RCIT Activities in 2024 (July-November)

London: Pro-Palestine Youth Stops Traffic (16.11.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s War Mania (2.11.2024)

Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Austria: Manifestación en solidaridad con el activista solidario francés pro palestino Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Autriche : Manifestation en solidarité avec le militant pro-palestinien français Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem französischen pro-Palästinaaktivisten Elias d'Imzalene (23.10.2024)

UK: Report from the PSC Trade Union Conference on Building Solidarity with Palestine (19.10.2024)

South Korea: National Day of Action on the 1st Anniversary of the Gaza War (05.10.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s Wars in Gaza and Lebanon (05.10.2024)

Anti-Lebanon War Protest in Tel Aviv (24.9.2024)

Austria: Funeral of Palestinian Prisoner Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali) (23.09.2024)

Wien: Begräbnis des palästinensischen Gefangenen Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali) (23.09.2024)

Liverpool (UK): National March for Palestine at the Labour Party Conference (21.09.2024)

Protest against pro-Israeli War Criminals Conference in the Austrian Parliament (10.09.2024)

فيينا: احتجاج ضد مؤتمر جرائم الحرب المؤيدة لإسرائيل في البرلمان النمساوي (10.09.2024)

Wien: Protest gegen pro-israelische Kriegsverbrecherkonferenz im österreichischen Parlament (10.09.2024)

Protesta contra la Conferencia sobre criminales de guerra proisraelíes en el Parlamento austríaco (10.09.2024)

Argentina: Convergencia Socialista Agitates against the Government's Austerity Measures (08.09.2024)

Argentina: Convergencia Socialista agitando contra el ajuste del gobierno (08.09.2024)

UK: Demonstration to End the Genocide in Gaza (07.09.2024)

South Korea: Rally in Protest against the Gaza Massacre (24.8.2024)

South Korea: Rally in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle in Burma/Myanmar (25.8.2024)

Interview about the Trial against Michael Pröbsting on the Arabic News Channel INFOGRAT

مقابلة حول محاكمة مايكل بروبستينج على قناة الأخبار العربية INFOGRAT

Interview zum Prozess gegen Michael Pröbsting im arabischen Nachrichtensender INFOGRAT

Entrevista sobre el proceso contra Michael Pröbsting en el canal de noticias árabe INFOGRAT

Entrevista sobre o processo contra Michael Pröbsting no canal de notícias árabe INFOGRAT

Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting (Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August)

Skandalurteil gegen Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Kabinettsjustiz droht (Bericht vom 2.Prozess am 21. August)

Escandaloso veredicto contra el luchador pro-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Veredito escandaloso contra o ativista pró-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Verdict scandaleux contre l'activiste pro-palestinien Michael Pröbsting

Scandaloso verdetto contro l'attivista filo-palestinese Michael Pröbsting

Media Review about the 2nd Trial against Michael Pröbsting on 21 August

Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People (18.8.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk (18.8.2024)

Austria: Rally against imperialist Russia (19.8.2024)

Wien: Kundgebung gegen das imperialistische Russland (19.8.2024)

Israel / Occupied Palestine: Anti-War Protest in Haifa (10.8.2024)

London: Pro-Palestine Demonstration Calls for an Arms Embargo to Israel (3.8.2024)

Argentina: Rally in Solidarity with the Workers and People of Venezuela (2.8.2024)

Argentina: Acto de solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo de Venezuela (2.8.2024)

베네수엘라 노동자·민중에 연대하는 최초 집회 (2.8.2024)

RCIT Greetings to the 26th Annual National Congress of the PSM (Malaysia)

South Korea: Solidarity with the Popular Resistance in Burma/Myanmar (28.7.2024)


London: Pro-Palestine Youth Stops Traffic

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 16th November 2024




At about 1.30pm on the 16th November a group called Youth Demand stopped traffic on the Euston Road in London for over half an hour. They protested against Israel’s genocide and called the Starmer Government to stop arming Israel. The young activists held posters saying, “We are all Palestinians” and “End the Slaughter Now”. The police arrived later but there was no action by them.




London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s War Mania

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 2nd November 2024




About 100,000 people marched from Whitehall in London to the US embassy. They protested against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and demanded an end of the aggression against Lebanon and Iran. The March organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition.


Demonstrators, mostly migrants and people from the Global South, held placards and chanted slogans for “Free Palestine”, “Fight Israeli Apartheid”, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”, and “Labour had blood on its hand”.


There were some trade union banners from UNISON, CWU, UCU, and NEU. These were mostly rank and file trade unionists. Supporters of the RCIT distributed leaflets which were often warmly received.


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 23 October 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




A few dozen people assembled in front of the French embassy in Vienna on 23.10.2024 to show their support for French pro-Palestinian solidarity activist Elias d'Imzalene. Elias has been put on trial because of his call for an Intifada in France and is threatened with up to 15 years in prison.


The rally was organised by CAGE Austria and led by sister Nehal. It was addressed by several speakers from CAGE Austria as well as from Dar al Janub.


Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, was also asked to speak at the rally. He stated our solidarity with Elias d'Imzalene and denounced the French imperialist state which has a long history of colonial oppression of Muslim and non-Muslim peoples. Michael referred to pro-Zionist repression in Austria and pointed to his own trial where he was sentenced to 6 months suspended prison sentence for alleged “support of terrorism” – in fact because he expressed his support for the Palestinian resistance in a video statement.




Austria: Manifestación en solidaridad con el activista solidario francés pro palestino Elias d'Imzalene

Informe (con fotos y vídeos) de una manifestación en Viena el 23 de octubre de 2024, Sección Austriaca de la CCRI, www.thecommunists.net




Decenas de personas se reunieron frente a la embajada de Francia en Viena el 23.10.2024 para mostrar su apoyo al activista solidario francés pro-palestino Elias d'Imzalene. Elias ha sido juzgado por su llamado a una Intifada en Francia y lo amenazan con hasta 15 años de prisión.


La manifestación fue organizada por CAGE Austria (Agrupación de jóvenes musulmanes) y dirigida por su hermana Nehal. En él intervinieron varios oradores de CAGE Austria y de Dar al Janub.


En la manifestación también se invitó a hablar a Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la CCRI. Manifestó nuestra solidaridad con Elias d'Imzalene y denunció al estado imperialista francés que tiene una larga historia de opresión colonial de pueblos musulmanes y no musulmanes. Michael se refirió a la represión prosionista en Austria y señaló su propio juicio en el que fue sentenciado a 6 meses de prisión suspendida por supuesto “apoyo al terrorismo” – de hecho, porque expresó su apoyo a la resistencia palestina en una declaración en video.





Autriche : Manifestation en solidarité avec le militant pro-palestinien français Elias d'Imzalene

Compte-rendu (avec photos et vidéos) d'un rassemblement à Vienne le 23 octobre 2024, section autrichienne du CCRI/RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Quelques dizaines de personnes se sont rassemblées devant l'ambassade de France à Vienne le 23 octobre 2024 pour manifester leur soutien au militant français pro-palestinien Elias d'Imzalene, jugé pour son appel à l'Intifada en France et menacé de 15 ans de prison.


Le rassemblement a été organisé par CAGE Autriche et dirigé par sœur Nehal. Plusieurs intervenants de CAGE Autriche et de Dar al Janub y ont pris la parole.


Michael Pröbsting, secrétaire international du CCRI, a également été invité à prendre la parole lors du rassemblement. Il a exprimé notre solidarité avec Elias d'Imzalene et a dénoncé l'État impérialiste français qui a une longue histoire d'oppression coloniale des peuples musulmans et non musulmans. Michael a fait référence à la répression pro-sioniste en Autriche et a évoqué son propre procès où il a été condamné à 6 mois de prison avec sursis pour « soutien au terrorisme » présumé – en fait parce qu'il a exprimé son soutien à la résistance palestinienne dans une déclaration vidéo.




Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem französischen pro-Palästinaaktivisten Elias d'Imzalene

Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) von einer Kundgebung in Wien am 23. Oktober 2024, österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Einige Dutzend Menschen versammelten sich am 23.10.2024 vor der französischen Botschaft in Wien, um ihre Unterstützung für den französischen pro-Palästinaaktivisten Elias d'Imzalene zu zeigen. Elias wurde wegen seines Aufrufs zu einer Intifada in Frankreich vor Gericht gestellt und ihm drohen bis zu 15 Jahre Gefängnis.


Die Kundgebung wurde von CAGE Österreich organisiert und von Schwester Nehal geleitet. Es sprachen mehrere Rednerinnen von CAGE Österreich sowie von Dar al Janub.


Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär der RCIT, wurde ebenfalls gebeten, bei der Kundgebung zu sprechen. Er bekundete unsere Solidarität mit Elias d'Imzalene und verurteilte den französischen imperialistischen Staat, der eine lange Geschichte der kolonialen Unterdrückung muslimischer und nicht-muslimischer Völker hat. Michael verwies auf die pro-zionistische Repression in Österreich und auf seinen eigenen Prozess, in dem er wegen angeblicher „Unterstützung des Terrorismus“ zu einer 6-monatigen bedingten Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt wurde – und zwar, weil er in einem Videostatement seine Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Widerstand zum Ausdruck gebracht hatte.




UK: Report from the PSC Trade Union Conference on Building Solidarity with Palestine

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 19th October 2024




More than 150 people, mainly British trade unionists, joined a conference to discuss ways for trade unionists to expand solidarity work in support of Palestine. The conference was organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, one of the main forces in the pro-Palestine movement in Britain.


Riya Al-Sanah from Workers in Palestine Initiative started by saying that without Western imperialism Israel would not be able to carry on the war in Gaza, killing tens of thousands of Palestinians. The British government is complicit in this genocide by arming Israel. She called to take actions in workplaces to prevent weapons going to Israel and to close arm factories. It is worth pointing out that recently Greek dockworkers took action to support the Palestinian people by refusing to handle arms cargo for Israel.


Nadia Habash from the Palestinian Engineers Syndicate said that the Zionists had destroyed every part of Palestinian life in Gaza and the West Bank. Wages have declined and 200,000 Palestinians have lost their jobs. She also pointed to the similarities of Israel with the South African Apartheid system in the past. It is obvious that Israel is an Apartheid state.


Samia Al Bordeh, a Palestinian academic, called for a permanent ceasefire and an end of arming Israel.


Fran Heathcote, General Secretary of PCS (a large public sector union, Ed.) and Phil Clarke from the NEU (National Education Union, Ed.) presented reformist proposals. While they stated their solidarity with Palestine it is a shameful fact that the majority in the trade union bureaucracy supports Zionism and does not lift a finger in solidarity with the Palestinian people.


Ben Jamal, Director of the PSC, concluded the conference. He stressed that more trade union solidarity is needed to end the complicity of Britain and western nations in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. It is urgent to support the ongoing resistance from the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation. He expressed support for the global boycott campaign against Israel and stated that the solidarity movement will continue the struggle until Palestine is free.


RCIT supporters handed out leaflets and discussed with participants about our program for the Palestinian liberation struggle.


South Korea: National Day of Action on the 1st Anniversary of the Gaza War

Report from Demonstrations in Seoul and Ulsan on 5 October 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]




On October 5, 2024, marking the first anniversary of the Gaza War, a National Day of Action was held in South Korea to condemn the Zionist government of Israel.


The demonstration in Seoul was organized by the Korean civil society’s emergency action group in solidarity with Palestine. Comrades from the Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) actively participated in this event.


The rally in front of Bosingak was filled with strong voices calling for an end to the massacre of Palestinians. Speeches were delivered by representatives of Palestinian victims, various civic groups, left-wing organizations, and labor unions, including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), who all expressed solidarity. Everyone came together to denounce the Zionist regime of Israel and demanded the immediate cessation of the massacre.


In particular, participants strongly demanded that South Korea halts its arms exports to Israel. They also called for Hyundai to stop exporting excavators to Israel, condemning any corporate transactions that contribute to Israel's military occupation. The activists stressed that Korea's arms and industrial exports to Israel are exacerbating the suffering of Palestinians.


After the speeches, the demonstrators marched from Bosingak Station to the Israeli Embassy, and then back to Bosingak Station, where the rally concluded. During the march, a performance was held at the station, with participants carrying and waving banners that depicted symbolic images of Palestine alongside Korea’s magpie, representing unity. The powerful sounds of the "Internationale" anthem echoed, moving the hearts of the demonstrators.


Our comrades from the Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) set up a stall where fellow workers and comrades gathered, encouraging and supporting each other. After the rally, participants took group photos to mark the occasion before parting ways. This rally served as an important moment to reaffirm solidarity with Palestine and reinforce the commitment of Korean masses to halt Israel's invasion and massacre.


In addition, solidarity activists did also hold a rally in Ulsan on the same day to show their support for Palestine and condemn Israel. Among them were, among others, activists from the subcontractors' union at Hyundai Heavy Industries, as well as from the organization 'March to Socialism' The Ulsan branch of the KCTU was also involved.


London: Pro-Palestine March against Israel’s Wars in Gaza and Lebanon

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 5th October 2024




Over 300,000 people marched in Central London a year after the beginning of the barbarous war of annihilation in Gaza by the Zionists. Once, more the demonstration was organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition.


As usual, the demonstration was dominated by migrants from Muslim countries. Many chants and placards were directed against the complicity of Starmer’s Labour government in supporting Genocide and the destruction of Gaza and Lebanon. Comrades of the RCIT distributed leaflets and sold copies of the RCIT’s English-language journals.


Anti-Lebanon War Protest in Tel Aviv

By Adam Smith, Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 25.09.2024, https://the-isleague.com




An anti-war demonstration was organized on Tuesday (24.9) by Hadash (affiliated with the Communist Party of Israel). It had a presence of ISA/Socialist Struggle, as well as several peace NGOs. It had a relatively large number of people, between 50 and 100.


The protest was against the escalation of the war in Lebanon. As could be sadly expected from such organizers, no explicitly anti-Zionist slogans were raised (e.g. “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free”). Instead they focused on reformist slogans and false equivalency (e.g. “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies” or ”Both in Gaza and Sderot children want to live”). The truth is that this is actually a war between an oppressor and oppressed. Nevertheless, it is still important to protest, especially when there are less opportunities to do so, as Israel becomes more and more authoritarian.


Down with the Zionist War and Genocide!


For Palestine red and free from the river to the sea!




Austria: Funeral of Palestinian Prisoner Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali)


Report (with Photos and Video) of the Austrian section of the RCIT, 23 September 2024, www.rkob.net and www.thecommunists.net




On 23 September, several dozen solidarity activists gathered for the funeral of Palestinian prisoner Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali), including his brother who lives in Germany.


Tawfik had attempted to hijack an Israeli El Al plane in 1985 but was arrested at the Vienna airport after a shootout and had been in prison ever since.


Several participants spoke at the memorial service at Vienna's Central Cemetery, led by comrade Mohammed of the Arab Palestine Club, including Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT.


Michael explained that while he does not share Tawfik's chosen methods, he respects his dedication to the cause of the liberation of Palestine. The liberation of the oppressed peoples will not be possible without the selfless commitment of hundreds and thousands of activists. This must never be forgotten, especially in times of Israeli genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and the barbaric aggression against Lebanon.


Wien: Begräbnis des palästinensischen Gefangenen Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali)


Bericht (mit Fotos und Video) der österreichischen Sektion der RCIT, 23. September 2024, www.rkob.net und www.thecommunists.net




Am 23. September fanden sich mehrere Dutzende Solidaritätsaktivistinnen und -aktivisten zum Begräbnis des palästinensischen Gefangenen Imad Imran (Tawfik Chaovali) ein, darunter auch sein in Deutschland lebender Bruder.


