RCIT Fire Manifesto 2021 Arabic
RCIT Manifesto 2016 Arabic
RCIT Manifesto
Yemen after the Death of Saleh Arabic
Al-Quds is the Capital of Palestine
THAWRA Publication
THAWRA Platform
Urgent Call ARAB
Statement Syrian Revolution
Morocco Protests
Interview Proebsting
Failed Coup in Turkey
Greetings to Yemeni Socialists
Video Solidarity Proebsting
Solidarity Proebsting
Speech Egypt Proebsting
Leaflet Right to Return
Northern Islamic Movement
Terror in Paris
Yemen TV-Channel
Saudi Army in Yemen
Victory 3.Intifada
May Day Leaflet
Nakba 2015
Saudi Aggression vs Yemen
10 Years Bil’in’s Land
Israel Elections
Equal Rights Muslims
Paris Attacks
Yemen Resolution
Palestine Third Intifada
ISL-Flyer Gaza War 26.7.2014
ISL-Flyer Gaza War 2014 Arabic
ISL-Flyer Anti-Prawer Arab
مخطط ﭘراﭬر لن يمر! الحل الوحيد – ثورة اشتراكية!
اعلان توحيد التيار الشيوعي الثوري
عاش يوم الارض
RCIT Manifest 2023
RCIT Manifest 2021
RCIT-Programm 2016
RCIT Revolutionare Partei
Wie sich die herrschende Klasse auf COVID-19 vorbereitete
COVID-19: Aktuelle und historischen Wurzeln des burgerlichen Lockdown-“Sozialismus”
Das Schandurteil gegen Michael Proebsting
Das reformistische Luftschloß einer "sozialistischen" Europäischen Union (Kritik an der GAM/L5I)
Syrien, Grossmaechte und Linke
Fuer revolutionaere Einheit in einer Welt voller explosiver Spannungen
Oesterreich: Massendemonstration gegen Lockdown & Impfzwang (20.11.2021)
Oesterreich: Lockdown & Zwangsimpfungen sind der Weg zu Polizeistaat & Apartheid
Österreich: Nieder mit dem Lockdown für Ungeimpfte!
Deutschland: Eine schleichende Kampagne gegen Migranten
ZeroCOVID Linke ruft nach dem autoritaeren Staat
Aufruf fuer die 1. Konferenz der Anti-Lockdown-Linken
8. Maerz 2021: Die groesste Generation revolutionaerer Frauen
Freie Linke Kritik
COVID-19: Ein Vergleich historischer Daten
COVID-19 Massendemo 31 Jan 2021
Osterreich: Nein zum 2. Lockdown!
Osterreich: Das BVT als Freund von Terroristen
Frankreich: Es kommt darauf an, im Namen welches „Gottes“ man mordet!
Österreich: Nein zum Verbot des „Politischen Islams“!
Oesterreich: Haende weg von der Muslimbruderschaft und Hamas!
Oesterreich: Daesh ist die Kugel aber Macron ist der politische Attentaeter!
Imperialistischer Handelskrieg zwischen Japan und Südkorea
Kriegsgefahr im oestlichen Mittelmeer
COVID-19: Nieder mit dem Ausnahmezustand
Wien: Demonstrationen von kurdischen und stalinistischen Organisationen angegriffen
COVID-19 und der neue Leviathan
Deutschland: Die Corona-Krise wird benutzt
Die US-Aggression gegen den Iran und revolutionäre Taktiken
Frankreich: Kampf gegen Macrons Rentenzerstoerungsreform spitzt sich zu
Aegypten: Bringt den Tyrannen Sisi zu Fall!
Oesterreich: Wahlaufruf NR 2019
Deutschland: Erdrutschartiger Erfolg für die AfD bei den Landtagswahlen in Sachsen und Brandenburg
Brasilien: Rettet den Amazonas!
Kaschmir: Großveranstaltung in Solidaritaet mit unterdrueckten Volk
Modi hat Kaschmir in ein riesiges Konzentrationslager verwandelt
Kalter Krieg zwischen USA&China Der Punkt, von dem an es kein Zurück mehr gibt, scheint überschritten worden zu sein
China: Solidarität mit dem Generalstreik in Hongkong
Uiguren in China: 37 Unterschriften sagen mehr als tausend Worte
Deutschland: Massiver Protest gegen die Provokationen einer Nazi-Partei
China: Ein weiterer "Erfolg" des stalinistisch-kapitalistischen Regimes
EU-Sudan: Eine zynische Arbeitsteilung
Deutschland: Faschistischen Aufmarsch am 20.Juli in Kassel verhindern
Sudan: Deal mit Militärrat ist Ausverkauf der Revolution
Stalinismus ist: Assads bester Freund für immer und ewig
China: Es lebe der Volksaufstand in Hongkong!
Syrien: Die beschämende Allianz der Saudi-Monarchie mit der pseudo-linken YPG
Aegyptens ehemaliger Praesident Morsi stirbt aufgrund brutaler Haftbedingungen
China: Massenproteste gegen reaktionäres "Auslieferungsgesetz" in Hongkong
Syrien: Rettet die Revolution
Sudan: Generalstreik 4.6.2019
Sudan: Nieder mit der Militärdiktatur
Brasilien: 1,5 Millionen Demonstranten auf den Straßen widersetzen sich den Angriffen von Bolsonaro
Zweiter Akt im Kalten Krieg zwischen den USA und China
Deutschland: Europawahl 2019 und Landtagswahl in Bremen
Syrien: Mutige Rebellenkaempfer beginnen kuehnen Gegenangriff
Osterreich: Ibiza Video und FPO Politiker
Oesterreich: FPO- Strache ist gefallen
Stoppt die neue Aggression Israels in Gaza!
Aufruf an revolutionaere Aktivisten in China
Simbabwe und der Zyklon Idai
Algerien: Bouteflika tritt den Rückzug an
Algerien: Sieg des Volksaufstands gegen Bouteflika und sein System!
UK: Große Demonstration gegen Faschismus und Rassismus
Frankreich: Verteidigt die Bewegung der "Gelbe Westen" gegen staatliche Repression!
Prominente Israelis protestieren gegen EU-Propaganda der Gleichsetzung von Antizionismus mit Antisemitismus
Solidarität mit den Migranten aus Venezuela!
Hochrangige US-Delegation trifft sich mit Assads Sicherheitschef
Massendemonstration gegen Israels Apartheid-Gesetz in Tel Aviv
Diskussion zum Kapitalismus in China
Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zum drohenden globalen Handelskrieg
Generalstreik gegen 12-Stundentag in Österreich
Islamophober Rassismus im Vormarsch in Oesterreich
Kriegstreiberei im Nahen Osten
Israel ist ein Terror-Staat!
Ausstieg der USA aus dem Iran-Nuklearabkommen
Solidarität mit dem Freiheitskampf des tschetschenischen Volkes!
Nach No-GroKo – Wie weiter?
Dringender Aufruf
Nein zum Angriff der Türkei auf Afrin
Abschiebungen von Afrikaner in Israel
Politische Lage in Deutschland nach der Bundestagswahl
Strache-Kurz sind Regierung der Reichen
Jerusalem ist die Hauptstadt von Palaestina
Nein zu den Pseudo-Verhandlungen zu Syrien
Bangladesch: Regierung überlegt “freiwillige” Sterilisation von Rohingya Flüchtlingen
Unabhaengiges Katalonien
Bilanz & Perspektive nach den Nationalratswahlen 2017 in Österreich
Entscheidung in Katalonien
US-Gefaengnisse für Profit
Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland
Gegen Macrons Arbeitsgesetz
Nieder mit Macron in Frankreich
Al-Aqsa Statement 25.7.2017
Israel - Hände weg von Al-Aqsa
Qatar Kundgebung 14.7.2017
G20 Gipfel Statement
Superwahljahr 2017
Q&A Syrische Revolution
Resolution Neuwahl 15.5.2017
Rede Syrien 16.4.2017
Gemeinsames Astana Statement
L5I Opportunismus 2
L5I Opportunismus
Syrien Plattform
Syrien Trumps Raketenangriff
Frauentag 2017
Solidaritaet RKOB+Korat
Trump Bedeutung
Trump Sieg
Tuerkei HDP Verhaftungen
Interview Proebsting
L5I Brexit
L5I Brexit Artikel
GAM Brexit
Kashmir Aufstand
Militaerputsch in Tuerkei
Britannien und das BREXIT
Offener Brief
8 Maerz Erklaerung
Arabische Revolution
Solidaritaet Proebsting
Video Solidaritaet Proebsting
EU und Halbkolonien
Brief Leo Gabriel
Kritik an UIT
BP-Stichwahl 2016 Austria
BP-Wahl 2016 Austria
Rechte Offensive
UK Krieg Syrien
Koeln Heuchelei
Ausnahmezustand Frankreich
Bundeswehr nach Mali
Artikel zu Fluechtlingen
Terror in Paris
Fluechtlinge RCIT-KRD
Wahlsieg reformistische SYRIZA
Wahlanalyse 2015
Refugees Resolution
Flüchtlinge willkommen
Krise SPOE
Oktoberrevolution 1917
Freies Kosova
Minsk Vertrag
Ukraine Speech
Equal Rights for Muslims
Artikel zu Griechenland
Paris Attacks
Ferguson Protests
KPO & Naher Osten
Fußballspiel Albanien
Aufstand in Jemen
Hongkong Proteste
Pakistan Krise
Permanente Revolution in Palästina
Antwort auf Brym
Obamas Kreuzzug
Imperialismus & Krieg
Irak Resolution
Israel Terrorist
Gaza Kinder
Dritte Intifada
KPO und Israel
Q&A Gaza-Krieg
Israels Luegen
Joint Statement Gaza War
Israels Krieg gegen Gaza
Palästina: Vorwärts zur Dritten Intifada!
