Compilation of Articles on the Syrian Revolution












The Syrian Revolution 20211 - 2024: A Marxist Analysis Book by Yossi Schwartz, Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)

Online Forum about the Syrian Revolution Report (with video) by the RCIT Media Team


Foro en línea sobre la revolución siria Informe (con vídeo) del equipo de medios de comunicación de la CCRI


Online-Forum zur syrischen Revolution Bericht (mit Video) des RCIT-Medienteams 

Assad’s Best Friends Forever.  Reply to a polemic of the PCO (Brazil) against the joint statement of LIT-CI, UIT-CI and RCIT on the Syrian Revolution By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT 


Los mejores amigos por siempre de Assad. Respuesta a una polémica del PCO (Brasil) contra la declaración conjunta de la LIT-CI, la UIT-CI y la CCRI sobre la revolución siria Por Michael Pröbsting, CCRI/RCIT 


Amigos para sempre de assad. Resposta a uma polêmica do PCO (Brasil) contra a declaração conjunta da LIT-CI, UIT-CI e CCRI sobre a Revolução Síria Por Michael Pröbsting, CCRI/RCIT

The Slanderers of the Syrian Revolution. A critique of the Fracción Trotskista (PTS in Argentina) which “cannot share in the joy” of the masses about the overthrow of Assad An Essay by Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Los calumniadores de la revolución siria. Una crítica a la Fracción Trotskista (PTS en Argentina) que “no puede compartir la alegría” de las masas por el derrocamiento de Assad Un ensayo de Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI) 


Os caluniadores da revolução síria. Uma crítica à Fração Trotskista (PTS na Argentina) que “não pode compartilhar da alegria” das massas sobre a derrubada de Assad Um ensaio de Michael Pröbsting, Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional

The Fall of Assad is a Victory for the Syrian People and the Oppressed of the World!

Joint Statement by LIT-CI (International Secretariat),



!سقوط الأسد انتصار للشعب السوري والمضطهدين في العالم

الإعلان المشترك للمنظمات الاشتراكية (انظر الملاحظة في نهاية النص)،


¡La caída de Al Assad es una victoria para el pueblo sirio y los oprimidos del mundo! Declaración conjunta de organizaciones socialistas(LIT-CI [Secretariado Internacional], UIT-CI y CCRI/RCIT)


Падение Асада – это победа сирийского народа и угнетённых всего мира! Совместное заявление социалистических организаций (см. примечание в конце текста)


A queda de Al Assad é uma vitória para o povo sírio e para os oprimidos do mundo! Declaração conjunta das organizações socialistas (ver nota no final do texto)


Der Sturz Assads ist ein Sieg für das syrische Volk und die Unterdrückten der Welt! Gemeinsame Erklärung sozialistischer Organisationen (siehe Anmerkung am Ende des Textes)


La chute d'Al Assad est une victoire pour le peuple syrien et les opprimés du monde entier! Déclaration commune des organisations socialistes (voir note à la fin du texte)


Η πτώση του Άσαντ είναι μια νίκη για τον συριακό λαό και τους καταπιεσμένους όλου του κόσμου!  LIT-CI, UIT-CI, RCIT


Esad’ın düşüşü Suriye halkı ve dünyanın tüm ezilenleri için bir zaferdir! Sosyalist örgütlerin ortak açıklaması (metnin sonundaki nota bakınız)


아사드의 몰락은 시리아 인민과 전 세계 피억압자의 승리다!  사회주의 조직 공동성명


La caduta di Al Assad è una vittoria per il popolo siriano e per gli oppressi del mondo!  Dichiarazione congiunta delle organizzazioni socialiste (vedi nota alla fine del testo)


Падіння Асада — це перемога сирійського народу та пригноблених усього світу!  Спільна заява соціалістичних організацій (див. примітку наприкінці тексту)

The Tasks and Dangers of the Syrian Revolution Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Las tareas y los peligros de la revolución siria Declaración de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional


Задачи и опасности сирийской революции Декларация Революционной Коммунистической Интернациональной Тенденции (RCIT)


