Revolutionary Communism - New Series#118

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.118, March 2025





The Jewish Question and the Zionist False Solution

The Slanderers of the Syrian Revolution
A critique of the Fracción Trotskista (PTS in Argentina) which “cannot share in the joy” of the masses about the overthrow of Assad

Trump’s 2nd Presidency: Its Causes, Inner Contradictions, and Consequences for World Politics

Debate on Trump’s Foreign Policy and U.S. Imperialism

China Surpasses U.S. and European Powers in Robot Density


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#116

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.116, February 2025





Are We Living in the Age of “Empire” or of Imperialism?
Another reply to Claudio Katz on the actuality of the Marxist imperialism theory

Theses on the War on Drugs in Mexico and the Tasks of Revolutionaries

Ukraine War: Requiem for Pokrovsk


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#115

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.115, February 2025





On Strategy and Tactics in the Struggle against the Zionist State
Reply to the Spartacists

Why Socialists Should Support the Syrian Revolution

The Bystanders of the Syrian Revolution
A critique of the International Socialist League

The Slanderers of the Syrian Revolution
A critique of the Fracción Trotskista (PTS in Argentina) which “cannot share in the joy” of the mass-es about the overthrow of Assad

What the RCIT Stands for


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#114

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.114, January 2025





South Korea: Yoon Seok-Yeol’s Coup Attempt Failed in 150 Minutes

The Tasks and Dangers of the Syrian Revolution

Some First Lessons from the Revival of the Syrian Revolution

Syria: Notes on the Rebels’ Offensive
On the collapse of Assad’s army, the uprisings’ popular and non-sectarian character, and Israel’s as well as the UAE’s role

Rebel Offensive in Syria: The Fear of the Regional Powers

The Reactionary Role of the YPG/SDF in the Syrian Revolution

The Stalinist Party of Israel Betrays the Revolution of the Syrian People and Spreads Lies

The IMT/RCI’s Theory of “Lesser-Evil” Imperialism: A Historical Analogy
A comparison with the Stalinists’ approach in the period of the Hitler-Stalin Pact 1939-41

What the RCIT Stands for


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#113

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.113, December 2024





Lebanon War: Some Lessons from the Setbacks of the Resistance

The Looming Great War in East Africa
A Marxist approach to civil wars, inter-state tensions, and regional power interference at the Horn of Africa

Social-Economic and Political Features of Migration in Imperialist Countries


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#112

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.112, November 2024





South Korea: The Solution to the Climate Crisis is the Abolition of Capitalism and a Socialist Revolution

Fake International with a Fake Solution

Still Nothing Learned and Nothing Forgotten
Alan Woods IMT/RCI still believes in the reformist utopia of a “peaceful road to socialism”

Pacifist – Not Anti-Imperialist
On the IMT/RCI’s “campaign to fight militarism and imperialism”

Did Lenin Really Abandon the Strategy of “Revolutionary Defeatism” against Imperialist War?
A critique of the IMT/RCI and its so-called “orthodox Marxism”

The Lambertists Still Don’t Understand the World Situation

Are Hamas and Israel “Equally Reactionary”?
The “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia fails to support the Palestinian resistance against the Zionists’ genocide in Gaza


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#111

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.111, October 2024





China: Does the Stalinist Regime Support or Oppose Capitalism?
Reply to a critique of the ICL (Spartacists)
Which class does the CPC serve?
“High growth” – in whose interest?
Do the Stalinists respect the right of private property?
Why do some Chinese capitalists leave the country?
Punishing individual “unruly” capitalists or the capitalist class?
Could the CPC expropriate the bourgeoisie if it would like to?
What makes a degenerated workers state a “workers state” – according to Trotsky and
according to the ICL?
Can the transformation of social property relations take place under one and the same
Is capitalist restoration possible in combination with economic growth?
The Stalinist state machine in face of political revolution and capitalist counterrevolution

Restoring Capitalism in China
(LRCI Resolution from 2000)
How the Chinese Communist Party brought more market relations into the fields
The role of Special Export Zones in China
What is the role of foreign direct investment on China‘s path to capitalism?
How is capitalism growing in China?


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#110

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.110, October 2024





China: On the Relationship between the “Communist” Party and the Capitalists
Notes on the specific class character of China’s ruling bureaucracy and its transformation in the past decades
Some notes on the road to capitalist restoration
The emergence of the Chinese bourgeoisie
How the CPC created a capitalist class and merged with it
The “Immortals” and the “Princelings”
What is the meaning of Xi Jianping’s policy of disciplining “unruly” and “corrupt” elements?

