What do the Stalinists say … and what do they not say?
By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 3 November 2021, www.thecommunists.net
Numerous Stalinist parties all over the world have published statements on the military coup in Sudan on 25 October. [1] They all declare their opposition to the coup and their solidarity with the popular resistance.
Naturally, it is to be welcomed that these parties oppose the putsch of the Sudanese Generals. That is not something that can be taken for granted. Just remember the notorious Egyptian Communist Party and their international allies which enthusiastically praised the military coup of General Sisi in July 2013. They did so despite the fact that this was a devastating putsch which resulted in the slaughter of thousands of people, and which represented a serious defeat not only for the Egyptian popular masses but for the whole Arab Revolution starting in 2011. However, at that time, the Stalinists absurdly claimed: “What has happened is not a military coup in any way, but a revolutionary coup by the Egyptian people to get rid of this fascist rule. What the army did is carrying out the will of the people and protecting them from the plots.” [2]
Or take the positive reference of many of these parties to the Stalinist-capitalist dictatorship in China and similar regimes like those in Vietnam, Cuba or North Korea. [3]
The defense of democracy in the Stalinists’ Joint Statement on Sudan rings also pretty hollow given the fact that it is signed, among others, by the Syrian Communist Party. [4] This party, as we have pointed out on various occasions, is a long-time participant of the “parliamentary” alliance backing the dictatorship of Assad, the butcher of the Syrian people. [5]
But there is also another remarkable thing about these statements. Several of them denounce the interference of “the imperialists” (which for the Stalinists means only the U.S. and Western Europe but not Russia and China) in Sudan. However, none of them mentions the very fact that the Sudanese coup has not been backed by U.S. imperialism but by its Russian rival.
Why are the Stalinists silent on this undeniable fact? The obvious reason is that nearly all of them are – directly or indirectly – supporters of the Great Powers Russia [6] and China. [7]. However, the Stalinists claim that these powers do not constitute imperialist states but rather “objectively progressive” opponents of “imperialism” (i.e. of the U.S. and the European Great Powers). This is why they join – openly or concealed – the camp of these Eastern Great Powers in the inter-imperialist Cold War.
As the RCIT has explained somewhere else, the fact that Moscow backed the military coup and that the Sudanese generals carried the putsch out despite the opposition of Washington demonstrates three important conclusions. [8]
First, it reflects the decline of U.S. imperialism which was the absolute hegemon globally and, in particular, in the Middle East, for decades. This is obvious no longer the case as we have seen recently in Afghanistan and other places. [9] Hence, General Burhan and his conspirators felt confident to ignore Washington’s veto and to go ahead with their putsch.
Secondly, it reflects the parallel rise of the Russia and China as new imperialist Great Powers. Moscow’s “green-lightening” was sufficient for the putschist to carry out their plans.
And finally, it also reflects the thorough reactionary nature of Russian imperialism. Contrary to the myth of the Stalinists, the Putin regime is by no means a progressive or pro-people factor – certainly no more than its Western rivals!
For all these reasons, the fact that Moscow supports the coup, is thoroughly embarrassing for the Stalinist parties. The only solution in such is a situation is to keep silent on this fact … and to hope that nobody recognizes it!
The task of socialists is to point out the Stalinists’ support for Russian and Chinese imperialism and to denounce their treacherous role in the global class struggle. We have to warn the fighting vanguard of the workers and oppressed against the Stalinist forces who present themselves as “socialists” but who are, in reality, social-imperialist servants of the reactionary powers Russia and China.