시리아혁명의 과제들과 당면 위험들 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 성명

Why Socialists Should Support the Syrian Revolution By Denis Sokolov, Communist Tendency (RCIT Section in Russia)


Почему социалисты должны поддержать Сирийскую революцию? Денис Соколов, Коммунистическая Тенденция, секция RCIT в России 


Чому соціалісти мають підтримати Сирійську революцію?  Деніс Соколов, Комуністична Тенденція, секція RCIT у Росії 


Israel Declares War on the Syrian Revolution! We say: yesterday Idlib, today Damascus, tomorrow Jerusalem! By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT


이스라엘이 시리아혁명에 선전포고 하다!  - 그래, 들어라! 어제 이들리브, 오늘 다마스쿠스, 내일은 예루살렘이다! 미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT)

Rebel Offensive in Syria: The Fear of the Regional Powers By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Наступление повстанцев в Сирии: Страх региональных держав Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная Коммунистическая Интернациональная Тенденция (RCIT) 

The Reactionary Role of the YPG/SDF in the Syrian Revolution By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Реакционная роль YPG/SDF в сирийской революции Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная Коммунистическая Интернациональная Тенденция (RCIT) 


Реакційна роль YPG/SDF в Сирійській революції Міхаель Прьобстінг, РКІТ 

Rebel Offensive in Syria: The Fear of the Regional Powers By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Наступление повстанцев в Сирии: Страх региональных держав  Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная Коммунистическая Интернациональная Тенденция (RCIT)

Some First Lessons from the Revival of the Syrian Revolution By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency


Некоторые первые уроки возрождения сирийской революции  Михаэль Прёбстинг, Революционная Коммунистическая Интернациональная Тенденция (RCIT)


Перші уроки відродження сирійської революції

Міхаель Прьобстінг, Революційна комуністична міжнародна тенденція (RCIT)


Algunas primeras lecciones del resurgimiento de la revolución siria Por Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)


Einige erste Lehren aus der Wiederbelebung der syrischen Revolution  Von Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionär-Kommunistische Internationale Tendenz (RCIT)

Syria: Long Live the New Offensive of the Rebels! By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT


!سوريا: يحيا هجوم المتمردين الجديد

 بقلم مايكل بروبستينج، RCIT


Syrien: Es lebe die neue Offensive der Rebellen! Von Michael Pröbsting, RCIT


Сирия: да здравствует новое наступление повстанцев!  Михаэль Прёбстинг, RCIT


Siria: larga vida a la nueva ofensiva rebelde Por Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional (CCRI)


Сирія: хай живе новий наступ повстанців!  Міхаель Прьобстінг, Революційна комуністична міжнародна тенденція (RCIT) 


시리아: 반군의 새로운 공세 만세!  미하엘 프뢰브스팅, 혁명적 공산주의인터내셔널 동맹 (RCIT) 국제서기


The counterrevolution incites ethnic conflicts By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)


The new regime in Syria tries to please the U.S. and Israel

By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)


Every revolution has its counter-revolutionary elements By Yossi Schwartz,

ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)

The Bystanders of the Syrian Revolution By Michael Pröbsting (RCIT)


Los espectadores de la revolución siria Por Michael Pröbsting (CCRI)


Сторонні спостерігачі Сирійської революції Михаэля Прёбстинга (RCIT)

Israel plans to annex the rest of the Golan By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)

Syria: Advance the Revolutionary Process! By Juan Giglio, Convergencia Socialista (RCIT Section in Argentina)


Siria: ¡Ninguna transición pacífica ni ordenada, hay que demoler el régimen baazista y reconstruir los consejos locales para que el pueblo se haga cargo del proceso revolucionario! Por Juan Giglio, Convergencia Socialista (sección argentina de la CCRI)

Syria – complete the democratic revolution!