China: On Stalinism, Capitalist Restoration and the Marxist State Theory
Notes on the transformation of social property relations under one and the same party regime
I. The CPC in the process of revolution and counter-revolution in 20th century
II. Character and role of the state in Marxist Theory
State in general, state form and “bureaucratic-military state machine”
Identity of political superstructure and the economic basis?
On the relative autonomy of the state
III. Stalinism and character of the state apparatus in degenerated workers state
The contradictory nature of the Stalinist bureaucracy in a degenerated workers state
The bourgeois-bureaucratic and Bonapartist state machine of Stalinism
The Stalinist bureaucracy in the face of revolution and counterrevolution
IV. The role of the Stalinist regime in der process of capitalist restoration
Excurse: On the role of the state in socio-economic transformations
V. Conclusions


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#109

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.109, September 2024





On the Play and the Trial of Eichmann

On the ICJ Ruling about Israel’s Policy in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem

(plus a legal summary with commentary by Yossi Schwartz)

Permanent Revolution in the Middle East and the Aristocratic Character of the Israeli Working Class

Lenin on Serbia’s Role in World War I: A useful Analogy for the current Ukraine War?
Discussion of an analogy which has often been used mistakenly by self-proclaimed Marxists


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#107

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.107, August 2024





Israeli Media Confirm that Soldiers Ordered on 7 October to Kill their own People
New investigation by Haaretz reveals that Israeli army ordered the Hannibal directive on 7 October so that Hamas could not kidnap Israeli citizens

The Character of the Political Regime of Venezuela

Russia Overtakes Japan to Become Fourth Largest Economy in the World

Western Imperialism and the Crisis of its Ideology of Justification

The U.S. Dollar Today and the Pound Sterling before 1914
A historical comparison of the role of currencies in the uneven process of decline of hegemonic imperialist powers

France: Revolutionary Tactics in the Parliamentary Elections
Break with popular front policy! No vote for bourgeois candidates – neither RN, Macronists nor Greens!
Critical support for reformist candidates based on the working class and the oppressed!


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#106

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.106, July 2024





The Zionist Narrative and the Real History

Will It End like in Algeria?

Biden’s Speech is an Admission that Israel has Lost the Gaza War

Why the ICJ Has Ordered Israel to Stop the War on Rafah

Anti-Imperialism Then & Now
On the principles of anti-imperialism in view of changes in world capitalism

Neither Revolutionary nor Communist
Critical remarks on the IMT’s “Manifesto of the Revolutionary Communist International”


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#105

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.105, June 2024





“USA Rush Out Of Niger”
Close All US, French Bases in the Sahel! No Collaboration With Russian and Chinese Imperialism!

Where Should Socialists Stand in the Looming War between Israel and Iran?

The Tradition of Ted Grant and its Reactionary Abstentionism in Middle East Wars
Notes on a newly published CWI document about the October War between Israel and Arab states in 1973

The Global South in the Focus of Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
A new study shows the shift in southern countries’ trade from Western to Eastern Great Powers

European Imperialism: A Shift towards Armament and Militarisation

Two Blindfolded Try to Hit Each Other
On the split of the “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia

Successful Conclusion of the RCIT’s IV. International Congress

What the RCIT Stands for


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#104

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.104, May 2024





National Platform of the Marxist Group “Spalakh” (Ukraine)

One Cannot Be a Communist Without Being an Anti-Imperialist
The IMT about the Houthis’ struggle against Israel and Western imperialism

Russia: Zyuganov’s KPRF and some “Trotskyists” on the Prigozhin Coup
A critique of the Stalinists’ support for Putin as well as of the wavering line of the RRP

Russia: Zyuganov’s “Disciplined Party Members”
A critique of the “Trotskyist” RRP’s unwavering support for the Stalinist, social-imperialist and Pro-Putin KPRF

US-China Rivalry: The Xi-“Trotskyists”
Lambertists issue a disguised call for social-imperialist support for the Middle Kingdom against the U.S. Empire


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#103

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.103, April 2024





National Platform of the Socialist Tendency (Russia)

Once More on the PO (Argentina) and the Ukraine War

The PO (Argentina) and the Ukraine War: Continuing the Debate

The “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia fails to support the Palestinian resistance against the Zionists’ genocide in Gaza