MayDay Statement 2014 Deutsch
Resolution Frauenbefreiung
Ukraine imperialistische Rivalitaeten
Antwort an PdA
Bosnien 2014
Gewalt gegen Frauen
Ukraine: Weder Bruessel noch Moskau
RKOB-Programm Oesterreich
Österreich: Metaller-Streik 2013
Offener Brief Arabische Revolution
Griechenland: Zerschlagt die Goldene Morgenröte
Syrien-NATO Flugblatt
Flugblatt Aegypten
Neues Buch zu Kuba
Militaerputsch in Aegypten
Lenin und der imperialistische Krieg
Tschad-Intervention und Linke
Libanon-Krieg und Linke
Gaza-Krieg und Linke
Gaza-Krieg - Fragen&Antworten
US-Krieg vs Afghanistan 2001
Solidarität mit Tschetschenien
Revolutionär-Kommunistisches Manifest
CCRI Manifiesto 2023
CCRI Fuego Manifiesto 2021
CCRI Manifiesto 2016
CCRI Manifiesto
LIBRO Anti-imperialismo en la Era de la Rivalidad de las Grandes Potencias
LIBRO Anti-imperialismo en la Era de la Rivalidad de las Grandes Potencias 2
Sobre el Autor
LIBRO El marxismo y la tactica del Frente Unido hoy
LIBRO El Partido Revolucionario
Crisis del agua en Mexico
Una aproximación marxista a las movilizaciones internacionales contra las restricciones sanitarias autoritarias
N25 Contra la violencia, el feminicidio
¡Abajo el nuevo paquetazo impuesto por el gobierno ecuatoriano!
Burbuja china, guerra comercial, ascenso obrero y crisis de la izquierda
Torres Gemelas, Afganistan y derrota humillante del Aguila Imperial
Colombia, la clase obrera y el pueblo debe echar a Ivan Duque
Myanmar: ¡Las masas populares se vuelven contra el imperialismo chino!
Afganistan: ¡Buen viaje, yanquis!
América Latina: Por la organización independiente
El Papel del Internacionalismo y el Programa en la Construccion del Partido Revolucionario
Tactica de frente unico
Seis puntos de una Plataforma para la Unidad Revolucionaria, hoy
¿Una nueva guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania?
De la Gran Revolución Francesa de 1789 a la Comuna de Paris
La Contrarrevolución del COVID-19: Qué es y Cómo Combatirla
Chile: Basta de represion contra el pueblo mapuche
Encuentro EE.UU.-China en Alaska: Continua la Guerra Fría Interimperialista
Mujeres: levantemos un gran movimiento revolucionario mundial
8 de marzo de 2021: Nuestra más grandiosa generación de mujeres revolucionarias
Myanmar: ¡Sangrienta represion militar contra las protestas masivas a favor de la democracia!
Espana: ¡Libertad para Pablo Hasel!
Un proceso revolucionario en Peru: elevar el nivel de las protestas para expulsar a todo el regimen del ‘93
Estados Unidos: El pseudogolpe en el Capitolio
Sahara Occidental: ¡Abajo la agresion de la monarquía marroqui
¡NI UNA ASESINADA NI DESAPARECIDA MAS! (Pronunciamiento Mujeres 25.11.2020)
Significado y perspectivas del resultado electoral en Bolivia
Nubes de guerra en el Mediterraneo oriental
Levantamiento popular en el Líbano: "¡Renuncia o muere!"
100 anos de la Revolucion rusa
COVID-19: La clase trabajadora y los pobres de Madrid protestan en contra de la politica del encierro
Elecciones en Estados Unidos: ¡Ni Trump ni Biden!
Armenia-Azerbaiyan: una nueva guerra en el sur del Caucaso
Turquia y la creciente tension en el Mediterraneo Oriental
PTS/FT y imperialismo chino_2
PTS/FT y imperialismo chino
La cuestion indígena en Mexico y America Latina
¡Grandes Tareas demandan grandes iniciativas!
Por La Unidad Revolucionaria en un Mundo Lleno de Tensiones Explosivas
COVID-19: Una cubierta para una gran ofensiva mundial contrarrevolucionaria
¡Un programa revolucionario de accion para luchar contra el COVID-19!
¡Alto al terrorismo de Estado de Israel contra Gaza!
Formacion de un Comite de Enlace entre CEP y RCIT
Declaracion Conjunta El Despertar del Proletariado en el Corazon de la Bestia Imperialista
Declaracion Conjunta La contrarrevolucion COVID-19 y la traicion de la izquierda de la cuarentena
Movimiento estudiantil y popular de 1968
Mexico: Balance a 20 anos de iniciado el movimiento estudiantil de 1999 en la UNAM
Armar a las masas populares o reformar a la policía
¡Luchando por la revolución socialista en Kenia y a nivel mundial!
Brasil: El social-bonapartismo de la izquierda del encierro en practica
Mexico: Apoyo Internacional para Susana Prieto Terrazas
El levantamiento popular global contra el racismo y la violencia policial
Mexico: ¡Alto al racismo, alto a la impunidad!
¡Libertad para Sebastian Romero ya!
Se ha abierto una situacion prerrevolucionaria en los EE. UU.
Estados Unidos: ¡Justicia para George Floyd!
Conflicto fronterizo entre China e India: Abajo la guerra chovinista en ambos bandos!
Mexico: ¡Toda la solidaridad con las y los trabajadores en huelga de NOTIMEX!
La unica solucion para los trabajadores es prepararnos para la revolucion socialista
Venezuela: un complot imperialista fallido
Economia política de la pandemia en Mexico
Las mega obras de la 4T: acumulacion por despojo y subordinacion al imperialismo
Programa de la ALS para enfrentar la crisis sistemica actual
Mexico: Las y los trabajadores frente a la recesion economica y el gobierno de la 4T
Mexico: El capitalismo como principal propagador del COVID-19 en Ciudad Juarez
La crisis Covid-19 y los trabajadores del sector salud en Mexico
Argentina: ¡No a la represion y la militarizacion al amparo de COVID-19!
Campaña Por un 8M Clasista y Combativo
Feminicidios: Ante la impunidad del Estado capitalista, ¡la organización revolucionaria de las mujeres y su clase trabajadora!
Coronavirus: "No soy un virus" ... ¡pero seremos la cura!
Caravana migrante: ¡Que pasen todos!
Que revelo el reciente conato de guerra entre Estados Unidos e Iran
La agresion estadounidense contra Iran y las tacticas revolucionarias
Irak: abajo el imperialismo estadounidense
La crisis de seguridad y violencia de la 4T
A parar la explotacion y la violencia
Iran: ¡Viva el levantamiento popular contra el regimen Mullah!
Gobierno Israelí juega con fuego
PRT (Costa Rica) y RCIT: ¡Por la Unidad Revolucionaria!
Nos estamos acercando a un nuevo “momento 68”
El pueblo chileno se levanta
Mexico: accion internacionalista en solidaridad con las protestas populares en Chile
Siria: el regimen de Assad y el YPG kurdo logran un acuerdo reaccionario
Estado espanol: ¡Libertad a los presos políticos catalanes!
¡Todos con el pueblo catalan!
Cataluna: ¡Libertad para los Presos Politics!
Ecuador: ¡Por una insurreccion popular para derribar el regimen de Lenin Moreno
¡No a la invasion turca en el noreste de Siria!
Siria: el imperialismo estadounidense abandona a los kurdos ... una vez mas
Ecuador: ¡Por una huelga general indefinida contra el paquete de austeridad neoliberal
¿Qué va a pasar con Morena?
La CNTE en el periodo obradorista
Latinoamérica en la encrucijada
Radiografía de la crisis de las Batas Blancas
China: ¡Viva el levantamiento popular en Hong Kong!