By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT in Israel/Occupied Palestine)



The Arab regimes are terrified of the revolution in Syria

By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)


La revolución siria, un proceso que desestabiliza a toda la burguesía regional y que debe ser incentivada por los y las socialistas Por Damián Quevedo y Juan Giglio 

The Turkish Stalinists oppose the revolution and spread the usual lies By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)

The counter-revolutionary position of the RCI By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel /Occupied Palestine)


La posición contrarrevolucionaria de Alan Wood frente a la rebelión siria Por Yossi Schwartz, ISL (Sección de la Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional en Israel/Palestina ocupada)

Cayó el carnicero Al Assad y festeja el pueblo sirio ¡Viva la rebelión, producto de la resistencia palestina y la derrota de Netanyahu en Líbano! Por Juan Giglio (Convergencia Socialista)

The Zionist monster attacks Syria, ruled by the revolution By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine) 

The ISA counter-revolutionary positions in Gaza and Syria

By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/

Occupied Palestine)

Clarification regarding the rebels in Syria against the bloody regime of Assad By Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine)


Роз'яснення щодо повстанців у Сирії проти кривавого режиму Асада Йосі Шварц ISL (секція RCIT в Ізраїлі/окупованій Палестині) 

La fuerza de la resistencia palestina reanimó a los rebeldes sirios, que acaba de proponinarle un duro golpe al ejército de al Assad Por Juan Giglio (Convergencia Socialista)


Speech of Michael Pröbsting at Mass Demonstration for Syrian Revolution (08.12.2024)

Austria: 30.000 Syrians Demonstrate and Celebrate the Downfall of Assad

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Demonstration in Vienna on 8 December 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT


النمسا: تظاهر 30 ألف سوري وهتفوا بسقوط الأسد

تقرير (بالصور ومقاطع الفيديو) من مظاهرة في فيينا في


Österreich: 30.000 Syrer demonstrierten und jubeln über den Sturz Assads Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) von einer Demonstration in Wien am 8. Dezember 2024, österreichische Sektion der RCIT 


Austria: 30.000 sirios se manifiestan y celebran la caída de Assad  Informe (con fotos y vídeos) de una manifestación en Viena el 8 de diciembre de 2024, Sección Austriaca de la CCRI 

Hamas Leader: “We salute the blessed Syrian Revolution!” By Michael Pröbsting, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Лидер ХАМАС: «Мы приветствуем благословенную сирийскую революцию!»  Михаэль Прёбстинг, Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)


Dirigentes de Hamas se solidarizan con el levantamiento armado en Siria y despotrican contra el carnicero Bashar al Assad  Por Michael Pröbsting, Corriente Comunista Revolucionaria Internacional


Hamas Leader: “We salute the blessed Syrian Revolution!”


Syria: Notes on the Rebels’ Offensive (02.12.2024)


Some First Lessons from the Revival of the Syrian Revolution


Syria: Long Live the New Offensive of the Rebels!


Syria: Photo Exhibition about the Atrocities of the Assad Regime (13.06.2024)


Austria: Protest Rally against Deportations of Syrian Refugees (02.06.2024)


Austria: Rally against the Deportations of Syrian Refugees (10.05.2024)


Syria: Lively Mass Demonstration at the 13th Anniversary of the Revolution (10.03.2024)


Statement on 13th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution


Syria: Rally Expresses the Unbroken Solidarity with the Revolution against Assad (14.01.2024)


Syria: Full Solidarity with the Popular Protests against Al Assad (Joint Statement of UIT-CI & RCIT)


Syria: Rally and Photo Exhibition about the Atrocities of the Assad Regime (7-8.10.2023)


Save the Syrian Revolution!


Syria: The Revolutionary Offensive of the Masses Continues


[VIDEO] Syria: Enthusiastic Mass Rally in Solidarity with the Revival of the Revolution


The Meaning of the Revival of the Syrian Revolution


Syria: New Wave of Mass Protests against the Assad Regime


Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Cancer Patients in Idlib (27.7.2023)


Syria: Rally against Torture and Killing by the Assad Regime (25.6.2023)


Syria: Rally in Commemoration of Abdul Baset al-Sarout (11.6.2023)


Syria: Another Rally against the “Normalization” with Assad (19.5.2023)


Syria: Rally against the “Normalization” with Assad (23.4.2023)


Rally on the 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution (19.3.2023)


[VIDEO] 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution (1)


[VIDEO] 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution (2)


On the 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: Greetings to the Heroic People of the Revolution!