Theses on the Growing Impact of the National and Democratic Question
The Marxist theory of Permanent Revolution
and its application in the current historic period of capitalist decay


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#102

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.102, March 2024





A Period of Catastrophes, Wars, and Revolutions Requires Unity of Revolutionaries!
Statement of the RCIT for the Conference in Milano on 17/18.02.2024

Mexico: The DEA Investigation of AMLO
Serious errors in how the left-wing press interprets Yankee interventionism in Mexico

Ukraine War: Reply to another ill-considered Polemic of PO (Argentina)

War and Revolution in the Middle East
The transformation of the Zionist War on Gaza into an Israeli-American war against Arab peoples brings the region as well as the world closer to revolutionary explosions

Why Do Several Middle East Countries Refuse to Boycott Israel?
Pro-Palestine solidarity and capitalist double-speak


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#101

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.101, February 2024





A Disillusioned Diplomat on the Prospects for U.S. Imperialism
On an interview with Richard Haass by the “Wall Street Journal”

“Highest Number of Armed Conflicts in three Decades”
New study confirms Marxist analysis of explosive character of current period

From Zionist War on Gaza to Israeli-American War against Arab Peoples
Stop the genocide of the Palestinian people! Defeat Israel! Kick the US/UK forces out of the Middle East! Victory to the resistance!

On the Hamas Statement

Gaza War and Arab World: A Massive Shift in Public Opinion
A new poll shows increasing hostility of Arabs against the U.S. and growing support for armed struggle against Israel

The Situation of the Middle East

How Is the Struggle of the Palestinian People linked to Mexico?



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#100

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.100, January 2024





The Lesson of Algeria for the Israelis

The Liberation of Palestine and the Arab Revolution
The only way forward is a strategy which integrates the struggles of the oppressed masses into a joint Intifada in the whole Middle East

Palestine: The Two-State Solution is No Solution at all!
The only way forward is single Palestinian state from the river to the sea in which Jews will have full religious and cultural rights

U.S. Prepares for Sell-Out of Ukraine
On a revealing article by Richard Haass and Charles Kupchan in “Foreign Affairs”

Sudan: End the Genocide in Darfur!
Drive Out the RSF and Arab Militias from Darfur! No Collaboration With the SAF!


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#99

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.99, December 2023





On International Tactics in Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Struggle

Practical Examples of International Workers Solidarity with Gaza
Trade unions in North America and Europe target the Israeli war machinery as part of a global wave of mass mobilisations

Indian Trade Unions Join the Global Pro-Palestine Solidarity Movement

Gaza War: On the Anti-Israel Riots in Northern Caucasus

Gaza War: Shamefully, some on the Left Support “Israel’s Right of Self-Determination”
A critique of the ISA’s and CWI’s adaptation to Zionism and social-pacifism

Is Hamas a Terrorist Organisation?

Between fact and fiction: A critique of Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation”

What the RCIT Stands for


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#98

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.98, November 2023





What do we know so far on the War between Hamas and the Zionist Apartheid State

Gaza Uprising: Another Turning Point in the World Situation
Thoughts on Israel’s war against the Palestinian people and its possible regional and global consequences

The Fruits of a Jewish and Democratic State

Signposts for Unity and Demarcation
Which issues of the current world situation could constitute the basis for rapprochement of revolutionary socialists?

International Debate among Socialists about China & BRICS+
Report about a meeting between representatives of the RCIT, UIT-CI and PTS/FT in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

What the RCIT Stands for


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#97

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.97, October 2023






Manifesto: The Revolutionary Struggle in the Era of Capitalist Collapse
Introductory Note
An Era of Catastrophes, Wars and Revolutionary Struggles
Wars of Oppression and Wars of Liberation
Capitalist Civilization Threats and the Struggle to Save Humanity
The Terminally Ill Capitalist World Economy and the Struggle for a Decent Living Standard
Their War of Ideas and Ours
The Struggle for Power to Open the Road to a Socialist Future


Theses on Agriculture and Ecology

Bourgeois Democracy in the Age of Capitalist Decay and the Revolutionary Struggle for Democratic Rights

Women’s Liberation is an Inherent Part of the Revolutionary Struggle…or the Struggle is Lost!

