Report (with Pictures and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 21 November 2021, Austrian Section of the RCIT, and
About 50 Syrian migrants held a rally in the centre of Vienna to show their solidarity with the political prisoners in Syria. The Assad tyranny keeps hundreds of thousands of people in prison where they face unspeakable suffering at the hand of the regime’s tortures. Many have been killed and numerous have just “disappeared” with their families fearing for their lives.
Comrades of the Austrian section of the RCIT participated in the rally. We sold copies of the latest issue of THAWRA - the RCIT's Arab-language paper. Our comrade Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, was asked to address the rally. Comrade Pröbsting denounced the Assad tyranny and stated our unconditional solidarity with the political prisoners. He also emphasized our support for the ongoing Syrian Revolution.
Bericht (mit Fotos und Video) von einer Kundgebung in Wien am 21. November 2021, Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG (Österreichische Sektion der RCIT),
Ungefähr 50 syrische Migrantinnen und Migranten versammelten sich in Wien, um ihre Unterstützung für die politischen Gefangenen in Syrien zu zeigen. Die tyrannische Herrschaft von Assad hält hunderttausende Menschen in seinen Kerkern gefangen, wo sie unaussprechliches Leid durch die Folterer des Regimes erfahren. Viele wurden bereits ermordet und zahlreiche andere sind einfach „verschwunden“ und ihre Familien fürchten um deren Leben.
Mitglieder der österreichischen Sektion der RCIT nahmen an der Kundgebung teil. Wir verkauften die neue Ausgabe von THAWRA – der arabisch-sprachigen Zeitung der RCIT. Unser Genosse Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär der RCIT, wurde gebeten, eine Rede zu halten. In seiner Rede verurteilte Genosse Pröbsting das Regime und betonte unsere bedingungslose Solidarität mit den politischen Gefangenen. Er unterstrich ebenso unsere Unterstützung für die Syrische Revolution, die lebt und kämpft gegen die tyrannische Herrschaft von Assad.
Statement of Almedina Gunić, International Women’s Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 21 November 2021
Here is a video statement of Almedina Gunić in support of the Syrian Revolution.
The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) supports the struggle of the ongoing liberation struggle of the Syrian workers and peasants for freedom and fights for a socialist perspective.
The RCIT has published numerous articles and documents on the Syrian liberation struggle which can be read in a special section on the RCIT's website at
Statement of Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 21 November 2021
Here is a video statement of Michael Pröbsting in support of the political prisoners in Syria.
The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) supports the struggle of the ongoing liberation struggle of the Syrian workers and peasants for freedom and fights for a socialist perspective.
The RCIT has published numerous articles and documents on the Syrian liberation struggle which can be read in a special section on the RCIT's website at