India: ¡En defensa del pueblo de Cachemira contra el ataque de Modi "al estilo israelí"
Algunas reflexiones sobre la escisión en el “Partido Obrero” argentino
Crisis inmobiliaria y urbana en la CDMX
Declaracion conjunta RCIT y UIT-CI: Alto a la nueva agresion de Israel en Gaza
¡Intento de golpe de estado en Venezuela: ¡A derrotar a Guaido y Trump!
Encuentro de Pueblos con el Congreso Nacional Indígena y el Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
Argelia y Sudan: dos victorias importantes y una advertencia
Argelia: Bouteflika se retira! Ahora vamos a derrotar su sistema!
Argelia: ¡Victoria de la insurgencia popular contra Bouteflika y su sistema!
Solidaridad internacionalista al pueblo venezolano contra el intervencionismo imperialista
Mexico: El EZLN frente al gobierno Obradorista
Mexico: Difundamos la tormenta obrera del norte hacia todo el país
EDITORIAL (Lucha Socialista No. 21)
Mexico: Alto a la militarizacion
Mexico: No a la Guardia Nacional
Mexico: Pronunciamiento en apoyo a la huelga del SITUAM
Mexico: Ni huachicol ni privatización en PEMEX
Todo el apoyo al pueblo venezolano contra el imperialismo
Mexico: Contra el huachicol
Francia: ¡Defender el movimiento de los “Chalecos Amarillos” contra la represion del Estado!
Centroamerica / Mexico / EEUU: ¡Solidaridad con la Caravana de Migrantes!
Brasil: Defensores de Bolsonaro agreden y asesinan a poblacion opositora
Siria: ¡Por un frente unido de amplio rechazo al acuerdo de rendicion de Sochi
Mexico: 50 anos del 68
Mexico: 1er Encuentro en defensa del Agua, la Tierra y la Libertad
El Acuerdo Estados Unidos-Mexico-Canada
Lucha Socialista #20 EDITORIAL
Mexico: ¡Tierra sí, Aviones no! ¡Sumemos esfuerzos para echar abajo el NAICM!
Mexico: Campana contra la construccion del NAICM
Conmemoracion de los 50 anos del movimiento estudiantil y popular de 1968
Mexico Levantemos un gran movimiento estudiantil y juvenil a nivel nacional
Apoyando al planton magisterial en visperas de las elecciones de julio
Expectativas sobre MORENA
Lucha Socialista #19 EDITORIAL
Campana #SomosClaseObrera
Los retos de la CNTE ante el gobierno electo de AMLO
Nicaragua: Solidaridad internacional con el levantamiento popular
Haití: ¡El derrocamiento popular derroca al gobierno pro-FMI!
Guerra comercial global - no al patrioterismo de gran potencia en Occidente y Oriente!
Ante el triunfo electoral de AMLO
Campaña: ¡Ningún Partido del Régimen Nos Representa!
Viva Nicaragua Insurrecta
Escenarios de la situacion política en Mexico
Balance de la campana y perspectivas del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
Editorial de la “Lucha Socialista”#18
¿Cual es la situacion actual del movimiento social ante las siguientes elecciones?
Protesta contra la tortura brutal del hijo de un líder socialista en Mexico
Israel es un Estado terrorista
Belicismo en Medio Oriente: ¡Abajo todos los poderes imperialistas y la dictadura capitalista!
Francia: El gobierno de Macron se desmorona gracias a la organizacion obrera
Brasil: ¡el autoritarismo del regimen de excepcion crece!
Llamado a la clase obrera mexicana en el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores
CCRI Carta Abierta
Lo que representa la CCRI
CI Historia 1933-53
Este 8/M: ¡Juntas por un trabajo digno y justicia para las víctimas de feminicidio y desaparicion!
Siria: ¡No al ataque de Turquia en Afrin!
Avion de combate israelí derribado sobre Siria
¡A organizarnos y movilizarnos contra la Ley de Seguridad Interior!
EDITORIAL Prensa #17
Mexico La Derechizacion de Morena
¡Larga vida al alzamiento popular en Iran!
Cataluna: ¡La eleccion bajo la sombra de la tirania madrilena!
Saludo de la ALS en el V Aniversario de la Coordinadora Regional de Seguridad y Justica - Policía Ciudadana y Popular
Jerusalen es la capital de Palestina
Zimbabue: ¡Abajo el golpe militar! ¡No al regimen dinastico de Mugabe!
¡Unifiquemos todas las luchas contra el feminicidio, la violencia y desaparicion de mujeres
La renegociacion del TLCAN
Vecinos de Naucalpan y ALS organizados para el apoyo a los damnificados del 19-sep
Sin DACA no hay paraiso
¡Larga vida a la Republica Catalana!
Editorial (Prensa 16)
Mexico: El feminicidio de Mara
Mexico: Por la reconstruccion del pais con la movilizacion y organizacion popular
Cataluna Liberacion Autoridades Detenidas
Lucha Socialista#15
Santiago Maldonado
Asamblea Constituyente antidemocratica de Maduro
Mexico: ejercito como salida
Mexico: confluencia lucha obrera y popular
Gobiernos reaccionarios
Mexico: Balance de las elecciones intermedias
Candidatura Indígena
Corea del Norte
Mexico feminicida
Siria misseis de Trump
CCRI 8 de marzo
Naucalpan mujeres
ALS 8 de marzo
Solidaridad RKOB+KORAT
Marcha contra Trump
Contra el gasolinazo
Contra el feminicidio
Victoria de Trump
Bolivia cooperativistas burgueses
Mexico Defensa Educacion
Mexico CARC-PC
Ilusiones Reformistas Obrador
Declaracion conjunta ALS-C9M
Golpe a la educacion
Pena Nieto
Imperialista en Medio Oriente
Mexico evaluacion punitiva
ALS Declaracion Fundacional
Derrotar el golpe Turquía
Carta Abierta LIT
Francia Declaracion
Mensaje de Solidaridad
Solidaridad con Nochixtlán
Declaracion ALS
Carta Abierta
WSF Tunis Statement
Revolucion Arabe
Resumen Cuba Vendida
Rusia y China
Marxismo y migracion
Solidaridad Proebsting
Libertad Heriberto Magano
Presos politicos en Mexico
Imperialistas y Libia
Terror Bruselas
ALS 8 de Marzo
ALS Acto Siria
IEMS Entrevista
Argentina Responder a TPR
Libertad Milagro Salas
Solidaridad IEMS
Argentina Macri
Contrarrevolucion imperialista & Siria
Grandes Potencias & Siria
Terror en París
Paris Attacks
Statement Gaza War
Irak rebelion suní
After Odessa-Pogrom Espagnol
Panfleto#1 de RCIT
MayDay Statement 2014 Espanol
RCIT-CSR declaracion
Fuerzas de derecha en Ucrania
CSR declaracion de Venezuela
Venezuela provocadores semi-fascistas!
Programa de Accion para Venezuela
Brasil: Declaracion de solidaridad desde RCIT Venezuela
Carta abierta "¡Unidad Revolucionaria!"
Mitin de protesta en Viena contra la invasión francesa en Mali
¡Abajo la Guerra colonial de Francia en Malí!
Manifeste 2023
Manifeste 2021 Le feu de la revolution
Manifeste 2016
Manifeste Pour la Liberation Revolutionnaire de l'Afrique Noire
LIVRE La Contre-révolution Mondiale dans COVID-19
Formation d'un comité de liaison entre CS et la CCRI/RCIT
L'Imperialisme, l'Oppression des Femmes et la Lutte Pour la Liberation
Pour L'Unite Revolutionnaire dans un Monde Plein de Tensions Explosives
Coups Militaires et Tactiques Revolutionnaires
Six Points Pour une Plate-Forme Pour L'Unite Revolutionnaire Dans les Jours D'aujourd'hui
L’importance du retrait américain d’Afghanistan
Myanmar: Les masses populaires retournent contre l'impérialisme chinois
Myanmar: La colère populaire se retourne également contre les entreprises japonaises
8 mars 2021: Notre plus grande génération de femmes révolutionnaires
Myanmar: Répression militaire sanglante contre les manifestations de masse prodémocratie
Espagne: Liberte pour Pablo Hasel!
Manifestations contre le couvre-feu aux Pays-Bas : Le peuple a raison de se rebeller!
France : la gauche parlementaire ne s'oppose pas à la loi du séparatisme anti-musulmane de Macron
La CCRI/RCIT sur COVID-19: Il y a un an
Myanmar: À Bas le Coup d'État Militaire Réactionnaire
Tunisie : Vive le soulevement des travailleurs et des jeunes!
Etats-Unis : Le Pseudo-Coup d'Etat au Capitole
COVID-19: Masquage d'une Grande Offensive Mondiale Contre-Revolutionnaire
Agir Maintenant Car l'Histoire se Passe Maintenant!
