolies – expand the public health sector under workers and popular control! 29 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/green-pass-compulsory-vaccinations-a-new-stage-in-the-covid-counterrevolution/; In addition, we draw attention to our book by Michael Pröbsting: The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution: What It Is and How to Fight It. A Marxist analysis and strategy for the revolutionary struggle, RCIT Books, April 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-covid-19-global-counterrevolution/.
[3] For our latest article on the Lockdown Left see: Michael Pröbsting: Protests against “Zero COVID” in China: An Embarrassment for the Lockdown Left. The popular rebellion against the COVID Counterrevolution refutes the analysis and program of the opportunist left (with Alan Woods’ IMT as an example), 30 November 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/china-protests-and-lockdown-left/
[4] Translated and published by David Cowhig: 2022: Peking U Students on “Epidemic Prevention and Control” (Draft) and Tsinghua U Alumni Statement, 11/27.11.2022, https://gaodawei.wordpress.com/2022/11/27/2022-peking-u-students-on-epidemic-prevention-and-control-draft-and-tsinghua-u-alumni-statement/. All quotes are from this document if not indicated otherwise.
[5] RCIT: A Revolutionary Action Program to fight COVID-19! Workers and Oppressed: Don’t trust the State of the Rich and Powerful! Trust only Yourselves! April 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/health-program-covid19/; see also: ALS: A Marxist approach to the international mobilizations against the authoritarian health restrictions, February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/una-aproximaci%C3%B3n-marxista-a-las-movilizaciones-internacionales-contra-las-restricciones-sanitarias-autoritarias/#anker_1
자본주의 록다운 봉쇄 정책에 대한 맑스주의자들의 비타협적 반대가 옳음을 다시 확인해주다
미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 국제서기, 2022년 11월 30일
현재 중국에서 정권의 억압적인 봉쇄 정책에 반대하는 대중시위 물결은 중국만이 아니라 전 세계적으로 중대한 사건이다. 엊그제 낸 성명에서 밝혔듯이, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT)은 베이징, 상하이, 난징, 청두, 또는 충칭과 같은 가장 중요한 대도시를 비롯한 많은 도시로 확산된 이 민중반란을 전면 지지한다.[1]
일차적으로 보건 관련 고려가 아니라 지배계급의 정치·경제적 이익에 의해 추동된 자본주의 록다운 봉쇄 정책에 대해 그 동안 우리는 비타협적으로 반대해왔다. 이 항의시위는 이에 대한 강력한 확인이다.[2]
2020년 봄 이래로 방역을 핑계로 한 이러한 억압적 조치를 부끄러운 줄 모르고 지지했던 반동적인 록다운 좌파와 달리, 이 시위는 노동자·피억압자가 전체주의적 통제와 속박을 혐오한다는 것을 다시 한 번 보여준다.
여기서는 코로나 반혁명에 맞선 우리의 프로그램을 반복해서 설명하지 않을 것이며, 또 록다운 좌파의 재앙적인 정책에 대해 다시 논급할 자리도 아니다.[3] 우리는 며칠 전 일단의 북경대(베이징대) 학생 40명이 현 시국과 관련하여 발표한 성명 및 이 성명에 담긴 매우 흥미로운 요구안에 주목하고자 한다.
널리 유포된 성명에서, 학생들은 시진핑 정권의 봉쇄와 "제로 코로나" 정책이 인민들의 삶을 점점 더 어렵게 만들고 있다고 비판한다. "핵산(PCR) 결과를 내놓을 수 없어 환자와 보호자가 제 때에 치료를 거부당하고, 대학의 상주자와 학생들은 그들 모르게 강제로 이송, 격리되고, 대문이 봉쇄되어 사람들이 아무데도 갈 수가 없어 사고가 발생하면 목숨을 잃을 수도 있다."[4] 학생들은 이러한 결과 때문에 당국의 정책이 "점점 더 반감을 사고 있다"고 말한다.
그에 따라 학생들은 반동적인 봉쇄 및 "제로 코로나" 정책의 종식을 요구한다. 구체적으로 다음과 같은 요구안을 제기한다.
"이에 우리는 다음과 같이 요구한다.
1. 공권력의 남용을 방지하기 위하여 지역사회와 마을, 부대, 학교의 모든 사람들이 자유롭게 출입할 수 있도록 모든 지역의 격리 차단 조치를 중지하여야 한다.