Tawfik hatte 1985 versucht, eine israelische El-Al-Maschine zu entführen, wurde jedoch am Flughafen Wien-Schwechat nach einer Schießerei festgenommen und saß seitdem im Gefängnis.


Bei der von Genosse Mohammed vom Arabischen Palästina Club geleiteten Trauerfeierlichkeit am Wiener Zentralfriedhof sprachen mehrere Teilnehmer, darunter auch Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär des RCIT.


Michael erklärte, dass er zwar nicht die von Tawfik gewählten Methoden teilt, gleichzeitig aber seine Hingabe für die Sache der Befreiung Palästinas respektiere. Die Befreiung der unterdrückten Völker wird nicht möglich sein ohne das selbstlose Engagement hunderter und tausender Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten. Das darf man niemals vergessen, gerade in Zeiten den israelischen Völkermordes an den Palästinensern in Gaza und der barbarischen Aggression gegen den Libanon.


Liverpool (UK): National March for Palestine at the Labour Party Conference

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 22nd September 2024




More than 15,000 people from all over the country came to Liverpool to demonstrate at the conference of the Labour Party on 21st September. They called the Labour government to support a ceasefire. Many demonstrators denounced the shameful role of Prime Minister Keir Starmer and chanted that he has blood on his hands.


The demonstration was organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition. The majority of the demonstrators were migrant workers and their families.


Placards read slogans like “Ceasefire Now”, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”, “No to Apartheid State of Israel” and “Western governments: Stop Arming Israel!


Comrades of the RCIT distributed leaflets and discussed with activists about the current situation and the next steps in the liberation struggle.


Protest against pro-Israeli War Criminals Conference in the Austrian Parliament

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 10 September 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Dozens of pro-Palestine activists assembled close to the Austrian parliament to protest against a shameful conference against “Anti-Semitism”. In fact, it was a pro-Israel conference in which the President of the Israeli Knesset also participated. Fearing popular anger, the government ordered the police to transform the parliament into a fortress and to close the street in front of it (one of the main streets in the city). The protest rally was moved away from the focus of journalists and put in a kind of cage, surrounded by police.


The protest rally, organised by the initiative “Together for Palestine”, lasted through the whole day. In the afternoon several speakers addressed the rally, including Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. He denounced the conference in the Austrian parliament as a shameful event which reflects, once again, the government’s support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Michael referred to his recent trial where he got a 6 months suspended prison sentence for alleged “support of terrorism” – in fact because he expressed his support for the Palestinian resistance in a video statement. He said that the real terrorist is Israel and the politicians participating in this conference are supporters of Israeli terrorism.






فيينا: احتجاج ضد مؤتمر جرائم الحرب المؤيدة لإسرائيل في البرلمان النمساوي

تقرير (بالصور ومقاطع الفيديو) من تجمع حاشد في فيينا في 10 سبتمبر 2024، القسم النمساوي من RCIT، www.thecommunists.net




تجمع العشرات من الناشطين المؤيدين للفلسطينيين بالقرب من البرلمان النمساوي للاحتجاج على المؤتمر المخزي ضد "معاداة السامية". وفي الواقع، كان مؤتمراً مؤيداً لإسرائيل حضره رئيس الكنيست الإسرائيلي. وخوفا من غضب السكان، أمرت الحكومة الشرطة بتحويل البرلمان إلى قلعة وإغلاق الشارع أمامه (أحد الشوارع الرئيسية في المدينة). تمت إزالة المسيرة الاحتجاجية من دائرة الضوء الإعلامية ووضعها في قفص محاط بالشرطة.


واستمرت المسيرة الاحتجاجية، التي نظمتها مبادرة “معا من أجل فلسطين”، طوال اليوم. تحدث العديد من المتحدثين في فترة ما بعد الظهر، بما في ذلك ميخائيل بروبستينج، السكرتير الدولي لـ RCIT.ä


وأدان المؤتمر في البرلمان النمساوي ووصفه بأنه حدث مشين يظهر مرة أخرى دعم الحكومة للإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلية في غزة. وأشار مايكل إلى محاكمته الأخيرة، والتي حكم عليه فيها بالسجن لمدة ستة أشهر مع وقف التنفيذ بتهمة "دعم الإرهاب" - وذلك لأنه أعرب عن دعمه للمقاومة الفلسطينية في بيان بالفيديو. وقال إن الإرهابي الحقيقي هو إسرائيل والسياسيون الذين يحضرون هذا المؤتمر هم من أنصار الإرهاب الإسرائيلي.







Wien: Protest gegen pro-israelische Kriegsverbrecherkonferenz im österreichischen Parlament

Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) von einer Kundgebung in Wien am 10. September 2024, österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Dutzende pro-palästinensische Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten versammelten sich in der Nähe des österreichischen Parlaments, um gegen eine beschämende Konferenz gegen „Antisemitismus“ zu protestieren. In Wirklichkeit war es eine pro-israelische Konferenz, an der auch der Präsident der israelischen Knesset teilnahm. Aus Angst vor dem Zorn der Bevölkerung befahl die Regierung der Polizei, das Parlament in eine Festung umzuwandeln und die Straße davor (eine der Hauptstraßen der Stadt) zu sperren. Die Protestkundgebung wurde aus dem Fokus der Medien entfernt und in eine Art Käfig gesteckt, umringt von Polizisten.


Die Protestkundgebung, organisiert von der Initiative „Together for Palestine“, dauerte den ganzen Tag. Am Nachmittag sprachen mehrere Rednerinnen und Redner, darunter Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär der RCIT. Er verurteilte die Konferenz im österreichischen Parlament als beschämendes Ereignis, das einmal mehr die Unterstützung der Regierung für den israelischen Völkermord in Gaza zeigt. Michael verwies auf seinen jüngsten Prozess, bei dem er wegen angeblicher „Unterstützung des Terrorismus“ zu einer sechsmonatigen Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt wurde – und zwar, weil er in einem Videostatement seine Unterstützung für den palästinensischen Widerstand zum Ausdruck gebracht hatte. Er sagte, der wahre Terrorist ist Israel und die an dieser Konferenz teilnehmenden Politiker sind Unterstützer des israelischen Terrorismus.





Protesta contra la Conferencia sobre criminales de guerra proisraelíes en el Parlamento austríaco

Informe (con fotos y vídeos) de una manifestación en Viena el 10 de septiembre de 2024, Sección Austriaca de la CCRI, www.thecommunists.net




Decenas de activistas pro palestinos se reunieron cerca del parlamento austriaco para protestar contra una vergonzosa conferencia contra el “antisemitismo”. De hecho, fue una conferencia pro-Israel en la que también participó el presidente de la Knesset israelí. Temiendo la ira popular, el gobierno ordenó a la policía transformar el parlamento en una fortaleza y cerrar la calle frente a él (una de las calles principales de la ciudad). La manifestación de protesta fue alejada del foco de los periodistas y colocada en una especie de jaula, rodeada por la policía.


La movilización, organizada por la iniciativa “Juntos por Palestina”, duró todo el día. Por la tarde, varios oradores se dirigieron a la manifestación, entre ellos Michael Pröbsting, Secretario Internacional de la CCRI. Denunció la conferencia en el parlamento austriaco como un evento vergonzoso que refleja, una vez más, el apoyo del gobierno al genocidio de Israel en Gaza. Michael se refirió a su reciente juicio en el que recibió una sentencia de prisión suspendida de 6 meses por presunto “apoyo al terrorismo” – de hecho, porque expresó su apoyo a la resistencia palestina en una declaración en video. Dijo que el verdadero terrorista es Israel y los políticos que participan en esta conferencia son partidarios del terrorismo israelí.






