Trump Orders Massive Air Raids – Defend Yemen! Defeat U.S. Imperialism!

Statement by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 16 March 2025 [UTC: 10:00],




1.           Last night, U.S. President Trump has ordered massive bombardments against Yemen’s capital Sanaa as well as areas in Saada, Al Bayda and Radaa. According to the latest reports from the local health authorities, at least 31 people have been killed, including women and children, and another 101 people were wounded.


2.           The areas attacked by the U.S. are controlled by Ansar Allah (popularly known as the Houthis) which is dominating force in most parts of the country. Soon after 7 October 2023, they have started a campaign in solidarity with the Palestinian people which has severely reduced maritime traffic in the Red Sea and hit Israel’s economy. Ansar Allah suspended this campaign after the beginning of the ceasefire in Gaza, but when Israel broke the agreement and began to starve the Palestinian population in the enclave, they threatened to restart it recently.


3.           This could be beginning of a new phase of military confrontations in the Middle East. American media quote officials saying that this is only the “opening salvo” of a broader military campaign which is expected to last for days or maybe even weeks. In his usual mixture of John Wayne and children speech, the orange man in the White House threatened: "To all Houthi terrorists, YOUR TIME IS UP, AND YOUR ATTACKS MUST STOP, STARTING TODAY. IF THEY DON’T, HELL WILL RAIN DOWN UPON YOU LIKE NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE!"


4.           The background of the new war campaign is the following. The second Trump Administration has faced a tumultuous start and its confused policy of political and economic attacks as well as military threats against friend and foe has provoked massive disruptions – domestically and internationally – in politics as well as stock markets. Faced with such difficulties, it might hope for a "small victorious war". Furthermore, the Israeli outlet ynet reports today that Israel has “encouraged the Trump administration to adopt a more aggressive approach toward Yemen.” As Ansar Allah is allied with Iran, the new wave of air raids against Yemen might also serve as pressure against Teheran as the U.S. and Israel want to stop it from possessing nuclear weapons under any circumstances.


5.           The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) strongly denounces Trump’s terrorist war campaign against Yemen. We say: Defend Yemen! Defeat U.S. Imperialism! As the Zionist state – with support of Washington – is committing a horrific genocide in Gaza and America and its allies try to bring the Red Sea under their control, socialists take an unambiguous stance in support of the Yemeni Armed Forces. While we do not lend political support to Ansar Allah – a petty-bourgeois Islamist-nationalist movement – we unconditionally side with their military struggle against the “Great Satan” and the “Little Satan”.


6.           The RCIT also reiterates its unconditional support for the Palestinian people and its resistance against the Zionist terror state. We call for the immediate and unconditional opening of Gaza’s border so that the people can receive aid. Furthermore, we demand the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza and Westbank. Workers and popular mass organisations around the world must double their efforts in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Down with the Zionist monster – for a free and red Palestine from the River to the Sea.