[1] See e.g. Joint Statement of Communist and Worker’s Parties Solidarity with the people and the communists of Sudan, 28.10.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Greece-JOINT-STATEMENT-OF-COMMUNIST-AND-WORKERS-PARTIES-Solidarity-with-the-people-and-the-communists-of-Sudan/; South African CP, Joint statement: We stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people and communists in their resistance to the military coup! 02.11.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/South-African-CP-Joint-statement-We-stand-in-solidarity-with-the-Sudanese-people-and-communists-in-their-resistance-to-the-military-coup/; CP of Belgium: Solidarity with the people of Sudan, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the Sudanese Communist Party-SCP, 02.11.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Belgium-Solidarity-with-the-people-of-Sudan-the-Sudanese-Professionals-Association-and-the-Sudanese-Communist-Party-SCP-Demonstration-in-front-of-the-EuropeanParliament-in-Brussels/; CP of Canada: Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party! 26 October 2021, CP of Canada: Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party! 26 October 2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Canada-Solidarity-with-the-People-and-the-Sudanese-Communist-Party/; Solidarity Message from the Workers Party of Ireland to the Sudanese Communist Party, 25th October 2021
[2] See the quotes from the Egyptian CP reproduced (with sources) in our pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: The Coup d'État in Egypt and the Bankruptcy of the Left’s “Army Socialism”, 8.8.2013, https://rcitarchive.wordpress.com/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/egypt-and-left-army-socialism/
[3] See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/
[4] Joint Statement of Communist and Worker’s Parties Solidarity with the people and the communists of Sudan
[5] On the Stalinists’ support of the Assad regime see e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Syria and Great Power Rivalry: The Failure of the „Left“, 21 April 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/syria-great-power-rivalry-and-the-failure-of-the-left/; by the same author: Stalinism: Assad’s Best Friends Forever. A commentary on a joint international initiative of Stalinist parties, 3 July 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/stalinism-is-assad-s-best-friends-forever/
[6] The RCIT has published numerous documents about capitalism in Russia and its rise to an imperialist power. See on this e.g. several pamphlets by Michael Pröbsting: The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism. A Study of Russia’s Monopolies, Capital Export and Super-Exploitation in the Light of Marxist Theory, 10 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/; Russia and China: Neither Capitalist nor Great Powers? A Reply to the PO/CRFI and their Revisionist Whitewashing of Chinese and Russian imperialism, 28 November 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/russia-and-china-neither-capitalist-nor-great-powers-reply-to-po-crfi/; The Catastrophic Failure of the Theory of “Catastrophism”. On the Marxist Theory of Capitalist Breakdown and its Misinterpretation by the Partido Obrero (Argentina) and its “Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International”, 27 May 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-catastrophic-failure-of-the-theory-of-catastrophism/; Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character, August 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/; Russia as a Great Imperialist Power. The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics, 18 March 2014, in: Revolutionary Communism No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/. See various other RCIT documents on this issue at a special sub-page on the RCIT’s website: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.
[7] The RCIT has published numerous documents about capitalism in China and its transformation into a Great Power. See on this e.g. the above-mentioned book by Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, Chapter I, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/; see also by the same author an essay published in the second edition of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020, https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-91206-6_179-1; China‘s transformation into an imperialist power. A study of the economic, political and military aspects of China as a Great Power (2012), in: Revolutionary Communism No. 4, http://www.thecommunists.net/publications/revcom-number-4; How is it possible that some Marxists still Doubt that China has Become Capitalist? (A Critique of the PTS/FT), An analysis of the capitalist character of China’s State-Owned Enterprises and its political consequences, 18 September 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism-2/; Unable to See the Wood for the Trees (PTS/FT and China). Eclectic empiricism and the failure of the PTS/FT to recognize the imperialist character of China, 13 August 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism/. See many more RCIT documents at a special sub-page on the RCIT’s website: https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.
[8] Michael Pröbsting: Sudan: The Great Powers and the Military Coup. General Burhan’s putsch reflects the decline of U.S. imperialism and the rise of its Eastern rivals, 29 October 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/great-powers-and-military-coup-in-sudan/
[9] We have compiled the RCIT documents on the imperialist defeat in Afghanistan on a special sub-page on our webiste: https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/collection-of-articles-on-us-defeat-in-afghanistan/. In particular we refer readers to two key statements which have been translated into several langauges: Afghanistan: The Rats Are Fleeing! The fall of Kabul is a historic defeat for Western imperialism and a victory for the oppressed peoples! 17 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-the-rats-are-fleeing/; Afghanistan: The Meaning of the Anti-Imperialist Victory and the Perspectives Ahead. Questions and Answers from a Marxist Point of View, 24 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-meaning-of-anti-imperialist-victory-and-perspectives-ahead/; see also two pamphlet by Michael Pröbsting: Afghanistan: Understanding (and Misunderstanding) the Taliban. Class Contradictions, Women’s Oppression and Anti-Imperialist Resistance, 10 September 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/afghanistan-class-contradictions-women-s-oppression-and-anti-imperialist-resistance/; Afghanistan and the Left: Closet Social-Imperialism. A critique of reformist and centrist forces which are outraged about the Taliban’s victory against the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan, 24 September 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/afghanistan-and-the-left-closet-social-imperialism/
스탈린주의자들이 말하는 것과 말하지 않는 것
2021년 11월 3일, 미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 국제서기, www.thecommunists.net
전 세계의 스탈린주의 당들이 10월 25일 수단 군사쿠데타에 대한 성명을 발표했다.[1] 그들 모두 쿠데타에 대한 반대와 민중 저항과의 연대를 천명했다.