Argentina: Convergencia Socialista Agitates against the Government's Austerity Measures

Report by Convergencia Socialista (RCIT Section in Argentina), 08.09.2024, https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com




Convergencia Socialista, the Argentine section of the CCRI, carries out a day of agitation every week at which it disseminates of our newspaper “El Trabajador” at the central train station in Constitución, a place where thousands of workers pass through every day.


During these activities, our comrades noticed a good reception of our proposals by the workers who passed through the terminal. Our experience shows that the mood of the working class is beginning to change and there are favorable conditions for the dissemination of revolutionary ideas.


Argentina: Convergencia Socialista agitando contra el ajuste del gobierno


Por Convergencia Socialista (sección argentina de la CCRI), 08.09.2024, https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com




Convergencia socialista, la sección en Argentina de la CCRI, realiza semanalmente una jornada de agitación y difusión de nuestro periódico “El Trabajador”, en la estación central de trenes de Constitución, un lugar por el que transitan a diario miles de trabajadores.


En estas actividades nuestros compañeros notaron un buen recibimiento de nuestras propuestas por parte de los trabajadores que pasaban por la terminal, lo que demuestra que el estado de ánimo de la clase obrera esta empezando a cambiar y existen condiciones favorables para la difusión de las ideas revolucionarias.


UK: Demonstration to End the Genocide in Gaza

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 7th September 2024




After extreme provocation, bullying and intimation from the Metropolitan Police the 18th pro-Palestine march in London was allowed to proceed on time. This was a victory for democratic rights. Over 500,000 people participated in the demonstration – most of them were migrants and semi-colonial workers from Muslim countries and the south.


The march was organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition. It was very lively with people chanting slogans like “No more Genocide!”. Other chants and placards read “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”, “For One Free Palestine”, “End the Apartheid state” and “We are all Palestinians now”.


There were some trade union banners from rank and file members but the trade union bureaucracy, like the Starmer Labour government, takes a shameful pro-Zionist and pro-imperialist position.


RCIT comrades distributed our leaflets and sold journals and had a good response from participants.


South Korea: Rally in Protest against the Gaza Massacre

Report from a Rally in Ulsan on 24 August 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]




On 24th August, a rally opposing the massacre in Gaza was held in front of the Lotte Department Store in Ulsan. Organized by the Ulsan Emergency Action for Peace in Palestine, the event aimed to raise awareness of the atrocities in Gaza and call for freedom and peace for Palestine.


Despite the hot weather, many citizens stopped to listen to the rally, with some even participating to express their solidarity. Participants at the event chanted "Freedom for Palestine!" together, creating a powerful and passionate atmosphere.


During the rally, Comrade Jung Won-hyun from Ulsan, took the microphone and delivered a powerful speech. He stated, "Even though the International Court of Justice is trying to bring Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to trial, Netanyahu ignores it and even goes to the U.S. Congress to give a speech. This clearly shows how Israel disregards the United Nations and the International Court of Justice. This makes me realize that all of this is ultimately meaningless. This is the very essence of American imperialism!" His words deeply resonated with everyone present, allowing them to share in the pain and suffering of the Palestinian people.


In a particularly moving moment during the rally, a student citizen from Ulsan suddenly took the microphone and shouted, "Freedom for Palestine!" before leaving the scene. This unexpected act highlighted the deep concern and solidarity that many feel towards the Palestinian cause.


The rally was supported by various organizations, including the Ulsan branches of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Public Transport Workers' Union, the National Financial Industry Union, the Metal Workers' Union Hyundai Subcontracting Branch, the Metal Workers' Union Hyundai Glovis Branch, the Ulsan Migrant Center, the Seo Young-ho and Yang Bong-su Martyrs Commemoration Committee, the Ulsan Chapter of the Labor Party, the Workers' Revolutionary Party Preparation Group, and the Ulsan Committee for the March to Socialism. Additionally, we were joined by Comrade Jo Don-hee, Comrade Lee Hwang-hyun, and Comrade Jung Seung-cheol, who came all the way from Busan. Thanks to everyone's efforts, this rally became a more meaningful event.


This 20th rally was not just another event, but an important moment that further ignited the flames of solidarity and resistance.




South Korea: Rally in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle in Burma/Myanmar

Report from a Rally in Ulsan on 25 August 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]




The 117th Myanmar Democracy Campaign was held in Ulsan, South Korea on August 25th, organized by the Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group), Ulsan Cultural Action, March to Socialism, Ulsan Workers' Learning Center, Workers Acting Together, and the Ulsan Migrant Center.


A Myanmar migrant worker participating in the campaign made a heartfelt appeal to fellow supporters: "The situation in Myanmar is getting worse. We cannot remain idle here in Korea. Let’s increase our support beyond the 10% or 20% of our salaries that we have been contributing. More help is needed to achieve democracy quickly."


A total of 37,000 KRW was raised through street fundraising on August 25th and was donated to the Ulsan Myanmar Spring Revolution. We are grateful to everyone who participated despite the scorching heat. The next campaign, the 118th, is scheduled for Sunday, September 29th.


Peace to the world!


Interview about the Trial against Michael Pröbsting on the Arabic News Channel INFOGRAT

By Media Team, August 23, 2024, www.thecommunists.net




Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, and the lawyer Dr. Astrid Wagner (she is also a leading candidate for the LISTE GAZA in the upcoming national elections) were invited to a TV interview on the news channel INFOGRAT.


The reason was the verdict in the appeal process against Michael, in which he was given a 6-month suspended prison sentence because of his solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. Dr. Astrid Wagner is his lawyer in these proceedings.


INFOGRAT (www.infograt.com) is an Arabic-language television channel produced by migrants in Europe.


The interview was conducted in German and published with Arabic subtitles. It can be viewed below or at one of these links:












مقابلة حول محاكمة مايكل بروبستينج على قناة الأخبار العربية INFOGRAT

 تقرير الفريق الإعلامي لـ RCIT، 23 أغسطس/آب 2024، www.thecommunists.net




 مايكل بروبستينج، السكرتير الدولي لـRCIT، والمحامي د.  تمت دعوة أستريد فاغنر (التي تترشح أيضًا عن قائمة LISTE GAZA في انتخابات المجلس الوطني المقبلة) لإجراء مقابلة تلفزيونية على قناة INFOGRAT الإخبارية.


 وكان السبب هو الحكم الصادر في محاكمة الاستئناف ضد مايكل، والذي حكم عليه فيه بالسجن المشروط لمدة 6 أشهر بسبب تضامنه مع المقاومة الفلسطينية.  دكتور.  أستريد فاغنر هي محاميته في هذه الإجراءات.


 INFOGRAT (www.infograt.com) هي قناة تلفزيونية باللغة العربية أنتجها المهاجرون في أوروبا.


 أجريت المقابلة باللغة الألمانية وتم نشرها مع ترجمة باللغة العربية .












Entrevista sobre el proceso contra Michael Pröbsting en el canal de noticias árabe INFOGRAT

Por equipo de medios, 23 de agosto de 2024, www.thecommunists.net




Michael Pröbsting, secretario internacional de la CCRI, y la abogada Dra. Astrid Wagner (que también es una de las principales candidatas de LISTE GAZA en las próximas elecciones nacionales) fueron invitados a una entrevista televisiva en el canal de noticias INFOGRAT.


El motivo fue el veredicto en el proceso de apelación contra Michael, en el que se le impuso una pena de prisión suspendida de 6 meses por su solidaridad con la resistencia palestina. La Dra. Astrid Wagner es su abogada en este proceso.


INFOGRAT (www.infograt.com) es un canal de televisión en lengua árabe producido por inmigrantes en Europa.


