Honor the Martyrs of Gaza - killed by the Israeli Army!


Brothers and sisters! The martyrs of Gaza who have been killed by the Israeli army in the last days must not be forgotten!


All sincere supporters of the Palestinian people and their liberation struggle against the Zionist oppressor state should help to make the names and faces of the murdered brothers and sisters known.


For this reason we want to draw attention to the website Middle East Eye which has thankfully published a collection with most of the names and faces of those killed by the Israeli army.


You can see the names and faces of the martyrs here: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/gaza-names-palestinians-killed-israel-us-embassy-1239370023


We also draw attention to the regularly updates site of Al Jazeera which has also published the names of many martyrs: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/04/gaza-protest-latest-updates-180406092506561.html


Long live the Palestinian Liberation Struggle!


For a Free, Red Palestine!