Nuages de guerre en Mediterranee orientale
Mali: Keita, le souverain imperialiste, est tombe!
Soulevement Populaire au Liban: La Demission ou la Potence!
Se battre pour la revolution socialiste au Kenya et au niveau mondial!
Etats-Unis: Une Contre-Revolution Sanglante Arrive-t-elle
Une Situation Pre-Revolutionnaire s'est Ouverte aux Etats-Unis
Guerre Commerciale Mondiale - Non au Grand Pouvoir Xenophobe a L'ouest et a L'est!
Venezuela : Une conspiration Impérialiste Échoué
Non, probablement ce n'est pas le COVID-19 qui vous tuera
Wuhan Coronavirus
A Bas le Neocolonialisme Francais en Afrique de l’Ouest!
Le General Iranien Soleimani: Ni Anti-Imperialiste Ni Defenseur des Peuples
Agression americaine contre l'Iran et Tactiques Revolutionnaires
France: Pour une Greve Generale Illimitee dans Tous les Secteurs!
L'imperialisme francais leche ses plaies
Bolivie: A Bas le Coup D’Etat de Droite
Changement Revolutionnaire pour Mettre Fin au Changement Climatique
Egypte : Mettre a Bas le Tyran Sisi
Bresil: Sauvez l’Amazone
Crise du CIT - Pour une Sortie Marxiste
Arretez la Nouvelle Agression d'Israel à Gaza
Royaume-Uni: Grande manifestation contre le Fascisme et le Racisme
Algerie: Bouteflika s'Eloigne!
Algerie: Victoire de l'Insurrection Populaire contre Bouteflika et son Systeme!
Tout le soutien au peuple venezuélien contre l'imperialisme et les forces de droite!
France: Defendre le Mouvement "Gilets Jaunes" contre la Repression de l’Etat!
Brazil : Les Partisans de Bolsonaro Assaillent et Assassinent la Population de l'Opposition
Haiti: Le soulevement populaire renverse le gouvernement pro-FMI!
Le sommet entre Trump et Kim a Ouvert un Chemin Vers la Paix en Asie de L'est?
Israel est un Etat Terroriste
France: Pour la Greve Generale
Concernant L'attaque de Trump Contre la Syrie
Appel Urgent
Qu'est-ce que le RCIT defend
A bas le Bellicisme Imperialiste de Toutes les Grandes Puissances!
Tunisie: Solidarite avec les manifestations de masse
RCIT-Manifesto 2016
Open Letter to Druzes
Boycotting the Knesset is not the way forward
Balfour’s Declaration - Myths vs. Facts
Jerusalem is Capital of Palestine (Statement in Hebrew Language)
US vs North Korea
Case of Azaria
Free Basel Ghattas
Shaming Campaign Haifa
Death Shimon Peres
Boycott of Israel
Impeachment Law
Failed Coup in Turkey
Turkey Coup Attempt
Solidarity Proebsting
Leaflet Right to Return
Zionist Fascists
Northern Islamic Movement
Zionism & Moral
Al-Aqsa Intifada
Attack on Settlers
Open Letter to Israeli Workers
Jerusalem Day
Netanyahu Circus
May Day Leaflet
Israel Elections
Israel Bedouins
Paris Attacks
ISL-Flyer Gaza War 26.7.2014
ISL-Flyer Gaza War 2014 Hebrew
ISL-Leaflet Land Day 2014
Israel Situation of Women
Israel: For the rights of Migrants!
ISL-Flyer Anti-Prawer Hebrew
ISL Paper No.1
פועלי ומדוכאי כל העולם התאחדו במאבק למען השחרור!
Manifesto 2023: La lotta rivoluzionaria nell'era del collasso capitalista
RCIT Manifesto 2023 Korean
RCIT Manifesto 2016 Korean
BOOK Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry
BOOK The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution
South Korea as an Imperialist Power
PAMPHLET Antiimperialist Tasks of Korean Socialists
PAMPHLET Is the Syrian Revolution at its End
WRP(P)-Leaflet: Smash capitalist power and overthrow the inequality system
Liberation Struggles and Imperialist Interference
WRP(p) Statement of Cuba Protests
On Summit of South Korea and US
Assad's "Socialist" Friends
Meaning of the U.S. Retreat from Afghanistan
Myanmar: No Intervention of "International Community"
US imperialism armed and trained the protesters
One-Sided and Naive Call by Pacifists and Chinese Social-Imperialists
A New War between Russia and Ukraine?
US-China Cold War Continues After Alaska Meeting
Myanmar: Popular Anger also turns against Japanese Corporations
Myanmar: Popular Masses turn against Chinese Imperialism!
Hurun Global Rich List
China: Free Xiong Yan
Myanmar: Bloody Military Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Mass Protests
State and Revolution in South Korea
Defeatism vs. “neither victory nor defeat, only peace!” slogan
Working Class and Defense of Fatherland
State-Owned Corporations and Chinese Economy
South Korea - Liberation War or Oppression War?
WRP on KCTU Executive Election (2.11.2020)
South Korean Imperialism and the Task of Socialist Labor Movement
Nature of South Korean Imperialism and Revolutionary Tactics (Theses)
COVID-19: Cover for Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive
For Revolutionary Unity in a World Full of Explosive Tensions
Confirmation by the Class Enemy
U.S. Election: Neither Trump Nor Biden!
Brazil: Social-Bonapartism of the Lockdown Left in Practice
Why We Speak about a Pre-Revolutionary Situation in the U.S.
Is a Bloody Counterrevolution Looming in the US
Pre-Revolutionary Situation Has Opened Up in U.S
World Perspectives 2020: A Pre-Revolutionary Global Situation
COVID-19 Crisis When Bourgeois Sources reveal the Truth
COVID-19 and the Lockdown Left: The Example of PODEMOS and Stalinism in Spain
Confirmation of revolutionary Character of Historic Period
China: Solidarity with the Mass Protests in Hubei!
Corona Virus is not Main Cause of Global Economic Slump
Composition of International Working Class
Dogfight among Social-Imperialists
Wuhan Virus
The U.S. Aggression against Iran and Revolutionary Tactics
China As Very Self-Confident Imperialist Great Power
France: For an Indefinite General Strike in All Sectors
Another Great Recession Has Begun
Iran: Long Live the Popular Uprising against the Mullah Regime!
Bolivia: Defeat the Right-Wing Coup
Are Global Popular Uprisings Caused by “Foreign Conspiracies”
Beijing Calls West to Jointly Defend “the Rule of Law” against Global Popular Uprisings
Beijing: Global Popular Uprising “Worse Than SARS”
Semi-Colonial Intermediate Powers and Theory of Sub-Imperialism
Modi Transforms Kashmir into Huge Concentration Camp
Point of No Return Seems to Have Been Passed in U.S.-China Cold War
China: Solidarity with the General Strike in Hong Kong
Trade War between Japan and South Korea
China passes the US on Global Business Ranking for first time
Uyghurs in China: 37 Signatures Are Worth a Thousand Words
Another So-Called Success of the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime in China
Syria: The Shameful Alliance of the Saudi Monarchy and the “Left-Wing” YPG
China: Mass Protests against Reactionary “Extradition Law” in Hong Kong
Sudan: Fight Back against Generals
CWI and Global Trade War
Syria: Heroic Rebel Fighters Wage Bold Counter-Attack
US Official “We Worried that the Assad Regime Might Finally Collapse”
The Next Round of Escalation in the Global Trade War
Down with Trump’s Sanctions and Military Threats against Iran
Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!
Defeat Coup Attempt in Venezuela
Joint Statement on South Korean Imperialism
Call to revolutionary activists in China
Crisis on Korean Peninsula & US and Chinese Imperialism
Struggle for Imperialist Hegemony & Socialism
Imperialism and Decline of Capitalism
RCIT Manifest 2023
RCIT Fire Manifesto 2021 Polski
Manifesto 2023: A luta revolucionaria na era do colapso capitalista
CCRI Fogo Manifiesto 2021
Manifesto Comunista Revolucionário
RCIT-Programa 2016
LIVRO O Grande Roubo do Sul
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 I
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 II
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 III
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 IV
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 V
LIVRO A Contra-Revolucao Global no COVID-19 VI
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias Conteudo
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias I
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias II
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias II
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias III
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias IV
LIVRO O Anti-imperialismo na era da Rivalidade das Grandes Potencias V
LIVRO A Historia da Opressao do Povo Palestino
CCRI Manifesto Pela Libertacao Revolucionaria da Africa Negra
Formação de um Comitê de Ligação entre a CS e CCRI
O imperialismo, a Opressao das Mulheres e a Luta pela Libertacao
Golpes Militares e Taticas Revolucionarias
Aja Agora Porque a Historia esta Acontecendo Agora!