2. 백신패스, '젠캉바오(健康報)' 휴대폰 추적 앱 등 시민들의 행방을 감시하는 수단들을 철폐하라. 전염병 확산을 특정 개인이나 기관의 책임으로 돌리는 것을 중단하라. 백신과 의약품 개발, 병원 건립 등 장기적인 사업에 자원을 투입하라.
3. 무증상자 자가 핵산 검사 및 자가 격리 실시
4. 여론의 표현 제한을 완화하고 지역별로 구체적인 실행 문제에 대한 제안과 비판을 허용하라.
5. 감염자 수, 사망률, 장기 후유증 등 감염 데이터를 진실하게 공개하여 과도기 동안의 유행병 패닉을 없애라."
RCIT는 2020년 봄 코로나 반혁명 그 시작 시점부터 주민에 대한 (감염 여부와 상관없이) 격리 및 이동 제한 조치와 자본가 국가에 의한 대중 감시 체제를 중단할 것을 요구해 왔다. 우리는 또 집에 격리된 감염자들에 대한 임금 전액 지급과 같은 사회적 조치와, 공공보건 부문 확대를 비롯하여 (자본주의 기업에 의한 이윤 지향적 조치가 아니라) 노동자·민중의 통제 하에 공공보건 기관에 의한 약물 또는 백신 개발과 같은 보건 지향적 조치를 요구했다.[5]
베이징대 학생들이 제기한 요구안은 ㅡ 작년 유럽의 대중시위에서 큰 호응을 얻었던 민주적 반(反)록다운 요구안처럼 ㅡ 반란 대중의 자연발생적 대응이 혁명적 방향으로 나아가고 있는 것을 보여준다. 요구안은 지난 3년 RCIT를 비롯한 진정한 사회주의자들이 옹호해온 맑스주의 프로그램에 대한 완전한 확인이다! 요구안은 또 자본가 국가의 보나파르트주의 정책을 지지하는, 심지어 중국을 방역 모델로 칭송하고 이동 제한/집회·시위 금지 등 더욱 더 억압적인 통제 조치들을 방역 대책으로 요구한 기회주의 록다운 좌파를 비웃는다!
[1] RCIT, <중국 민중반란: “봉쇄 반대!” “제로 코로나 반대!” 대중시위가 빠르게 정치적, 반체제적으로 변해 가고 있다>, 2022년 11월 28일, https://blog.wrpkorea.org/2022/11/blog-post_30.html/; 다음도 보라. Juan Giglio: Defensores de cuarentenas y pases sanitarios apoyan la lucha de chinos contra cuarentenas ¿Doble vara o una realidad que liquidó sus argumentos? https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com/2022/11/defensores-de-cuarentenas-y-pases.html
[2] RCIT는 코로나19 반혁명을 그 시작 이래 광범위에 걸쳐 분석해왔다. 2020년 2월부터 시작하여 100여 편의 문서를 발표했다. 다음 링크에서 이것을 볼 수 있다. https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-2019-corona-virus/. 특히 다음 두 선언문을 보라. <RCIT 시국선언 - 코로나19: 글로벌 반혁명 공세를 가리는 엄폐물>, 2020년 3월 21일, https://blog.wrpkorea.org/2022/05/19_10.html/; <“백신패스” & 백신접종 의무화: 코로나 반혁명의 새로운 단계 - 보나파르트주의 경찰·감시 국가 타도! / 독점자본에 봉사하는 보건정책 분쇄! / 노동자·민중 통제 하에 공공보건 부문 확충>, 2021년 7월 29일, https://blog.wrpkorea.org/2022/05/blog-post_562.html/; 우리의 다음 책도 보라. 미하엘 프뢰브스팅, <<코로나19 글로벌 반혁명: 그것은 무엇이고, 그것에 맞서 어떻게 싸울 것인가 - 맑스주의적 분석과 혁명적 투쟁 전략>>, 2020년 4월, https://blog.wrpkorea.org/2022/06/19.html/.
[3] 록다운 좌파에 대한 우리의 가장 최근 기사로는, 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Protests against “Zero COVID” in China: An Embarrassment for the Lockdown Left. The popular rebellion against the COVID Counterrevolution refutes the analysis and program of the opportunist left (with Alan Woods’ IMT as an example), 30 November 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/china-protests-and-lockdown-left/
[4] David Cowhig: 2022: Peking U Students on “Epidemic Prevention and Control” (Draft) and Tsinghua U Alumni Statement, 11/27.11.2022, https://gaodawei.wordpress.com/2022/11/27/2022-peking-u-students-on-epidemic-prevention-and-control-draft-and-tsinghua-u-alumni-statement/. 다른 언급이 없는 한 인용문은 모두 이 문서에서 인용한 것이다.