La entrevista se realizó en alemán y se publicó con subtítulos en árabe. Se puede ver a continuación o en uno de estos enlaces:










Entrevista sobre o processo contra Michael Pröbsting no canal de notícias árabe INFOGRAT

Pela equipe de mídia da CCRI, 23 de agosto de 2024, www.thecommunists.net




Michael Pröbsting, secretário internacional da CCRI, e a advogada Dra. Astrid Wagner (que também é uma das principais candidatas do LISTE GAZA nas próximas eleições nacionais) foram convidados para uma entrevista na TV no canal de notícias INFOGRAT.


A razão para à entrevista foi o veredito no processo de apelação contra à condenação de Michael, no qual ele recebeu uma sentença de prisão suspensa de 6 meses por sua solidariedade com a resistência palestina. A Dra. Astrid Wagner é sua advogada nesse processo.


INFOGRAT (www.infograt.com) é um canal de televisão em árabe produzido por imigrantes na Europa.


A entrevista foi conduzida em alemão e publicada com legendas em árabe. Você pode assisti-la abaixo ou em um destes links:












Interview zum Prozess gegen Michael Pröbsting im arabischen Nachrichtensender INFOGRAT

Bericht des RCIT-Mediateam, 23. August 2024, www.thecommunists.net




Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär des RCIT, sowie die Rechtsanwältin Dr. Astrid Wagner (sie kandidiert auch für die LISTE GAZA bei den kommenden Nationalratswahlen) wurden zu einem TV-Interview beim Nachrichtensender INFOGRAT eingeladen.


Anlass war das Urteil im Berufungsprozess gegen Michael, in dem dieser wegen seiner Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Widerstand zu 6 Monaten bedingte Haftstrafe verteilt wurde. Dr. Astrid Wagner ist seine Rechtsanwältin in diesem Verfahren.


INFOGRAT (www.infograt.com) ist ein arabischsprachiger Fernsehsender, der von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Europa produziert wird.


Das Interview fand in deutscher Sprache statt und wurde mit arabischen Untertiteln veröffentlicht. Es kann unten oder auf einen dieser Links angeschaut werden:











Skandalurteil gegen Palästina-Aktivist Michael Pröbsting: Kabinettsjustiz droht

Bericht vom 2. Prozess am 21. August


Von RCIT-Mediateam, 21. August 2024




Heute kam es im Oberlandesgericht zu einem in zweifacher Hinsicht skandalösen Urteil gegen Michael Pröbsting, Palästina-Solidaritätsaktivist und Internationaler Sekretär der RCIT, der von Dr. Astrid Wagner, der wohl bekanntesten Rechtsanwältin Österreichs, vertreten wurde.


Einerseits ging es um die Aufhebung der Verurteilung zu 6 Monaten bedingte Haftstrafe, welche am 2. Mai diesen Jahres gegen Michael Pröbsting ausgesprochen wurde. Anlass war eine auf Englisch verfasste und von der Staatsanwaltschaft inhaltsverzerrt übersetzte Videobotschaft in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk.


Andererseits wurde eine Nichtigkeitsklage wegen Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit eingebracht, da beim ersten Prozess ein Medienvertreter – konkret ein Journalist von ServusTV – von einem Polizisten (sic!) davon abgehalten wurde den Gerichtssaal trotz einem frei gewordenen Platz zu betreten.


Sowohl die Berufung gegen das Urteil im ersten Prozess als auch Nichtigkeitsklage wurden abgelehnt. (Zum Hintergrund des Prozesses siehe https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_25)


Die Erklärung der Rechtsanwältin, es sei ein Ausdruck von Polizeigewalt, wenn nicht die Richterschaft, sondern Polizisten über den Eintritt in den Gerichtssaal entscheidet, wurden vom Gericht zurückgewiesen. Dr. Astrid Wagner sieht diese Entwicklung als alarmierend an. Es drohe eine „Kabinettsjustiz“ und weiters: „Und da sage ich als Juristin und als Mensch, der für den Rechtsstaat eintritt, dass hier ein ganz, ganz wichtiger Grundsatz unseres Rechtsstaates, den wir wirklich in Jahrhunderten erkämpft haben, auf den wir stolz sein sollten, dass dieser wichtige Grundsatz hier verletzt wurde. Und dagegen muss man schon kämpfen!


Bezeichnend war auch die Tatsache, dass der Richter das Schlusswort von Michael Pröbsting nach nur wenigen Minuten unterbrach und ihm nicht gestattete weiter seine Argumente gegen das Urteil vom 2 Mai darzulegen. Obwohl Michael aus der Urteilsbegründung zitierte und die dort vorgebrachten Behauptungen widerlegte, behauptete der Richter, dass dies hier irrelevant sei und er ausschließlich über sein Video sprechen dürfe. „Wenn es um eventuell andere, etwaig auch von Israel begangene Rechtsverletzungen handelt, so sind diese nicht Teil der heutigen Verhandlung“.


In einer Stellungnahme nach dem Prozess bezeichnete Michael dieses Vorgehen des Richters als ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, dass die Justiz in Österreich politisch einseitig Stellung bezieht für Israel und sogar verbietet, Kritik an Israel in einem Berufungsverfahren zu äußern. Ein solch juristische auferlegter, politisch motivierter Maulkorb ist angesichts der angeblich objektiven Rolle des Gerichts eine Schande!


Angesichts der stark pro-israelischen Färbung von offizieller Politik, Polizei und Justiz, zeigt sich einmal mehr, dass der Aktivismus auf der Straße ein wichtiger Ausdruck pro-palästinensischer Stimmen bleiben muss. Daher fand auch heute eine Kundgebung vor Beginn des Prozesses statt, bei der mehrere Redner ihre Solidarität zum Ausdruck brachten.


Topoke, der ebenso wie Dr. Wagner ein Kandidat der Liste GAZA bei der kommenden Nationalratswahl ist, klagte bei seiner Rede den Genozid im Gaza an. Willi Langthaler, ein Sprecher der Palästina Solidarität Österreich, bezog sich auf den problematischen Charakter der Urteilssprechung der in seiner Parteilichkeit die Rechtsstaatlichkeit ausheble.


Dr. Astrid Wagner und Michael Pröbsting bedanken sich bei allen Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten, die sich heute bzw. beim ersten Prozess am 2.Mai zur Unterstützung eingefunden haben. Dank gilt insbesondere auch Daniela Vill von der Palästina Solidarität Österreich und Mohammed vom Arabischen Palästina Club, die als Anmelder und Organisatoren der beiden Kundgebungen fungiert haben.


Abschließend sei vermerkt, dass der Prozess auf ein breites Medienecho stieß, wie unser Medienspiegel zeigt (siehe https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35).


Scandalous Verdict against Pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting

Report from 2nd Trial on 21 August

By RCIT Media Team, August 21, 2024




Today, the Higher Regional Court handed down a verdict against Michael Pröbsting that was scandalous in two respects. Michael is a pro-Palestine solidarity activist and International Secretary of the RCIT. He was represented by Dr. Astrid Wagner, probably Austria's best-known lawyer.


The court upheld the sentence of a 6 months' suspended prison term that was handed down against Michael on May 2nd of this year. The reason was a video message in solidarity with the Palestinian people written in English and translated by the public prosecutor with distorted content. (For the background to the trial, see https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_24)


The sentence reflects the pro-Zionist stance of the court and the desire to shut down voices of the pro-Palestine movement. This became particularly evident in the appeal hearing. In his closing statement, Michael took the written opinion of the court for his sentence and explained why the arguments in this document were wrong. However, after a few minutes the judge interrupted him and told him that he was only allowed to speak about the incriminated video but not about the Gaza War and Israel! Despite his protests, Michael was forced to stop his statement! Obviously, the court wanted to make sure that the public opinion must not hear the truth about Israel’s genocidal war. In a statement to the media after the court hearing, Michael denounced this act as a symbol for the pro-Israeli policy of the Austrian state.