Seis pontos para uma Plataforma de Unidade Revolucionaria nos Dias de Hoje
Brasil: O Slogan “Fora Bolsonaro!” finalmente ganhou massas e as ruas
O significado da retirada dos EUA do Afeganistão
Uma nova guerra entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia?
Apoiar a Greve da Associação Nacional dos Médicos Residentes - NARD!
Um Congresso bem sucedido e produtivo
Turbulência política às vésperas do 57º aniversário da ditadura militar
“Realmente uma boa briga”
Mianmar: a raiva popular também se volta contra as empresas japonesas
Mianmar: as massas populares se voltam contra o imperialismo chines!
Paraguai: Abaixo a repressão estatal contra os trabalhadores e a juventude
A China e Definitivamente o Lugar onde voce Deseja Estar (Se Voce for um Bilionario)
8 de março de 2021: Nossa Maior Geração de Mulheres Revolucionárias
Mianmar: Sangrenta Repressão Militar aos Protestos em Massa Pró-democracia
Espanha: Liberdade para Pablo Hasel!
A CCRI/RCIT Sobre o COVID-19: Um Ano Atras
COVID-19: Uma impressionante manifestacao em massa na Austria apesar da proibicao policial
Protestos Contra o Toque de Recolher na Holanda: O Povo Tem Razao em se Rebelar!
Russia: Solidariedade com os protestos em massa contra o regime de Putin!
Estados Unidos: O Pseudo-Golpe no Capitolio
Saudacoes de Ano Novo Revolucionario para 2021
Pela Unidade Revolucionaria em um Mundo Cheio de Tensoes Explosivas
Austria: O Estado Islamico e a bala, mas Macron e o assassino político!
Abaixo a islamofobia na Franca: "Nao somos Samuel!"
Parem o Terrorismo de Estado de Israel contra Gaza!
Mali: Keita, o governante imperialista, caiu!
Carta Aberta aos Trabalhadores Bielorussos
Turquia e as tensoes crescentes no Mediterraneo Oriental
Sombras de guerra no Mediterraneo Oriental
Derrotar as gangues paramilitares de Trump!
Levante popular no Líbano: “Renuncie ou Seja Enforcado”
A contrarrevolucao COVID-19 e a traicao da Esquerda da Quarentena
Formacao de um Comite de Enlace entre CEP e RCIT
Apesar das armadilhas da Burguesia mundial: o Despertar do Proletariado no Coracao da Besta Imperialista
Lutando pela revolucao socialista no Quenia e em nível mundial!
Armar as massas populares ou reformar a policia
Brasil: O Social-Bonapartismo da Esquerda do Confinamento na Pratica
Estados Unidos: Esta Surgindo uma Contra-revolucao Sangrenta
Uma Situacao Pre-Revolucionaria se Abriu nos EUA
Perspectivas Mundiais 2020: Uma Situacao Global Pre-Revolucionaria
Escalada da Guerra Fria entre as Grandes Potencias em meio a Crise do COVID-19
Brasil: Militares ameaçam explicitamente com um novo golpe militar
Brasil: Professores do município de Sao Paulo fazem ato em frente ao sindicato SINPEEM
Líbano e Iraque: Avante com a Revolta Popular!
Venezuela: Uma Conspiracao Imperialista Fracassada
COVID-19: O Encobrimento para uma Grande Ofensiva Contra-Revolucionaria Global
Gra-Bretanha: COVID-19 e um Encobrimento para a Repressao do Estado e dos Ataques aos Direitos Democraticos
Por uma conferência Internacional 2020
Guerra Global de Comercio - Nao a Xenofobia das Grandes Potencias no Ocidente e no Oriente!
Nao, provavelmente nao e o COVID-19 que vai te matar
Wuhan Coronavírus
General iraniano Soleimani: Nem anti-imperialista Nem Defensor dos Povos
O que revelou a ultima Quase Guerra entre os EUA e o Ira?
A Agressao dos EUA contra o Ira e as Taticas Revolucionarias
Iraque: Abaixo o imperialismo Estadunidense
Franca: Por uma Greve Geral por Tempo Indeterminado em Todos os Setores!
Feminicídios: Devido a impunidade do Estado capitalista, a organizacao revolucionaria das mulheres e sua classe trabalhadora
Ira: Longa Vida para revolta popular contra o regime mula
O governo de Israel brinca com fogo
Estamos nos aproximando de um novo "momento 1968"
O povo chileno se levanta
Mudanca revolucionaria para acabar com a mudanca climatica!
Equador: Por uma Greve Geral Por Tempo Indeterminado Contra o Pacote de Austeridade Neoliberal
Egito: Derrubem o Tirano Sisi
Crise no CIT: Por uma Saída Marxista
O Proximo Round na Escalada da Guerra Global do Comercio
Parem a Nova Agressao de Israel em Gaza!
Tentativa de Golpe de Estado na Venezuela: Derrotar Guaido e Trump!
Coreia: Nao Ha Paz Sem Derrotar o imperialismo
Parem a caca as bruxas imperialista contra o fundador do WikiLeaks, Assange!
Abaixo o ataque israelense em Gaza!
Comício no 8º aniversario da Revolucao Síria
Argelia: Bouteflika se afasta
Argelia: Vitoria da Insurreicao Popular contra Bouteflika
Brasil: Construir a greve geral política para derrubar esses governos
Em defesa da Venezuela: Maifestacao em Sao Paulo contra o golpe
Todo o apoio ao povo venezuelano contra o imperialismo
Evo Morales Entrega de Bandeja a Cabeca de Batistti ao Governo da Italia
Venezuela: Maifestacao em Sao Paulo contra o golpe econtra os provocadores fascistas
Franca: defender o Movimento "Coletes Amarelos" contra a Repressao do Estado!
America Central / Mexico / EUA: Solidariedade a Caravana dos Migrantes!
Brasil: A Sombra dos Militares no Regime Golpista!
Solidariedade aos imigrantes venezuelanos
Manifestacao em Protesto Contra o Golpe de Estado no Brasil
Nicaragua: Solidariedade internacional com a revolta popular
Argentina: Defenda Ruben Sobrero contra a repressao
O Encontro de Cupula Entre Trump e Kim Abriu um Caminho Para a Paz no Leste Asiatico
Viva a Insurreicao na Nicaragua
Israel e um Estado do Terror
France: Pour la Greve Generale
Sobre o Ataque de Trump Contra a Siria
Abaixo o belicismo imperialista de todos as Grandes Potencias!
Brasil: Professores da cidade de Sao Paulo e Trabalhadores Publicos Fazem Greve
Siria: O Massacre de Assad Guta e Críticos Ocidentais
CCRI Carta Aberta
Brasil: Intervencao Federal no Rio
Brasil: Governo Temer e Administracao Doria Tirem as Maos de nossa Aposentadoria!
Brasil O controle do processo eleitoral pelo judiciario e pela mídia golpista e Fraude!
Declaracao sobre colaboracao entre Grupo marxista "Class Politics" (Russia) e CCRI
Viva a Revolta Popular no Ira!
Jerusalem e a capital da Palestina
Parem a escravidao dos imigrantes negros africanos na Libia
Zimbabwe Abaixo o golpe militar
O CAPITAL 150º aniversário de um marco na luta de classe
Catalunha libertacao autoridades presas
Solidariedade com Rohingya
Franca Lutar contra Macron
Temer elimina Amazonia-Renca
Crise do Qatar
Aniversario do Golpe Militar no Egito
Protestos em Marrocos
Crise do Qatar-Golfo
Abaixo Temer 19.5.2017
Greve Geral 28.4.2017
Siria misiles de Trump
Brasil Tropas do exercito
Dia da mulher 2017
Combater a reforma da previdencia
Fusao entre CCRI e SLZ
Austria Partido de direita contra RKOB
Solidariedade RKOB+Korat
Saudacoes ano novo 2017
Resistencia dos Jovens
Trump Vitoria
Brasil Balanco Eleicoes
Rumo Greve Geral
CCR Elecioes Brasil 2016
CCR Folheto 3.9.2016
Turquia fracassado golpe
Derrotar Golpe Turquia
Carta Aberta
CCR Program
Resumo Cuba Vendida
Revolucao Arabe
Espanha Podemos
Franca lei El Khomri
Brasil Governo Temer
Brasil Apos Impeachment
Solidaridade Proebsting
Declaracao Golpe
8 Marco 2016
Futuro Socialista
Gunic 8 Marco
Terror Bruxelas
CCR discursa na greve
Prisao de Lula
Zika Virus
Liberdade Milagro Salas
Portugal Austeridade
Argentina Macri
Imperialista ameaca a Siria
Nao ao impeachment
Grandes Potencias & Síria
Artigos sobre Refugiados
Terror em Paris
Refugiados Demo
Defender Síria contra Russo
Europa Refugiados
Contra Golpe Fascista
Carta aberta aos LCC
Reuniao Publica Brasil 5.7.2015
Egypt Morsi Death Sentence
Panfleto 29.5.2015
May Day Statement 2015
Yemen Statement
Report WSF Tunis
Manifestacoes Golpistas
WSF Tunis Statement
Golpismo fascista
TU Speech Joao Evangelista
Artigos sobre a Grécia
Greece Election Statement
Ataque Charlie Hebdo
Racist Charlie Hebdo
Brazil 'Free' Media
Paris Attacks
Leaflet Public Transport
Joao Evangelista Cieja
Oposicao Golpe De Estado
Brazil Elections 2nd Round
Brazil Elections
Reply to COR
Defend Iraq against US
Israel's War on Gaza
Joint Statement Gaza War
Palestine Statement Portuguese
Nova Guerra de Israel
Relatorio Defender Gaza
A Greve Continua
Brasil: Speech Joao
CCR Leaflet
Solidarity with Clemens
Interview Joao
Unificar as lutas
Brasil: Chapa 6
MayDay Statement 2014 Portuguese
Entrevista Evangelista
Panfleto CCR-RCIT 2
SINPEEM Leaflet 11.4.2014
Brasil protestos
Austria: Conferencia do Red*REVOLUTION
Austria Segunda Grande Greve
Filipinas tumulo
RCIT Manifesto 2023
РКИТ Манифест 2021
RCIT Russian Pamphlet
Россия: Виражи инфляции, qr-коды и бонапартизм
Russia & Ukraine Tensions
Down with Russian Imperialist Monopoly Price War!