이 당들이 수단 장군들의 군사반란에 반대하는 것은 당연히 환영할 일이다. 그런데 이것이 당연한 것으로 여겨질 수 있는 게 아닌 것이, 2013년 7월 이집트 엘시시 장군의 군사쿠데타를 열광적으로 찬양했던 악명 높은 이집트공산당과 그들의 국제 스탈린주의 맹우들을 상기한다면 말이다. 그들은 엘시시 군부의 쿠데타가 수천 명을 학살하고 이집트뿐만 아니라 전체 아랍 혁명에 치명타를 안긴 극악한 반동 군사반란이었다는 사실에도 불구하고 그렇게 했다. 그러나 어처구니없게도 스탈린주의자들은 당시 이렇게 주장했다. “이것은 어느 모로도 군사쿠데타가 아니라, 파쇼 통치를 제거하기 위한 이집트 인민의 혁명적 쿠데타다. 군이 한 것은 인민의 의지를 실행에 옮기고 인민을 음모로부터 보호한 것이다.”[2]
그 외에도 이 당들이 중국의 스탈린주의-자본가 독재를 비롯해 베트남, 쿠바, 북한 등의 스탈린주의-자본가 정권들에 대해 긍정적으로 언급하고 나아가 찬사를 보내는 것도 상기해볼 필요가 있다.[3]
스탈린주의자들의 수단 공동성명에서 민주주의 방어 운운하는 것 또한 시리아공산당이 ㅡ 무엇보다도 시리아공산당이 ㅡ 공동성명에 서명한 사실을 감안할 때 참 공허하게 들린다.[4] 이 당은, 우리가 여러 차례 지적했듯이 시리아 인민의 도살자 아사드 독재를 뒷받침하는 오랜 "의회" 내 관제야당이다.[5]
하지만 이 성명에는 또 다른 주목할 만한 점도 있다. “제국주의자들” (스탈린주의자들에게는 오직 미국과 서유럽만을 의미할 뿐, 중국과 러시아는 제외된)의 수단 개입을 비난하는 대목이다. 그러나 수단 쿠데타가 미 제국주의가 아니라 경쟁 제국주의 러시아의 지지를 받고 있다는 바로 그 사실은 거론하지 않고 있다.
왜 스탈린주의자들은 이 부인할 수 없는 사실에 침묵하는가? 이유는 명백하다. 그들 거의 모두가 직간접적으로 강대국 러시아와 중국의 지지자들이기 때문이다.[7]. 그런데 스탈린주의자들은 이들 강대국이 제국주의 국가가 아니라 "객관적으로 진보적인" “반제 국가”라고 주장한다. 스탈린주의자들이 제국주의 간 냉전에서 ㅡ 공공연하게든 은폐된 형태로든 ㅡ 이 중·러 강대국 진영에 합류하는 이유다.
RCIT가 앞서 설명했듯이, 모스크바가 군사쿠데타를 지지했다는 사실과 수단 장군들이 워싱턴의 반대에도 불구하고 쿠데타를 감행했다는 사실은 세 가지 중요한 결론을 보여준다.[8]
첫째, 수단 쿠데타는 전 세계적으로, 특히 중동에서 수십 년 동안 절대 패권국이었던 미 제국주의의 쇠퇴를 반영한다. 이것은 우리가 최근 아프가니스탄을 비롯한 그 밖의 지역에서 본 바다. 부르한 장군을 비롯한 쿠데타 공모자들이 미국의 비토를 무시하고 군사반란을 밀고 나가도 되겠다는 자신감을 가지게 된 것은 바로 이러한 배경에서다.