[5] RCIT: A Revolutionary Action Program to fight COVID-19! Workers and Oppressed: Don’t trust the State of the Rich and Powerful! Trust only Yourselves! April 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/health-program-covid19/; 다음도 보라. ALS: A Marxist approach to the international mobilizations against the authoritarian health restrictions, February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/una-aproximaci%C3%B3n-marxista-a-las-movilizaciones-internacionales-contra-las-restricciones-sanitarias-autoritarias/#anker_1
Por Michael Pröbsting, Secretario Internacional de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI), 30 de noviembre de 2022, www.thecommunists.net
La ola actual de protestas masivas en China contra la política represiva de confinamiento del régimen es un evento crucial no solo para el país sino también a nivel mundial. Como decíamos en una declaración publicada recientemente, la CCRI apoya plenamente esta rebelión popular que se ha extendido a numerosas ciudades, incluidas las metrópolis más importantes como Pekín, Shanghái, Nanjing, Chengdu o Chongqing. [1]
Estas protestas son una poderosa confirmación de nuestra intransigente oposición a la política capitalista de confinamiento, impulsada principalmente no por consideraciones relacionadas con la salud, sino por el interés político y económico de la clase dominante. [2]
El levantamiento en China muestra una vez más que los trabajadores y los oprimidos desprecian las restricciones totalitarias, en contraste con la reaccionaria Izquierda del Encierro que vergonzosamente apoyó estas medidas desde la primavera de 2020.
En este lugar no explicaremos de nuevo nuestro programa contra la Contrarrevolución del COVID ni discutiremos la nefasta política de la Izquierda del Encierro. [3] Aquí nos centraremos más bien en un conjunto de demandas muy interesante que ha sido planteado por un grupo de 40 estudiantes en la prestigiosa Universidad de Pekín hace unos días.
En un comunicado de amplia circulación, critican la política de confinamiento y “Cero Covid” del régimen de Xi que dificulta cada vez más la vida de las personas: “A los pacientes o madres se les niega el tratamiento médico oportuno porque no pueden proporcionar sus resultados de ácido nucleico, los residentes y los estudiantes son trasladados a la fuerza y puestos en cuarentena sin su conocimiento, y las puertas están bloqueadas para que las personas no tengan adónde ir o incluso pierdan la vida en caso de accidente." [4] Afirman que debido a estos resultados la política oficial se está “volviendo cada vez más impopular”.
En consecuencia, llaman a poner fin a la política reaccionaria de Confinamiento y “Cero Covid”. Concretamente, plantean las siguientes demandas:
"Por lo tanto, hacemos un llamado a:
1. Para evitar el abuso del poder público, todos los confinamientos de cuarentena regionales deben cesar para garantizar que todas las personas en las comunidades, pueblos, unidades y escuelas puedan entrar y salir libremente;
2. Abolir los medios técnicos para monitorear la localización de los ciudadanos, como códigos de acceso y la aplicación de rastreo de teléfonos celulares “jiankang bao”. Dejar de considerar la propagación de la epidemia como responsabilidad de determinados individuos o instituciones. Dedicar recursos al trabajo a largo plazo, como vacunas, desarrollo de medicamentos y construcción de hospitales;
3. Implementar pruebas voluntarias de ácido nucleico y cuarentena voluntaria para personas sin diagnóstico y asintomáticas;
4. Liberalizar las restricciones a la expresión de la opinión pública y permitir sugerencias y críticas sobre problemas específicos de implementación en diferentes regiones;
5. Hacer divulgaciones veraces de los datos de infección, incluida la cantidad de personas infectadas, la tasa de mortalidad, la tasa de secuelas prolongadas, para eliminar el pánico epidémico durante la transición.”
La CCRI ha pedido desde el comienzo de la Contrarrevolución del COVID en la primavera de 2020 el fin de las medidas de cuarentena
para la población (independientemente de si están infectados o no), de la restricción de movimiento y de la vigilancia masiva por parte del estado capitalista. También exigimos medidas sociales (por ejemplo, el pago total de los salarios de las personas infectadas obligadas a quedarse en casa) y medidas orientadas a la salud como la expansión del sector de la salud pública y el desarrollo planificado de los medicamentos correspondientes, no por parte de las corporaciones capitalistas sino por parte del público. instituciones de salud bajo control obrero y popular. [5]
También exigimos que se avancen con las investigaciones, bajo control obrero, con el fin de conocer el origen, desarrollo y mutación del virus, para buscar los mejores remedios. Más allá de esto, para enfrentar al Covid, como a cualquier otra plaga, es necesario construir una sociedad en la que la mayoría se alimente, trabaje y viva en condiciones dignas. Esto no lo puede garantizar la dictadura del PCch, pues su único objetivo es mantener y profundizar la súper explotación del trabajador para garantizar las ganancias de los monopolios, por lo tanto, sus políticas enferman a millones.