An Inspiring Internationalist Rally against Russian Imperialism (25.9.2022)


Rally on the 11th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution 2011


[VIDEO] 11th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution


Syria: Rally in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners (21.11.2021)


[VIDEO] Support the Syrian Revolution!


[VIDEO] Syria: Solidarity with the Political Prisoners tortured by Assad's Thugs


[VIDEO] Long Live the Uprising in Daraa-Syria


Syria: Glory to the Dignified Uprising in Daraa!


A Revealing Statistic about Who is Responsible for Killing Civilians in Syria


Assad’s “Socialist“ Friends


Report (with Pictures and Video): Rally at the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution


On the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: A Heroic People Which Refuses to Abandon the Field!


Idlib/Syria: For the Immediate Release of the Journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem!


[VIDEO] Idlib/Syria: Release of the Journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem!


Idlib/Syria: Martyrdom Operation against Russian-Turkish Joint Patrol on M4


Idlib: Syrian Protestors Stop Russian-Turkish Joint Patrol on the M4 Highway


Verteidigt die Syrische Revolution in Idlib und Al-Ghouta – nicht in Afrin!


Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG


Idlib: Putin-Erdoğan Deal is a Sell-Out of the Syrian Revolution!


Open Europe’s Borders for Syrian Refugees - Now!


Syria: On the Turkish-Russian Confrontation in Idlib


Syria: How Much Does the Pentagon Pay for the YPG?


Syria: Don’t Let Idlib Die!


Report (with Pictures and Video): Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib (26 January 2020)


[VIDEO] Defend the Syrian People in Idlib against Assad & Putin! (26.1.2020)


Defend Idlib! Defeat Assad and the Russian-Iranian Occupiers!


[VIDEO] Stand with Idlib in these Difficult Times! (4.1.2020)


Report (with Pictures and Video): Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib (4 January 2020)


Syria: Assad Regime and Kurdish YPG Strike a Reactionary Deal


No to the Turkish Invasion in North-East Syria!


Syria: US Imperialism Deserts the Kurds … Once Again


Syria: For the Immediate Release of Ahmad Rahhal and Mohammed Jadaan


Syria: The Fall of the Martyr City Khan Sheikhoun


Stalinism: Assad’s Best Friends Forever


Syria: The Shameful Alliance of the Saudi Monarchy and the “Left-Wing” YPG


Report (with Pictures and Video): Rally in Support of the Syrian People in Idlib


Syria: Heroic Rebel Fighters Wage Bold Counter-Attack


US Official: “We Worried that the Assad Regime Might Finally Collapse"


[VIDEO] Syria: Defend Idlib against the Butchers Assad and Putin!


Report (with Pictures and Video): Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib


Syria: Defend Idlib against Assad and Putin!


Report (with Pictures and Video): Rally at the 8th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution


On the 8th anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: Hail the Insurgent People Fighting for Freedom!


Obituary: The Tragic Death of Lorenzo Orsetti


Syria: Is the Reactionary Sochi Deal Collapsing?


Syria/Idlib: How to Assess the Official Statement of HTS on the Sochi Surrender Deal?


Syria: Who is Responsible for the Civilian Death Toll from March 2011 to September 2018?


Syria/Idlib: Turkish Army Attacks HTS in Implementing the Sochi Surrender Deal


OGN: Interviews with Syrians in Idlib on their Opinions about the Sochi Deal


Syria/Idlib: For a Broad Rejectionist United Front against the Sochi Surrender Deal!


How U.S. Strategists View the Syrian Revolution


Syria/Idlib: News Confirm that the Sochi Deal Means Surrender!


Syria/Idlib: Down with the Sochi Surrender Deal!


Syria: Mass Rallies in Idlib against the Regime and Russia (with Pictures, Videos and a Map)


Report (with Pictures and Videos): Rally in Solidarity with the Syrian People in Idlib


[VIDEO] Solidarity with the Syrian People in Idlib!