What the RCIT Stands for



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#96

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.96, October 2023





History of the Crusades
The Kingdom of Jerusalem
How did the Crusade begin?
The Fall of Antioch
The Capture of Jerusalem
The Kingdom of Jerusalem
The Templars
Salah al-Din (Saladin) and the liberation of Jerusalem
The Zionist Crusade


Israel is losing the war of propaganda

Zionist pigs – hands off the Eritrean refugees

What the RCIT Stands for



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#95

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.95, October 2023





Marxist Tactics in Wars with Contradictory Character
The Ukraine War and war threats in West Africa, the Middle East and East Asia show the necessity to understand the dual character of some conflicts

BRICS+: An Imperialist-Led Alliance
The expansion of BRICS reflects the rise of Chinese and Russian imperialism at the cost of their Western rivals

The Pro-Bourgeois Opportunism of LIS/MST (Part 2)
On the Pakistani section of LIS/MST and its praise for the capitalist dictator Z. A. Bhutto and his PPP

Ukraine War: Platonic Supporters
A dialogue with socialists who side with the Ukraine “in principle” but refuse to draw the necessary conclusions

What the RCIT Stands for



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#94

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.94, September 2023





Wages, Productivity and the Rate of Exploitation: Some Concrete Examples
Revealing figures in the latest edition of the ILO’s “Global Wage Report”

Ukraine War: What Does the U.S. Offer in its Secret Negotiations with Russia?
Both imperialist camps want to pacify the war and impose a deal which would be a disaster for the Ukrainian people

Supporting Ukraine without Dual Tactic Leads to Social-Imperialism
A critical comment on a joint statement on the Ukraine War issued by five Scandinavian “green left” parties

The Pro-Bourgeois Opportunism of LIS/MST (Part 1)
Oleg Vernik – the LIS’s man of dirty politics in the Ukraine

The Looming War against Niger and its Global Meaning
On the potential consequences of an ECOWAS invasion for West Africa, Europe and the global rivalry between the Great Powers

Niger: Pacifism is an Impotent Instrument against Imperialist War
Critical comments on the statements of the Grantite CWI and ISA about the crisis in West Africa



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#93

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.93, August 2023





Mexico: The “Bottle Caps” and the Perspective of the 4T after AMLO

NATO Integration: An Imperialist Trap for the Ukrainian People!
For a Popular War to defend the Ukraine against Putin’s invasion! No subordination of Ukraine to NATO and EU! Against Russian and against NATO imperialism!

Ukraine War: What Are the Results of the NATO Vilnius Summit?
On the contradictory process of NATO-Ukraine rapprochement and, at the same time, diverging in-terests between Western powers and Kyiv

Russia: The Death Agony of the Putin Regime and the Perspectives for the Class Struggle
On the tasks of socialists in the coming period of crisis of the Bonapartist regime and its imperialist war against the Ukrainian people



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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#92

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.92, July 2023





Artificial Intelligence and the Militarization of Health

Kissinger on Great Power Rivalry and Ukraine War
Notes on a remarkable interview with a “wise old man” of U.S. imperialism

Ukraine War: The Inner Contradictions of the ‘Proxy War’ Theory
Why practical actions against military aid for the Ukraine is wrong even if one would accept the theory of ‘Proxy War’

The Zionist Crusaders

On “Right” to Discriminate – Jewish Law was never progressive!

More than 4.5 Million Deaths
New academic study estimates the direct and indirect deaths resulting from the U.S. wars after 9/11


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Revolutionary Communism - New Series#91

English-Language Theoretical Review of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), New Series No.91, June 2023






Artificial Intelligence: A Leviathan Monster Serving the Ruling Class
Theses on Artificial Intelligence and its application in the period of capitalist decay.
A first approach from a Marxist viewpoint.


Why ChatGPT and similar technologies are more dangerous than you might think
How socialists should approach deep-learning A.I.


Artificial Intelligence and the Marxist Understanding of Productive Forces
On the contradictory development of productive forces in the period of capitalist decay
and their dialectical relationship with the relations of productions

1. An example of pseudo-Marxist AI advocacy
2. What are productive forces?
3. Commodity fetishism and technology fetishism
4. The relationship between productive forces and the relations of productions
5. Transformation of productive forces into destructive forces
6. Consequences of AI for the capitalist economy
7. The liberation of productive forces from the fetters
of obsolete capitalist relations of production – what does this mean?
8. Productive forces, alienation and way of life under capitalism
9. Conclusions



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