Las demandas planteadas por los estudiantes de la Universidad de Pekín, como demandas democráticas similares contra el cierre que se hicieron populares en las manifestaciones masivas en Europa el año pasado, muestran que la respuesta espontánea de las masas rebeldes va en una dirección revolucionaria. ¡Confirman plenamente el programa marxista que la CCRI y otros auténticos socialistas han defendido en los últimos tres años! ¡Y ridiculizan a la oportunista Izquierda del Encierro que apoyó la política bonapartista del estado capitalista o incluso elogió a China como modelo y pidió más restricciones draconianas para la gente!
[1] China: Rebelión popular contra los confinamientos y “Covid cero”, 28 de noviembre de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/china-popular-rebellion-against-lockdowns-and-zero-covid/#anker_1; ver también Juan Giglio: Defensores de cuarentenas y pases sanitarios apoyan la lucha de chinos contra cuarentenas ¿Doble vara o una realidad que liquidó sus argumentos? https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com/2022/11/defensores-de-cuarentenas-y-pases.html
[2] E la CCRI ha publicado más de 100 folletos, ensayos, artículos y declaraciones, además de un libro sobre la Contrarrevolución COVID, que están todos compilados en una subpágina especial en nuestro sitio web: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/collection-of-articles-on-the-2019-corona-virus/. En particular, remitimos a los lectores a dos Manifiestos de la CCRI: COVID-19: Una cubierta para una gran ofensiva mundial contrarrevolucionaria. Estamos en un punto de inflexión en la situación mundial, ya que las clases dominantes provocan una atmósfera de guerra para legitimar la construcción de regímenes chovinistas bonapartistas de estado, 21 de marzo de 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/covid-19-una-cubierta-para-una-gran-ofensiva-mundial-contrarrevolucionaria/; "Green Pass" y vacunas obligatorias: una nueva etapa en la contrarrevolución de COVID. Abajo la policía chovinista-bonapartista y el estado de vigilancia: ¡Defendamos los derechos democráticos! No a la política de salud al servicio de los monopolios capitalistas: ¡Financiar y expandir el sector de la salud pública bajo el control obrero y popular!, 29 de julio de 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/green-pass-compulsory-vaccinations-a-new-stage-in-the-covid-counterrevolution/#anker_1; también llamamos la atención hacia nuestro libro por Michael Pröbsting: La Contrarrevolución del COVID-19: Qué es y Cómo Combatirla. Un análisis y una estrategia marxistas para la lucha revolucionaria, RCIT Books, abril de 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/la-contrarrevoluci%C3%B3n-del-covid-19-qu%C3%A9-es-y-c%C3%B3mo-combatirla/
[3] Para nuestro último artículo sobre la Izquierda del Encierro consulte: Protestas contra el “COVID cero” en China: una vergüenza para la izquierda pro cuarentena. La rebelión popular contra la Contrarrevolución COVID refuta el análisis y programa de la izquierda oportunista, como la CMI de Alan Woods y otros sectores, 30 de noviembre de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/global/china-protests-and-lockdown-left/#anker_1
[4] Traducido del chino al inglés y publicado por David Cowhig: 2022: Estudiantes de la Universidad de Pekín sobre "Prevención y control de epidemias" (borrador) y Declaración de ex alumnos de la Universidad de Tsinghua, 27/11/2022, https://gaodawei.wordpress.com/2022/11/27/2022-peking-u-students-on-epidemic-prevention-and-control-draft-and-tsinghua-u-alumni-statement/. Todas las citas son de este documento al menos que se indique lo contrario.
[5] ¡Un programa revolucionario de acción para luchar contra el COVID-19! Trabajadores y oprimidos: ¡No confíen en el estado de los ricos y poderosos! ¡Confíen en ustedes mismos!, abril de 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/un-programa-revolucionario-de-accion-para-luchar-contra-el-covid-19/. Ver también, ALS: Una aproximación marxista a las movilizaciones internacionales contra las restricciones sanitarias autoritarias, febrero de 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/home/espa%C3%B1ol/una-aproximaci%C3%B3n-marxista-a-las-movilizaciones-internacionales-contra-las-restricciones-sanitarias-autoritarias/.