Russia: State Duma Elections 2021
A New War between Russia and Ukraine?
Открытое письмо: большие задачи требуют большой инициативы!
Россия: солидарность с массовыми протестами против путинского режима!
Китай: За немедленное освобождение Сюн Яня
Армения-Азербайджан: Новая война на Южном Кавказе
США вступили в предреволюционную фазу классовой борьбы
Идлиб: протестующие сирийцы остановили совместный патруль Турции-РФ
Агрессия США против Ирана и революционная тактика
Защитить Идлиб!
Союз марксистов: Шаг вперед
За революционное единство в мире, полном взрывоопасных конфликтов!
Кризис в КРИ
Против капитализма и империализма в РФ и во всем мире!
За всеобщую стачку против диктатуры генералов в Судане!
Сирия: за освобождение из-под стражи Ахмеда Раххаля
Остановить новую агрессию Израиля в Газе!
Протесты в Ингушетии: Долой правительство Юнус-Бек Евкурова!
Некролог: умер лидер российской РРП Сергей Биец
Оккупированные Израилем Голанские высоты: Очередная провокация Трампа!
Сирия: реакционное сочинское соглашение по Идлибу на грани коллапса
Обострение противостояния РФ и Украины в Кеченском проливе
Массовые задержания во время протеста против путинской пенсионной реформы!
О прошедших в пятницу одиночных пикетах против пенсионной реформы
2 сентября — все на митинг против пенсионной реформы
За всеобщую бессрочную стачку
Грабительским “реформам” — всеобщую бессрочную забастовку!
За единый фронт против повышения пенсионного возраста и увеличения НДС
Совместное заявление Мировая торговая война
Совместное заявление Саммит Трампа и Путина
Израиль — это террористическое государство
Заявление о развязывании войн на Ближнем Востоке
Россия: свободу Виктору Филинкову, Игорю Шишкину и другим арестованным анархистам!
Нет разжиганию войн империалистами!
Солидарность с освободительной борьбой чеченского народа!
по поводу президентских выборов-2018
Листовка к митингу "Антиклерикализм-2018"
Заявление о сотрудничестве между МГКП и РКИТ
Иерусалим – столица Палестины!
Интервью марксистской группы Классовая политика
Marxism & Religion
Открытое письмо
Декларация об объединении между РКИТ и ИСЛ
Заявление 1 мая 2013 года
Trotskyist Manifesto
Manifesti 2016
RCIT Manifesto
KITAP: Kurtulus Hareketinde Proleter Hegemonya Mucadelesi ve Gunumuzde Birlesik Cephe Taktigi
RKOB Biz ne istiyoruz!
KITAP: Buyuk Guc Rekabeti Caginda Anti-Emperyalizm
RCIT Manifesto 2023 Ukrainian
IMF Deal in Pakistan
General Strike in India
Asia Bibi Case and Reactionary Islamist Moblization
On the Pakistani Government of Imran Khan
Pakistan Election 2018
Democratic Pashtun Movement
Child Abuse and Rape in Kasur
Against Army Repression and against Islamist Fundamentalism
Pakistan Women Workers
Pakistan Demolition of Workers Houses
Defend the Rohingya
Pakistan Doctors Struggle
Pakistan's supreme court removed PM Sharif
Budget 2017
Pakistan Student Murder
Capitalist Exploitation
Pakistan Labor Accidents
Terrorist Attack
PIA Leaflet
May Day Leaflet
محنت کشو اور دنیا بھرکے مظلوم، آزادی کی جدوجہد میں متحدہوجاؤ
ہزارہ اور اہل تشیع کا قتل عام بند کرو
غزہ پر اسرائیل کی جارحیت نامنظو
RCIT Activities in 2025 (Part 2)
RCIT Activities in 2025 (Part 1)
RCIT Activities in 2024 (Part 3)
RCIT Activities in 2024 (Part 2)
RCIT Activities in 2024 (Part 1)
Revolutionary New Year Greetings for 2025
RCIT Statement May Day 2024
Report IV. International Congress of the RCIT
Fusion Declaration between Spalakh (Ukraine) and RCIT
Joint Statement of Spalakh (Ukraine) and RCIT on Wars in Ukraine and Gaza
Fraternal Relations between AWCS (USA) and RCIT
Petition No to Criminal Complaint against Pro‐Palestine Activist Michael Proebsting
Pro-Israel Forces Lay Criminal Complaint against Michael Proebsting
Report from Internationalist Meeting in Milano February 2024
About the Work of the RCIT Section in Russia
Joint Anti-Imperialist Initiative of Revolutionary Socialists in Russia
Fraternal Relations between Spalakh (Ukraine) and RCIT
Revolutionary New Year Greetings for 2024
Activities on the Ground 1
Activities on the Ground
International Workers Aid
RCIT Statement May Day 2023
Fusion Declaration between CT (Russia) and RCIT
RCIT Activities in 2023 (Part 4)
RCIT Interventions at Rallies in 2023 (Part 3)
RCIT Interventions at Rallies in 2023 (Part 2)
RCIT Interventions at Rallies in 2023
Michael Probsting Speaks at Socialism 2023 Conference (Malaysia) about De-Dollarization and Multipolarity
Speech at Mass Rally for independent Kosova (1998)
Report from IEC meeting of the RCIT in March 2023
Book 'The Ukrainian War and Russian imperialism' in Korean Language
Revolutionary New Year Greetings for 2023
Argentina: Rallies in Solidarity with Mass Protests in Iran and Peru
Internationalist Rally against Russian Imperialism 25.9.2022
Argentina: An Exemplary Struggle against Zionism
Comrade Detlef Muehling 1952-2022
Michael Probsting Speaks on Arab Satellite Channel WATAN TV about Egypt, Zionism & Islamophobia
Argentina: 25 Years of Building Convergencia Socialista
Declaration of Fraternal Relations between CT (Russia) and RCIT
Open Letter to all Socialists in Russia 12.07.2022
Joint Statement with CT (Russia) on Ukraine War 4.6.2022
Argentina: Revolutionaries at Center of Mass Struggle in Education
Successful Fusion of RCIT and Convergencia Socialista (Argentina)
RCIT Statement May Day 2022
RCIT Statement for Lviv Conference MayDay 2022
Argentina: Socialists organize Protest in Education Sector
Argentina: Public Meeting at Congress of RCIT Section 5.3.2022
Ukraine War: Join the International Solidarity Campaign & Sunflower Convoy
Michael Probsting Speaks on Arab Satellite Channel WATAN TV about Persecution of Muslim Brotherhood
Ukraine War: RCIT Leaders Speak at a Public Online Event (19.3.2022)
Rally on 11th Anniversary of Syrian Revolution (20.3.2022)
Joint Statement on Ukraine War 13.3.2022
Debate between PTS-FT and RCIT-CS on China
Interview with Socialist from Ukraine 27 Feb 2022
COVID Policy Interview with Michael Proebsting on Arab News Channel INFOGRAT
Rallies in Solidarity with the Egypt People 2022
New Year Greetings 2022
Argentina: Important Mass Demonstration against the IMF 11.12.2021
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners (21.11.2021)
Rally against Military Coup in Sudan 30.10.2021
Rally against Military Coup in Sudan 26.10.2021
International Meeting of Socialist Teacher Trade Union Activists (3.10.2021)
Electoral Campaign 2021 of Convergencia Socialista (Argentina)
Comrade Maruthei Thangavel (1954-2021)
Egypt: Rally at Anniversary of Rabaa Massacre 14.8.2021
Rally in Solidarity with Ahwazi in Iran 31.7.2021
Argentina: Rally in Solidarity with Cuban Mass Protests 20.7.2021
Formation of Liaison Committee between CS and RCIT
Open Letter Prepare for a New Era of Storm and Stress!