Furthermore, the court rejected the appeal to annul the sentence because at the first trial, the police prevented a journalist from entering the court – a clear violation of the right of public to access court hearings. Dr. Astrid Wagner said that such an act of police violence is an alarming development: "And here I say as a lawyer and as a person who stands up for the rule of law that a very, very important principle of our rule of law, which we really fought for over centuries and which we should be proud of, has been violated here. And one has to fight against that!


Before the trial started, a rally was held in front of the court which was organized by Daniela Vill from Palestine Solidarity Austria. It was addressed by several speakers like Topoke, a candidate on the List GAZA in the upcoming national election (like Dr. Wagner) as well as by Willi Langthaler, a spokesperson for Palestine Solidarity Austria.


Finally, it should be noted that the trial received widespread media coverage, as our media review shows (see https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35).


See Videos and Pictures here: https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/rcit-activities-in-2024-part-3/#anker_10



Escandaloso veredicto contra el luchador pro-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Informe del segundo juicio del 21 de agosto


Por el equipo de medios de la CCRI, 21 de agosto de 2024




El Tribunal Superior Regional de Austria ha dictado hoy una sentencia contra Michael Pröbsting, que es escandalosa. Michael es un activista solidario con Palestina y secretario internacional de la CCRI. Su representación estuvo a cargo de la doctora Astrid Wagner, probablemente la abogada más conocida de Austria.


El tribunal confirmó la condena a seis meses de prisión en suspenso, que se había impuesto a Michael el 2 de mayo de este año. El motivo fue un mensaje de vídeo de solidaridad para con el pueblo palestino escrito en inglés y traducido por el fiscal con un contenido distorsionado. (Para conocer los antecedentes del juicio, véase https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_26)


La sentencia refleja la postura pro-sionista del tribunal y el deseo de acallar las voces del movimiento pro-Palestina, situación que se hizo particularmente evidente en la audiencia de apelación. En su declaración final, Michael tomó la opinión escrita del tribunal sobre su sentencia y explicó por qué los argumentos de este documento eran incorrectos. Sin embargo, después de unos minutos, el juez lo interrumpió y le dijo que sólo se le permitía hablar sobre el video en cuestión, pero no sobre la guerra de Gaza e Israel.


A pesar de sus protestas, Michael se vio obligado a detener su declaración, ya que el tribunal quería asegurarse de que la opinión pública no escuchara la verdad sobre la guerra genocida de Israel. En una declaración a los medios después de la audiencia judicial, Michael denunció este acto como un símbolo de la política pro-israelí del estado austriaco.


Además, el tribunal rechazó el recurso de anulación de la sentencia porque en el primer juicio la policía impidió a un periodista entrar en el tribunal, lo que supone una clara violación del derecho del público a acceder a las vistas judiciales. La doctora Astrid Wagner consideró que semejante acto de violencia policial es un hecho alarmante: "Y aquí digo, como abogada y persona que defiende el Estado de derecho, que aquí se ha violado un principio muy, muy importante de nuestro Estado de derecho, por el que hemos luchado durante siglos y del que deberíamos estar orgullosos. ¡Y hay que luchar contra eso!"


Antes del inicio del juicio se celebró una manifestación frente al tribunal, organizada por Daniela Vill, de Solidaridad con Palestina de Austria, en la que intervinieron varios oradores, como Topoke, candidato de la Lista GAZA en las próximas elecciones nacionales (al igual que la doctora Wagner), así como Willi Langthaler, portavoz de Solidaridad con Palestina de Austria.


Por último, cabe señalar que el juicio recibió una amplia cobertura mediática, como lo demuestra nuestra revisión de medios (véase https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35).


Vea videos y fotos aquí: https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/rcit-activities-in-2024-part-3/#anker_10




Veredito escandaloso contra o ativista pró-Palestina Michael Pröbsting

Pela equipe de imprensa da  CCRI/RCIT, 21 de agosto de 2024




Hoje, o Tribunal Regional Superior proferiu um veredicto contra Michael Pröbsting que foi escandaloso em dois aspectos. Michael é um ativista de solidariedade pró-Palestina e secretário internacional da CCRI. Ele foi representado pela Dra. Astrid Wagner, provavelmente a advogada mais conhecida da Áustria.


O tribunal manteve a sentença de 6 meses de prisão, suspensa, que foi proferida contra Michael em 2 de maio deste ano. O motivo foi uma mensagem em vídeo de solidariedade ao povo palestino escrita em inglês e traduzida pelo Ministério Público com conteúdo distorcido. (Para obter os antecedentes do julgamento, consulte https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_30)


A sentença reflecte a posição pró-sionista do tribunal e o desejo de calar as vozes do movimento pró-Palestina. Isto tornou-se particularmente evidente na audiência de recurso. Na sua declaração final, Michael baseou-se na opinião escrita do tribunal para a sua sentença e explicou porque é que os argumentos deste documento estavam errados. Contudo, passados alguns minutos, o juiz interrompeu-o e disse-lhe que só lhe era permitido falar sobre o vídeo incriminado, mas não sobre a Guerra de Gaza e Israel! Apesar dos seus protestos, Michael foi forçado a interromper a sua declaração! Obviamente, o tribunal queria ter a certeza de que a opinião pública não deveria ouvir a verdade sobre a guerra genocida de Israel. Numa declaração à comunicação social após a audiência, Michael denunciou este acto como um símbolo da política pró-Israel do Estado austríaco.


Além disso, o tribunal rejeitou o recurso de anulação da sentença porque, no primeiro julgamento, a polícia impediu um jornalista de entrar no tribunal – uma clara violação do direito do público de aceder às audiências do tribunal. Astrid Wagner disse que tal ato de violência policial é um desenvolvimento alarmante: "E aqui eu digo, como advogada e como pessoa que defende o Estado de direito, que um princípio muito, muito importante do nosso Estado de direito, pela qual realmente lutamos ao longo de séculos e da qual deveríamos nos orgulhar, foi violada aqui e é preciso lutar contra isso!”


Antes do início do julgamento, foi realizada uma manifestação em frente ao tribunal, organizada por Daniela Vill, da Palestine Solidarity Austria. Na manifestação  compareceram vários oradores como Topoke, um candidato da Lista GAZA nas próximas eleições nacionais (como o Dr. Wagner), bem como por Willi Langthaler, um porta-voz da Solidariedade à Palestina na Áustria.


Finalmente, deve notar-se que o julgamento recebeu ampla cobertura mediática, como mostra a nossa análise mediática (ver https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35).


Veja fotos e vídeo aqui: https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/rcit-activities-in-2024-part-3/#anker_10




Verdict scandaleux contre l'activiste pro-palestinien Michael Pröbsting

Pour l'équipe de presse du CCRI/RCIT, 21 août 2024




Aujourd'hui, le tribunal régional supérieur a rendu un verdict scandaleux à double titre à l'encontre de Michael Pröbsting. Michael est un militant de la solidarité pro-palestinienne et le secrétaire international du CCRI. Il était représenté par le Dr Astrid Wagner, probablement l'avocate la plus connue d'Autriche.


Le tribunal a confirmé la peine de six mois de prison avec sursis prononcée à l'encontre de Michael le 2 mai dernier. La raison en était un message vidéo de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien écrit en anglais et traduit par l'accusation avec un contenu déformé. (Pour plus d'informations sur le procès, voir https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_29)


Le jugement reflète la position pro-sioniste du tribunal et son désir de faire taire les voix du mouvement pro-palestinien. Cela a été particulièrement évident lors de l'audience d'appel. Dans sa plaidoirie, Michael s'est appuyé sur l'avis écrit de la Cour pour rendre son jugement et a expliqué pourquoi les arguments contenus dans ce document étaient erronés. Cependant, après quelques minutes, le juge l'a interrompu et lui a dit qu'il n'était autorisé à parler que de la vidéo incriminée, mais pas de la guerre de Gaza ni d'Israël ! Malgré ses protestations, Michael a été contraint d'interrompre sa déclaration ! De toute évidence, le tribunal voulait s'assurer que le public n'entende pas la vérité sur la guerre génocidaire d'Israël. Dans une déclaration aux médias après l'audience, Michael a dénoncé cet acte comme un symbole de la politique pro-israélienne de l'État autrichien.