둘째, 쿠데타는 러시아와 중국이 새로운 제국주의 강대국으로 나란히 부상하는 것을 반영한다. 모스크바가 쿠데타에 보내준 "청신호"는 장군들이 그들의 플랜을 실행에 옮기기에 충분조건이 되어주었다.
그리고 마지막으로, 쿠데타는 또한 러시아 제국주의의 철저한 반동적 성격도 비춰준다. 스탈린주의자들의 신화와는 달리 푸틴 정권은 결코 진보적이거나 친 민중적 요인이 아니라, 서방 못지않게 반동적, 반민중적 요인임이 확실하다.
이 모든 이유들로 모스크바가 쿠데타를 지지한다는 사실은 스탈린주의 당들에게 완전히 당혹스러운 일이다. 이 같은 상황에서 그들에게 유일한 해결책은 이 사실에 대해 침묵하는 것이고 아무도 그것을 알아차리지 못하기를 바라는 것이다!
여기서 사회주의자들의 임무는 스탈린주의자들의 러·중 제국주의 지지를 들추어내는 것이고 세계 계급투쟁에서 그들의 배반자 역할을 규탄하는 것이다. “사회주의자”로 자처하면서 실제로는 중·러의 사회제국주의적 마름인 스탈린주의 세력을 경계하도록 끊임없이 노동자·피억압자 전위들에게 촉구하는 것, 그것이 이 문제에서 지금 사회주의자들의 임무다.
[1] 다음을 보라. Joint Statement of Communist and Worker’s Parties Solidarity with the people and the communists of Sudan, 28.10.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Greece-JOINT-STATEMENT-OF-COMMUNIST-AND-WORKERS-PARTIES-Solidarity-with-the-people-and-the-communists-of-Sudan/; South African CP, Joint statement: We stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people and communists in their resistance to the military coup! 02.11.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/South-African-CP-Joint-statement-We-stand-in-solidarity-with-the-Sudanese-people-and-communists-in-their-resistance-to-the-military-coup/; CP of Belgium: Solidarity with the people of Sudan, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the Sudanese Communist Party-SCP, 02.11.2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Belgium-Solidarity-with-the-people-of-Sudan-the-Sudanese-Professionals-Association-and-the-Sudanese-Communist-Party-SCP-Demonstration-in-front-of-the-EuropeanParliament-in-Brussels/; CP of Canada: Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party! 26 October 2021, CP of Canada: Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party! 26 October 2021, http://www.solidnet.org/article/CP-of-Canada-Solidarity-with-the-People-and-the-Sudanese-Communist-Party/; Solidarity Message from the Workers Party of Ireland to the Sudanese Communist Party, 25th October 2021
[2] 다음의 우리 팜플렛에 옮겨 놓은 (출처 포함) 이집트공산당 문서에서 인용. Michael Pröbsting: The Coup d'État in Egypt and the Bankruptcy of the Left’s “Army Socialism”, 8.8.2013, https://rcitarchive.wordpress.com/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/egypt-and-left-army-socialism/
[3] 이에 대해서는 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West, 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/ [<두 주인을 섬기는 시종 - 스탈린주의와 제국주의 신냉전> https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/#anker_10]
[4] Joint Statement of Communist and Worker’s Parties Solidarity with the people and the communists of Sudan
[5] 아사드 정권에 대한 스탈린주의자들의 지지에 대해서는 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Syria and Great Power Rivalry: The Failure of the „Left“, 21 April 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/syria-great-power-rivalry-and-the-failure-of-the-left/; 같은 저자: Stalinism: Assad’s Best Friends Forever. A commentary on a joint international initiative of Stalinist parties, 3 July 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/stalinism-is-assad-s-best-friends-forever/ [<아사드의 스탈린주의 치어리더들 - 국제 스탈린주의 당들의 공동성명에 대한 논평> https://www.thecommunists.net/home/%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4/stalinism-is-assads-best-friend-forever/]
[6] RCIT는 러시아 자본주의와 러시아의 제국주의 강대국 부상에 대한 많은 문서를 발표했다. 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism. A Study of Russia’s Monopolies, Capital Export and Super-Exploitation in the Light of Marxist Theory, 10 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/; Russia and China: Neither Capitalist nor Great Powers? A Reply to the PO/CRFI and their Revisionist Whitewashing of Chinese and Russian imperialism, 28 November 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/russia-and-china-neither-capitalist-nor-great-powers-reply-to-po-crfi/; 다음도 보라. 