Argentina: Denounce the Stalinists Threats against Gabriela Capurro
Rally on 8th Anniversary of Military Coup in Egypt (3.7.2021)
Syria: Rally against Assad’s Fake-Elections
Rally in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Iraqi People 25 5 2021
Interview with Michael Proebsting on WATAN TV about the Fourth Gaza War
Argentina: En defensa de JC Giordano, atacado por agentes del sionismo
Mexico: Mobilization against Repression 20.5.2021
May Day 2021 Report
RCIT y Convergencia Socialista Declaracion Primero de Mayo
RCIT Greetings to Rally in Buenos Aires 19 Apr 2021
Report on Third RCIT Congress
10th Anniversary of the RCIT
Health Program COVID19
Rally on the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution 2011
Brazil: Zoom Debate about the Crisis of the Bolsonaro Regime
Austria: COVID-19 Protest 31 Jan 2021
Rally on the 10th Anniversary of the Egypt Revolution 2011
Revolutionary New Year Greetings for 2021
Brazil: Debating the Pseudo-Coup at the US Capitol
Brazil: Debating the Major Events of 2020 and an Outlook to 2021
Brazil Debate about 2nd Round of Municipal Elections 2020
Michael Probsting speaks on TV Channel Arabi21 on Islamophobic Racism in Austria
Michael Probsting speaks on Al Jazeera on Islamophic Racism in Austria (12.11.2020)
Media Reports about RCIT Activities against Islamophobic Racism in Austria (12.+13.11.2020)
Report Press Conference on Islamopbobic Austria 13.11.2020
South Korean Marxists Publish New Booklet
Brazil Debate about U.S. Presidential Elections
Egypt: Rally in Solidarity with Mass Protests 27.9.2020
Michael Proebsting Participates in Webinar with Kashmiri Politicians
Michael Proebsting's Speech on Death of Al-Arian
RCIT Speakers on Watan TV on the 7th Anniversary of the Rabaa Massacre
RSV Nigeria becomes full section of the RCIT
Egypt: Rally at Anniversary of Rabaa Massacre 15.8.2020
Rally in Solidarity with Kashmir (5.8.2020)
Formation of a Liaison Committee between CEP and RCIT
Open Letter to all participants of the virtual FIT-U conference
RCIT on Watan TV
Rally in Solidarity with Egypt People (5.7.2020)
Revolutionary Socialists and Bolivarianism
Report of African Progressive Organisations Meeting (9.5.2020)
May Day 2020: Unite in Struggle against Capitalist Crisis and State Bonapartism!
Open Letter: The Time Has Come!
Open Letter: Great Tasks demand Great Initiative!
6 Points for a Platform of Revolutionary Unity Today
Joint Statement on the looming Global Trade War
Open Letter to FIT-U: For an International Conference on the Struggle against the Global Capitalist Crisis!
Mexico: For A Proletarian and Militant 8th March
BLM Rallies Germany and Austria June 2020
Occupied Palestine: Rally against Trump’s “Steal of the Century” (3.2.2020)
Rally in Support with the Popular Uprising in Iraqi (2.2.2020)
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib 26.1.2020
Rally on 9th anniversary of Egypt Revolution
Korean Revolutionaries join the RCIT
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib 4.1.2020
Greetings for the New Year of 2020
For Revolutionary Unity in a World Full of Explosive Tensions
JKRS (Kashmir) joins RCIT
PRT (Costa Rica) and RCIT: For Revolutionary Unity!
Iraq: Rally in Support of the Popular Uprising 16.11.2019
Iraq: Rally in Support of the Popular Uprising 10.11.2019
Iraq: Rally in Support of the Popular Uprising 25.10.2019
India: Rally in Support of the Liberation Struggle of the Kashmiri People 26.10.2019
Iraq: Rally in Solidarity with the Popular Uprising 8.10.2019
Platform of RCIT Russia
Kashmir: Major Event in Solidarity with the Oppressed People
Kashmir: Solidarity Event in TV News
Climate Strike: Impressive Mass Demonstration in Vienna
Chechnya: Rally against Murder of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili by Russian Security Service
RCIT Greetings to Public Meeting on the Revolutionary Process in Sudan and Algeria (Kenya, 13.8.2019)
Egypt: Rally at Anniversary of Rabaa Massacre 14.8.2019
JKRS (Kashmir) support RCIT Statement on Kashmir
Rally in Solidarity with the Oppressed People in Kashmir 8.8.2019
RCIT Greetings to Pan African Women's Day 9.8.2019
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib 19.7.2019
Open Letter to CWI
Sudan: Rally in Solidarity with Uprising 30.6.2019
Egypt: Rally at Anniversary of Military Coup 30.6.2019
Egypt: Rally in Commemoration of Mohamed Morsi
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib 16.6.2019
Sudan: Rally against Massacre 5.6.2019
Syria: Rally in Solidarity with Idlib
May Day 2019 Global Report
May Day 2019 Statement
Nigeria: Students' union activities of RSV
Nigeria: Protests against Escalating Costs of Electricity
Sudan: Rally against the Dictatorship
TV Discussion about the Situation of the Muslim Uyghurs in China
Rally on 8th anniversary of Syrian Revolution
Joint Statement on South Korean Imperialism
Zambia: Criminal Fraud Against the RCIT
Nigeria: The Struggle for Free Education Continues
Rally on 8th anniversary of Egypt Revolution
Venezuela: Rally in Sao Paolo against the Coup 29.1.2019
Venezuela: Rally in Mexico City against the Coup 26.1.2019
Sudan: Rally in Solidarity with Popular Uprising
Greetings for New Year of 2019
Egypt: Rallies in Protest against the Visit of Killer-General Sisi in Vienna
Nigeria: ANSA Solidarity Activity in Support of the ASUU/COEASU Strike 3.12.2018
Report from Brazil about Organizing the Resistance from Below
Nigeria: ANSA Solidarity Activity in Support of the ASUU/COEASU Strike
UK: Unity March Against Racism and Fascism on 17.11.2018
Report from Anti-War Rally in Israel 13.11.2018
Report from Founding Conference of RSV (Nigerian Sympathizing Section of the RCIT)
Platform of RSV (Nigerian Sympathizing Section of the RCIT)
Campaign against the Construction of the New International Airport in Mexico
Brazil: Mass Demonstrations in the Streets against Fascism
Nigerian Student Movement ANSA Commences Nationwide Anti-acceptance Fee Campaign
Nigeria: Interview with ANSA Leader
Solidarity Activity with Zambian Women
Rally in Support for Idlib 8.9.2018
Interview with Sanyaolu Juwon (RCIT Nigeria)
Rally on 5th anniversary of Rabaa massacre by military coup in Egypt
Rally in Protest against Coup d’Etat in Brazil
Rally against Apartheid Law in Israel
Debate on Capitalism in China
Rally in Solidarity with the Popular Uprising in Iraq
200 issues of Revolutionary Communism News
Joint Statement on the Trump-Putin Summit
Conference against Coup in Brazil
Argentina: Defend Ruben "Pollo" Sobrero against Repression!
Protest against Trump Visit to Britain
Report of Protest against Visit of Iran's Rouhani
Report from Workers Mass Demonstration in Austria on 30.6.2018
Report from Gaza Demonstration Vienna 18.5.2018
International Report May Day 2018
May Day 2018 Joint Statement
Rally in Solidarity with Douma 11.4.2018
Rally in Solidarity with East Ghouta 23.2.2018
Declaration on Collaboration between MGKP and RCIT
RCIT 2nd Congress 2017 Report
Mass Demonstration against Austrian Right-Wing Government 13.1.2018
New Year Greetings 2018
RCIT in the year 2017
Statement May Day 2017
RCIT in the year 2016
1st RCIT World Congress
MayDay Statement 2016
RCIT Manifesto
RCIT Manifesto 2023
RCIT Fire Manifesto 2021
RCIT-Program 2016
What We Stand For
Our sections
Compilation of Documents on NATO-Russia Conflict
Collection of Articles on Great Depression
Collection of Articles on the 2019 Corona Virus
Collection of Articles on the Global Trade War
Trump-Putin Rapprochement Signals End of “Trans-Atlantic Partnership”
On Shift in the World Situation and its Consequences for Ukraine War
Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu - Out of Ukraine and Palestine!