En outre, la Cour a rejeté le recours en annulation du jugement parce que, lors du premier procès, la police avait empêché un journaliste d'entrer dans le tribunal, ce qui constituait une violation manifeste du droit du public d'accéder aux audiences. Astrid Wagner a déclaré qu'un tel acte de violence policière était alarmant : "Et je dis ici, en tant qu'avocate et personne qui défend l'État de droit, qu'un principe très, très important de notre État de droit, pour lequel nous nous sommes vraiment battus pendant des siècles et dont nous devrions être fiers, a été violé ici et que nous devons nous battre contre cela !


Avant le début du procès, une manifestation a eu lieu devant le palais de justice, organisée par Daniela Vill de Palestine Solidarity Austria. Plusieurs orateurs ont participé à la manifestation, notamment Topoke, candidat de la liste GAZA aux prochaines élections nationales (comme le Dr Wagner), ainsi que Willi Langthaler, porte-parole de Palestine Solidarity Austria.


Enfin, il convient de noter que le procès a fait l'objet d'une vaste couverture médiatique, comme le montre notre analyse des médias (voir https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35)


Voir les photos et la vidéo ici


Scandaloso verdetto contro l'attivista filo-palestinese Michael Pröbsting

Per il team stampa della TCRI/RCIT, 21 agosto 2024




Oggi il Tribunale regionale superiore ha emesso una sentenza scandalosa contro Michael Pröbsting. Michael è un attivista di solidarietà filopalestinese e segretario internazionale della TCRI. Era rappresentato dalla dottoressa Astrid Wagner, probabilmente il più noto avvocato austriaco.


Il tribunale ha confermato la condanna a sei mesi di carcere con sospensione della pena inflitta a Michael il 2 maggio di quest'anno. Il motivo era un video messaggio di solidarietà con il popolo palestinese scritto in inglese e tradotto dall'accusa con un contenuto distorto. (Per informazioni sul processo, vedere https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_29).


La sentenza riflette la posizione filo-sionista della corte e il suo desiderio di mettere a tacere le voci del movimento pro-palestinese. Ciò è stato particolarmente evidente durante l'udienza d'appello. Nella sua arringa finale, Michael si è basato sul parere scritto della corte per il suo giudizio e ha spiegato perché le argomentazioni contenute in questo documento erano sbagliate. Tuttavia, dopo pochi minuti, il giudice lo ha interrotto e gli ha detto che poteva parlare solo del video incriminato, ma non della guerra di Gaza e di Israele! Nonostante le sue proteste, Michael è stato costretto a interrompere la sua dichiarazione! Ovviamente, il tribunale voleva assicurarsi che il pubblico non sentisse la verità sulla guerra genocida di Israele. In una dichiarazione ai media dopo l'udienza, Michael ha denunciato questo atto come simbolo della politica pro-Israele dello Stato austriaco.


Inoltre, il tribunale ha respinto l'appello per l'annullamento della sentenza perché, nel primo processo, la polizia ha impedito a un giornalista di entrare in tribunale - una chiara violazione del diritto del pubblico di accedere alle udienze. Astrid Wagner ha dichiarato che un tale atto di violenza da parte della polizia è uno sviluppo allarmante: "E qui dico, come avvocato e come persona che difende lo stato di diritto, che un principio molto, molto importante del nostro stato di diritto, per il quale abbiamo davvero combattuto per secoli e di cui dovremmo essere orgogliosi, è stato violato qui e dobbiamo combattere contro di esso!".


Prima dell'inizio del processo, si è tenuta una manifestazione davanti al tribunale, organizzata da Daniela Vill di Palestine Solidarity Austria. Alla manifestazione hanno partecipato diversi oratori, come Topoke, candidato della Lista GAZA alle prossime elezioni nazionali (come il dott. Wagner), e Willi Langthaler, portavoce di Palestine Solidarity Austria.


Infine, va notato che la sperimentazione ha ricevuto un'ampia copertura mediatica, come dimostra la nostra analisi dei media (cfr. https://www.thecommunists.net/rcit/petition-no-to-criminal-complaint-against-pro-palestine-activist-michael-proebsting/#anker_35)


Guarda foto e video qui


Austria: Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 18 August 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Over a hundred people gathered at a rally in the centre of Vienna on August 18. The event, led by Selena, was addressed by Irina Vana, Ben from the Judeobolschewiener*innen, Topoke, Selena and Mohammad.



Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT, also gave a speech. He stated our unconditional support for the Palestinian resistance. Michael also condemned the open support for Israel by forces that supposedly work for peace and justice (such as social democracy and the trade union leadership) or that are characterized by cowardly inaction and boycott of the pro-Palestine movement (such as the “Communist” party in Austria). He concluded by referring to his upcoming trial on August 21. In a first trial, Michael was sentenced to 6 months suspended prison sentence for alleged “support of terrorism” – in fact because he expressed his support for the Palestinian resistance in a video statement.






Wien: Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk

Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) von einer Kundgebung in Wien am 18. August 2024, österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net




Über hundert Menschen versammelten sich am 18. August an einer Kundgebung im Zentrum Wiens. Bei der Veranstaltung, die von Selena geleitet wurde, sprachen Irina Vana, Ben von den Judeobolschewiener*innen, Topoke, Selena und Mohammad.



Ebenso hielt auch Michael Pröbsting, Internationaler Sekretär des RCIT, eine Rede. Er bekundete unsere bedingungslose Unterstützung des palästinensischen Widerstandes. Ebenso verurteilte Michael die offene Unterstützung für Israel durch Kräfte, die sich angeblich für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit einsetzen (wie z.B. die SPÖ und die Gewerkschaftsführung) oder die sich durch feige Tatenlosigkeit und Boykott der pro-Palästinabewegung auszeichnen (z.B. die KPÖ). Abschließend verwies er auf seinen bevorstehenden Prozess am 21. August. In einem ersten Verfahren wurde Michael zu 6 Monaten bedingter Gefängnisstrafe wegen angeblicher „Unterstützung des Terrorismus“ verurteilt – in Wirklichkeit weil er in einem Videostatement seine Unterstützung des palästinensischen Widerstandes bekundete.






Austria: Rally against imperialist Russia

Report (with Photos and Videos) from a Rally in Vienna on 18 August 2024, Austrian Section of the RCIT, www.rkob.net and www.thecommunists.net




A number of activists gathered near the German consulate for a rally in solidarity with the Chechen people. The occasion was the release of Russian intelligence agent Vadim Krasikov as part of a prisoner exchange between Russia and the major Western powers. Krasikov had previously murdered the Chechen freedom fighter Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Germany.


The rally was organized by the Multiculture Democracy Initiative and led by Dunajeva Roza - the representative of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (exile) in Austria. Several Chechen and Ukrainian speakers spoke at the rally, as well as Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the RCIT.


Michael expressed our support for the peoples attacked by Russian imperialism, such as the Chechens or the Ukrainians. He also stressed that the oppressed peoples - be it in Chechnya, Ukraine or Palestine - cannot rely on help from Great Powers. The oppressed must support each other - without and against the Great Powers.






Wien: Kundgebung gegen das imperialistische Russland

Bericht (mit Fotos und Videos) von einer Kundgebung in Wien am 18. August 2024, österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.rkob.net und www.thecommunists.net




Eine Reihe von Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten versammelten sich in der Nähe des deutschen Konsulats zu einer Kundgebung in Solidarität mit dem tschetschenischen Volk. Der Anlass war die Freilassung des russischen Geheimdienstagenten Vadim Krasikov im Rahmen eines Gefangenenaustausches zwischen Russland und den westlichen Großmächten. Krasikov hatte davor in Deutschland den tschetschenischen Freiheitskämpfer Zelimkhan Khangoshvili ermordet.