[VIDEO] Defend Idlib against the Assad Tyranny!


[VIDEO] Speech in Support of the Syrian People in Idlib on 08 September 2018


Erdoğan Offers “My Dear Friend” Putin to Disarm the Syrian Revolution


High-Ranking U.S. Delegation Meets Assad’s Security Chief


U.S. Imperialism Wants to “Re-Engage” with the Assad Tyranny


63,000 Russian Troops back up the Reactionary Assad Regime in Syria


Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib


[VIDEO] No to US Listing of Syria's HTS as "Terrorist Organization"!


Denounce the US terror listing of Syria’s Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham!


PAMPHLET: Syria and Great Power Rivalry: The Failure of the „Left“


On Trump’s attack on Syria


Syria attack, Salisbury: Down with Imperialist Warmongering of All Great Powers!


Syria: Another Chemical Attack Massacre by the Assad Regime!


Matrix: The Just Liberation Wars and the Reactionary Wars of Powers in Syria


Syria/Idlib: The Attack of the Astana Conspirators could be repelled thus far


Syria: Turkey's hidden war against HTS in Idlib


Hundreds Demonstrate in Vienna in Solidarity with East Ghouta


Syria: Assad’s Massacre in East Ghouta and the Western Hypercritics


Syria: Assad opens once again a Corridor for ISIS/Daesh


Syrian Liberation Fighters Shot Down Russian Warplane – A Small Victory


[VIDEO] Speech in Protest against the UN-sponsered Syria Conference in Vienna


Syria: No to Turkey’s Attack on Afrin! Defend the Syrian Revolution against Annihilation!


[VIDEO] No to the Imperialist-Sponsored Conferences on Syria!


The Imperialist-Sponsored Conferences on Syria are Charades! Report (with Pictures and Video) of a Protest Rally


Syria: Counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh attacks again the Liberation Forces with the Help of Assad’s Army


[VIDEO] Report of Meeting on the Syrian Revolution with Speech of Michael Pröbsting (03.11.2017)


Syria: The Russian-Sponsored Conference in Sochi – Another Charade!


Syria: What Putin Has to Say about the Astana Deal and Role of the U.S.


The Revelations of a U.S. General on Washington’s Allies in Syria


Syria: Assad's Army and ISIS Act Hand in Hand against the Liberation Forces


Russia’s Air Force supports Daesh against Syrian Liberation Fighters


Syria: A Very Instructive Episode - ISIS collaborates with Assad against the Revolution


Syria: The Turkish-Russian Invasion against Idlib has begun!


Syrian Revolution: The Moment of Truth is Approaching!


Syria: Defend Idlib against the Great Powers!


Syria: The Astana-Deal Struggle Intensifies - Some Notes on Recent Developments in the Syrian Civil War and the Dangers for the Liberation Struggle


We Condemn the Astana Deal as an Attack on the Syrian Revolution!


Syria: Condemn the Reactionary Astana Deal!


Down with the Assad Tyranny! Victory to the Syrian Revolution! For a Workers and Peasants Republic! Draft Platform of Syrian Revolutionaries in Political Solidarity with the RCIT


Syria: Was the Chemical Attack a “False Flag” Operation?


Syria: No to Trump's Missiles Strike! Drive all Great Powers out of Syria! Victory to the Syrian Revolution!


PAMPHLET: Is the Syrian Revolution at its End? Is Third Camp Abstentionism Justified?


Out on the Streets to Protest against the Chemical Weapons Massacre by the Assad Regime!


Raqqa: Defeat the US Imperialist Offensive! An assessment of the US/SDF/YPG war against Daesh


Defeat the Imperialist Invasion in Syria – Victory to the Revolution!


The Revolutionary Struggle against Daesh and the Imperialist Aggression in the Middle East


The Syrian Revolution and the Assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey


The Looming Kerry-Lavrov Agreement – A Great Power Conspiracy against the Syrian Revolution


Joint Statement: Solidarity with Aleppo! Hands off Syria!


Rally in Solidarity with Aleppo


Syria: For an Independent Revolutionary Road!