같은 저자: The Catastrophic Failure of the Theory of “Catastrophism”. On the Marxist Theory of Capitalist Breakdown and its Misinterpretation by the Partido Obrero (Argentina) and its “Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International”, 27 May 2018, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-catastrophic-failure-of-the-theory-of-catastrophism/; Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character, August 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/; Russia as a Great Imperialist Power. The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics, 18 March 2014, in: Revolutionary Communism No. 21, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/. 이 문제에 관한 여러 다른 RCIT 문서들이 다음의 RCIT 웹사이트 상의 별도 하위 페이지에 있다. https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/
[7] RCIT는 중국 자본주의와 중국의 강대국 부상에 관한 많은 문서를 발표했다. 다음을 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. 같은 저자의 다음 책에 실린 글도 보라. the second edition of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020, https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-91206-6_179-1; China‘s transformation into an imperialist power. A study of the economic, political and military aspects of China as a Great Power (2012), in: Revolutionary Communism No. 4, http://www.thecommunists.net/publications/revcom-number-4; How is it possible that some Marxists still Doubt that China has Become Capitalist? (A Critique of the PTS/FT), An analysis of the capitalist character of China’s State-Owned Enterprises and its political consequences, 18 September 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism-2/; Unable to See the Wood for the Trees (PTS/FT and China). Eclectic empiricism and the failure of the PTS/FT to recognize the imperialist character of China, 13 August 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism/. 그 외 많은 문서들이 다음의 RCIT 웹사이트 별도 하위 페이지에 있다.https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/.
[8] Michael Pröbsting: Sudan: The Great Powers and the Military Coup. General Burhan’s putsch reflects the decline of U.S. imperialism and the rise of its Eastern rivals, 29 October 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/great-powers-and-military-coup-in-sudan/ [<강대국들과 수단 군사쿠데타 - 군부의 쿠데타 감행으로 또 한 번 확인되는 미 제국주의의 쇠퇴> https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/great-powers-and-military-coup-in-sudan/#anker_4]
[9] 아프간에서 제국주의자들의 패배에 관한 RCIT 문서들이 다음의 우리 웹사이트 별도 하위 페이지에 있다. https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/collection-of-articles-on-us-defeat-in-afghanistan/. 특히, 몇 개 국어로 번역된 다음 두 주요 문서를 보라. Afghanistan: The Rats Are Fleeing! The fall of Kabul is a historic defeat for Western imperialism and a victory for the oppressed peoples! 17 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-the-rats-are-fleeing/ [<아프가니스탄: 쥐떼들이 탈출하고 있다! - 카불 함락은 서방 제국주의의 역사적인 패배이자 피억압 인민의 승리다!> https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-the-rats-are-fleeing/#anker_2]; Afghanistan: The Meaning of the Anti-Imperialist Victory and the Perspectives Ahead. Questions and Answers from a Marxist Point of View, 24 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-meaning-of-anti-imperialist-victory-and-perspectives-ahead/ [<탈레반 승리: 의미와 전망> https://www.thecommunists.net/worldwide/asia/afghanistan-meaning-of-anti-imperialist-victory-and-perspectives-ahead/#anker_2; 다음 두 팜플렛도 보라. Michael Pröbsting: Afghanistan: Understanding (and Misunderstanding) the Taliban. Class Contradictions, Women’s Oppression and Anti-Imperialist Resistance, 10 September 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/afghanistan-class-contradictions-women-s-oppression-and-anti-imperialist-resistance/ [<탈레반: 이해와 오해 -아프간에서 계급 모순 · 여성 억압 · 반제 저항> https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/afghanistan-class-contradictions-women-s-oppression-and-anti-imperialist-resistance/#anker_3]; Afghanistan and the Left: Closet Social-Imperialism. A critique of reformist and centrist forces which are outraged about the Taliban’s victory against the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan, 24 September 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/afghanistan-and-the-left-closet-social-imperialism/