Die Kundgebung wurde von der Multiculture Democracy Initiative organisiert und von Dunajeva Roza – der Vertreterin der Tschetschenischen Republik Ichkeria (Exil) in Österreich – geleitet. Bei der Kundgebung sprachen mehrere tschetschenische und ukrainische Rednerinnen und Redner sowie Michael Pröbsting, der Internationale Sekretär des RCIT.


Michael bekundete unsere Unterstützung für die vom russischen Imperialismus angegriffenen Völker wie den Tschetschenen oder den Ukrainern. Ebenso betonte er, dass die unterdrückten Völker – sei es in Tschetschenien, der Ukraine oder Palästina – sich nicht auf die Hilfe durch Großmächte verlassen dürfen. Die Unterdrückten müssen sich gegenseitig unterstützen – ohne und gegen die Großmächte.






Israel / Occupied Palestine: Anti-War Protest in Haifa

By the Internationalist Socialist League (RCIT Section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.08.2024




Yesterday (Saturday), ISL comrades joined the demonstration against the war organized by Hadash and Left Haifa. The demonstration took place in Kafar Yasif in the Western Galileo – a Christian village. The demonstration of around 100-150 people was led by Hadash. It began at the local church in memory of Mikail, who died by shrapnel of the Israeli army. The participants were mainly pacifists and supported the ICJ and ICC in the Hague. We  managed to introduce two other slogans: We will not kill nor die in the service of Zionism; we will not kill or die in the service of American imperialism.




London: Pro-Palestine Demonstration Calls for an Arms Embargo to Israel

By Laurence Humphries, RCIT Britain, 3rd August 2024




This 17th Global March organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Asqa and the Stop the War Coalition took place last Saturday. There were over 50,000 people who marched and demonstrated against the terror state Israel is now a pariah hated and despised by the masses in many countries.


The demonstration was again dominated by migrants from Muslim countries together with their Families. Participants called for a single Palestinian state from the River to the Sea, for the defence of Gaza and for an end of arming Israel.


Comrades of the RCIT distributed leaflets, sold copies of the two English-language journals of the RCIT – Revolutionary Communism and Revolutionary Liberation – and discussed with activists about the strategy for the liberation struggle.


Argentina: Rally in Solidarity with the Workers and People of Venezuela

Report by Convergencia Socialista (RCIT Section in Argentina), 02.08.2024, https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com




On August 2nd, a rally was held in front of the Venezuelan embassy in Buenos Aires. The mobilization was jointly called by Convergencia Socialista (Argentinean section of the RCIT) and by the PSTU (Argentinean section of LIT-CI).


The act had a speaker for each organization and the presence of some Venezuelans living in Argentina. In their speeches, the comrades raised the issue of active solidarity with the people who fight against the Maduro dictatorship and the need to organize self-defense against repression and the paramilitary groups of the regime. They also advocated the creation of popular assemblies in which the working class and popular masses discuss and resolve an alternative solution, independent of the employers' options.


It was also stated that socialists have nothing to do with the Maduro regime or with Chavismo, which has been in power for more than 20 years in which it defended capitalism and dependency in Venezuela. During the event, leaflets with a joint declaration by Convergencia Socialista and the PSTU were also distributed and copies of our newspaper “El Trabajador” were sold.


The event was a political event of great importance, since it is the first concrete action in Argentina carried out by the revolutionary left against the Maduro dictatorship.


Argentina: Acto de solidaridad con los trabajadores y el pueblo de Venezuela

Por Convergencia Socialista (sección argentina de la CCRI), 02.08.2024, https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com




El 02 de agosto se llevó a cabo una concentración y acto frente a la embajada de Venezuela en Buenos Aires, la movilización fue convocada de forma unitaria por la sección en Argentina de la CCRI, Convergencia socialista y por el PSTU, sección Argentina de la LIT-CI.


El acto contó con un orador por cada organización y con la presencia de algunos venezolanos residentes en Argentina, en sus discursos los camaradas plantearon la solidaridad activa con el pueblo que lucha contra la dictadura de Maduro y la necesidad de organizar la autodefensa contra la represión y los grupos paramilitares del régimen y asambleas populares en las que la clase obrera y el pueblo discutan y resuelvan una salida alternativa, independiente de las opciones patronales.


También se planteó que los socialistas no tenemos nada que ver con el régimen de Maduro ni con el chavismo, que ha sido por más de 20 años el sostén del capitalismo y el administrador de la dependencia en Venezuela.


En la actividad también se repartieron panfletos con una declaración conjunta de Convergencia socialista y el PSTU y se vendieron ejemplares de nuestro periódico “El Trabajador”.


El acto fue un suceso político de suma importancia, ya que es la primera acción concreta en Argentina, llevada adelante por la izquierda revolucionaria contra la dictadura de Maduro.


베네수엘라 노동자·민중에 연대하는 최초 집회

사회주의통합당 (RCIT 아르헨티나 지부) 보고, 2024 8 2, https://convergenciadecombate.blogspot.com




8 2 부에노스아이레스 주재 베네수엘라 대사관 앞에서 집회를 열었다. 사회주의통합당(CS) 통합사회주의노동자당(PSTU) 공동으로 개최했다..


조직별로 연사들의 발언이 있었고, 아르헨티나에 거주하는 베네수엘라 사람들도 일부 참석했다. 동지들은 연설에서 마두로 독재와 싸우는 노동자·민중과의 적극적인 연대를 내걸었다. 정권의 탄압과 준군사조직 백골단의 폭력만행에 맞서 정당방위대를 조직하고, 노동자·민중의 투쟁 대책을 토의하고 결의할 독립적인 민중공회를 창설할 필요를 제기했다.


동지들은 20 넘게 권력에 있으면서 베네수엘라의 자본주의를 방어하고 제국주의에 대한 종속을 심화시켜온 차베스주의와 마두로 정권을 규탄하며, 차베스주의나 마두로 정권은 사회주의와는 아무 공통점도 없음을 분명히 했다. 집회에서 조직은 이와 같은 내용의 공동선언을 담은 유인물을 배포했다. 우리는 사회주의통합당 신문 <노동자(El Trabajador)> 판매하기도 했다.


집회는 혁명 좌파가 마두로 독재에 대항하여 아르헨티나에서 행한 최초의 구체적 행동이라는 점에서 매우 중요한 정치 행사였다




RCIT Greetings to the 26th Annual National Congress of the PSM (Malaysia)

The Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) held its 26th Annual National Congress on 26-28 July. The RCIT was invited to send a message of international solidarity. The PSM later published all messages which they did receive on their website.


Go to https://thinkleft.net/2024/07/26/international-solidarity-messages-to-the-26th-annual-national-congress-of-the-parti-sosialis-malaysia-psm/ and scroll down.


South Korea: Solidarity with the Popular Resistance in Burma/Myanmar

Report from a Rally in Ulsan on 28 July 2024, Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparation Group) [RCIT Section in South Korea]




The 8888 Joint Action Rally was held in Ulsan, Bupyeong, and Gyeonggi-do on 28 July to show our solidarity with the popular uprising in Myanmar. Activists from the Workers' Revolutionary Party (Preparatory Group), March to Socialism, Ulsan Workers' Learning Center, and the Ulsan Migrant Center participated. A number of migrant workers from Myanmar joined the rally and shouted strong slogans despite the scorching heat.


This was the 116th Myanmar Democracy Campaign activity and the next one will be on Sunday, 25 August. Before, on 4 August, there will be a rally in Busan, and on 8 August, a press conference and a protest will be held in front of the Myanmar military attaché in Seoul to call for democracy in Myanmar.