Syria Solidarity Campaign on the US Friendly Fire incident


The Revolution in Syria won a Tactical Victory! Down with Assad the Butcher!


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution


Defend the Syrian Revolution – Defeat Assad – Drive the Russians, NATO, and All Other Foreign Aggressors Out of Syria!


Why Revolutionary Marxists Oppose Daesh/ISIL


The Imperialist Counterrevolution Threatens the Syrian Revolution! 


Great Powers Aim to Liquidate the Syrian Revolution!


Defend the Syrian Revolution against Russian Imperialism! 


Israel, Syria and the International Refugees Crisis 


Down with the Dictatorships in Egypt and Syria!


The Druze in Syria and the Perspectives of the Revolution


Down With the New Imperialist Attack on Iraq and Syria!


Syria, Israel and Palestinians: Free Abdel Qader Altlitha!


The Myth of Assad’s Syria as an Anti-Imperialist Regime


Syria: The Butcher in his own Words


Syria: Down with the Imperialist Geneva Accord!


Austria: Report from Rally against NATO Attack on Syria


Síria: Contra Assad e Contra o Imperialismo - Vitória da Revolução!


RKOB-Flugblatt: Syrien: Gegen Assad und gegen den Imperialismus – Für den Sieg der Revolution!


Syria: Against Assad and Against Imperialism – Victory to the Revolution!


Class struggle and religious sectarianism in Syria


Syria: After the defeat in Qusayr and ahead of the Battle for Aleppo


ISL-Leaflet: Victory to the Revolution in Syria!


Syria: Urgent Appeal to Free Ali Shihabi


Israel: Hands Off Lebanon and Syria!


Victory to the Revolution in Syria! The second anniversary of the uprising in Syria


Austria: Report from a Demonstration in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution on 15.3.2013


No military intervention of Turkey/NATO in Syria!




Verteidigt die Syrische Revolution in Idlib und Al-Ghouta – nicht in Afrin!


Flugblatt der RKO BEFREIUNG, 25.1.2018,




Brüder und Schwestern! Die Syrische Revolution schwebt in allergrößter Gefahr! Unsere Revolution ist bedroht durch Vernichtung und Verrat!


Die Revolution ist bedroht durch den gnadenlosen Vormarsch, das grausame Bombardement und die Giftgasangriffe durch Assads Armee und seinen iranischen und russischen Verbündeten.


Die Revolution ist bedroht durch den Ausverkauf bei den Pseudo-Verhandlungen in Astana, Sochi und Genf!


Die Revolution ist bedroht durch den türkischen Krieg gegen die Kurden in Afrin! Wir wollen eine Einheit aller Brüder und Schwestern – egal ob Araber, Kurden und Turkmenen!


Die Revolution ist bedroht durch den Abzug der syrischen Kämpfer von der Front in Idlib um im Dienste der Türkei gegen die Kurden zu kämpfen! Der türkische Krieg in Afrin hilft Assad, um Idlib zu erobern!


Die Wahrheit ist: Erdoğan und Putin machen gemeinsame Sache! Erdoğan bekommt Afrin und Assad bekommt Idlib und al-Ghouta!


Brüder und Schwestern, die Revolution kann nicht gerettet werden durch Unterordnung unter die Großmächte Russland oder USA oder unter die Regierung der Türkei. Sie kann nicht gerettet werden, wenn Freiheitskämpfer zu Söldnern ausländischer Mächte werden!


* Solidarität mit der Syrischen Revolution!


* Nieder mit Assad, Putin, Rouhani und Trump!


* Alle Freiheitskämpfer an die Front in Idlib, al-Ghouta, Daraa usw. – aber nicht nach Afrin!


* Für eine Regierung der Arbeiter und Bauern!


* Gegen Sektierertum – Für den gemeinsamen Widerstand gegen Assad unabhängig von Religion und ethnischer Herkunft!


* Russland, Iran, USA, EU, Türkei - Raus aus Syrien!


* Solidarität mit dem Freiheitskampf der unterdrückten Massen in Ägypten, Iran, Jemen, Tunesien und Sudan!


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