How Can Socialists in Europe Continue Supporting Ukraine in Face of Trump-Putin Rapprochement?
World Perspectives 2024-25
Towards the 3rd Anniversary of the Ukraine War
Ukraine War: Internationalist Workers Solidarity and European Imperialism
Three Years of Russian-Ukrainian Crisis
Pacifism is “Socialism” for Fools
Zelensky to Trump and Vance: “Suka, Blyat”
U.S. Secretary of State Rubio Admits End of U.S. Hegemony
China Surpasses U.S. and European Powers in Robot Density
Lambertists Still Don't Understand the World Situation
The IMT/RCI’s Theory of “Lesser-Evil” Imperialism: A Historical Analogy
South Korea: Solution to Climate Crisis is Abolition of Capitalism and Socialist Revolution
On the IMT/RCI’s “campaign to fight militarism and imperialism”
IMT's Peaceful Road to Socialism
Manifesto Ukraine War: A Turning Point of World Historic Significance
Ukraine War and the Analogy with Serbia’s Role in WWI
Ukraine War: An Action Program for Authentic Socialists
Manifesto on First Anniversary of Ukraine War
Western Imperialism and the Crisis of its Ideology of Justification
Critique of IMT’s “Manifesto of the RCI”
Russia Overtakes Japan to Become Fourth Largest Economy in the World
The Global South in the Focus of Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
The PO (Argentina) and the Ukraine War: Continuing the Debate
Signposts for Unity and Demarcation
Once More on PO (Argentina) and Ukraine War
Ukraine War: Two Years after the Invasion
Towards a Turning Point in the Ukraine War
NATO Integration is Imperialist Trap for Ukraine
RCIT Statement for Milano Conference February 2024
Ukraine War: Reply to another ill-considered Polemic of PO (Argentina)
A Disillusioned Diplomat on the Prospects for U.S. Imperialism
Highest Number of Armed Conflicts in three Decades (IISS Study on Armed Conflicts)
U.S. Prepares for Sell-Out of Ukraine
BRICS+: An Imperialist-Led Alliance
NATO Official Suggests Ukraine Should Trade Territory for Membership
China, Philippines, US and the Conflict on the Ayungin Shoal
Ukraine War: What Does the U.S. Offer in its Secret Negotiations with Russia?
Wages, Productivity and the Rate of Exploitation: Some Concrete Examples
NATO-Russia Cold War: Sabre-Rattling at the Polish-Belarusian Border
Supporting Ukraine without Dual Tactic Leads to Social-Imperialism
Platonic Supporters of the Ukraine
What Are the Results of the NATO Vilnius Summit?
Ukraine War: Secret Negotiations between U.S. and Russia Have Started
Western Powers and Prigozhin Coup in Russia
US-China Rivalry: The Xi-“Trotskyists”
The Pro-Bourgeois Opportunism of LIS/MST
Is Ukraine About to Become NATO’s “Israel” in Eastern Europe
Ukraine War: The Inner Contradictions of the ‘Proxy War’ Theory
U.S. "War on Terror": More than 4.5 Million Deaths
Kissinger on Great Power Rivalry and Ukraine War
Russian Missile Lands in Poland
Ukraine War: “Wall Street Journal” Reveals Western Governments Eagerness to Negotiate a Ceasefire
Inter-Imperialist Rivalry: China Is Cutting its U.S. Treasury Bond Holdings
“Can China Replace the U.S. as Hegemon?” - A Misleading Question!
Marcon and his Plans for Europe as a “Third Superpower”
“Ukraine is a Proxy of the West?” – Facts versus Myths
New Study on Excess Mortality in Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
About the Government Bailout of Insolvent Banks in USA and Switzerland
Opportunist ISA and Iraq War
On the Arrest Warrant for Russian President Putin Issued by the ICC
The Black Sea Drone Incident Is Very Telling
Banks and Stock Markets Teeter on the Brink
Russia: Medvedev’s “Anti-Colonialism for Idiots”
Ukraine War: Beating the Dummy
“Multi-Polar World Order” is Multi-Imperialism
How to Support Ukraine’s Liberation War without Taking Side in the Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
Bernie Sanders Too (U.S. & Chinese Balloon)
U.S.-China Rivalry: Air Cowboys
Western corporations continue to make business with Russia
The Chinese Balloon and America’s “Socialists”
Action Program against the Food and Energy Crisis
Strategy for Popular Uprising against Food and Energy Crisis
Chip Sanctions: Another Step towards War between U.S. and China
Russia: A Mirror of the Future
Report from Socialist Soldier in Ukrainian Army
Ukraine War: Once More on Military Aid and Inter-Imperialist Rivalry (RSOP/DC/SRS, FT & LIT)
Henry Kissinger’s Desperate Call for Imperialist Peace
Russian State and Oligarchs Assets into Ukrainian Hands
Bourgeois Mainstream Press Reports: “Police Seize on COVID-19 Tech to Expand Global Surveillance”
COVID Counterrevolution & Children’s Health
Open Letter to LIT-CI on China Anti-Lockdown Protests
Ukraine War: Liberation of Kherson & Danger of Great Power Deal
China Protests and Lockdown Left
CWI, Anti-Imperialism, and the “Right to Resist”
Missile Incident in Poland
IMT & slogan of “Arms for the Ukraine”
Stalinism, 22.IMCWP & Great Power Rivalry
Protests in Iran and Ukraine War: The ISA’s Double Standard
IMT, Russian Imperialism & Ukraine War
Zelensky: A Nuclear Nitwit?
World Situation Notes (10-2022)
Threats of Nuclear War between Great Powers
Fundamental Meaning of Ukraine War
Putin Announces Colonial Annexation of Ukrainian Territories
Brief notes on current world situation
Shall Socialists Call for “Nuclear Disarmament”?
Revolutionary Tactics in the Struggle against Putin’s Mobilisation
IMT in Face of Putin’s Mobilisation
Russian Empire Escalates its Colonial War against the Ukraine
Ukraine War: A Mistaken Polemic
The Ukraine War after the Liberation of the Kharkiv Region
NATO Leader Warns of “Civil Unrest” in Europe
Acknowledgement of a Putinist
The G-7 Oil Price Cap: A New Stage in the Great Power Rivalry
Putin’s “Civilizing Mission”
World is Facing an Unprecedented Rise in Civil Unrest
World Economy: “The Next Decade Will Be Very Painful”
World Situation will change soon enough
Taiwan: Pelosi Visit Might Provoke War between the U.S. and China
The Marxist Slogan “The Main Enemy Is At Home” and its Social-Imperialist Distortion
Western Boycott of Western Sanctions?
Ukraine War: Reply to Russian Stalinists
World Economy: It’s Official – the Recession has Begun
Ukraine War: Mr. Woods Warns Authentic Socialists
A Confirmation, Unfortunately
ISA: A Kautsky-Type of International
Russia and the Theory of “Lesser-Evil” Imperialism
Ukraine War: Revolutionary Defensism and Non-Revolutionary Defensism
Ukraine War: Outcome of Stalino-“Trotskyist” Conference
Borrell: “We are not winning”
Lukyanov An Unexpected Admission
Stalino-“Trotskyist” Chamber of Horrors
ISA Boycotts the Ukrainian Resistance
Ukraine War: Closet Putinistas (Reply to PO Argentina)
Ukraine War: Supporting Western Sanctions Is Impermissible for Socialists
An IMF Study on the Global Class Struggle
“Athens Declaration” on Ukraine War
Ukraine War Murray Smith is Crossing the Line
The Patrushev Interview
G-20: Inter-Imperialist Rivalry on the Diplomatic Terrain
Down with Putin’s Imperialist War against the Ukraine!
A new turning point in Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine
The Current NATO-Russia Conflict and the Anti-Imperialist Tasks of Revolutionaries
Neither NATO nor Russia! Down with all Imperialist Warmongers!
COVID Counterrevolution: They Declare Victory…and Retreat
The Dangerously Irrational Mass Vaccination Campaign for Children
“Green Pass” & Compulsory Vaccinations: A New Stage in the COVID Counterrevolution
On Some Ideological Features of the COVID Counterrevolution
Putin’s Recognition of Donbass “Republic"
LIT-CI “Would Undoubtedly Defend Russia”
PTS-FT & Workers Sanctions against Ukraine
Ukraine War & Second Sino-Japanese War: A Historical Analogy
Ukraine War: Dockworkers Boycott Imperialist Russia
Can Socialists Support Imperialist Sanctions?
The IMT and the Ukraine War: A Shameful Betrayal
The Ukraine and the looming Russian Invasion
Platform of Socialists in Russia & Ukraine on NATO-Russia Conflict
Significance of Putin-Xi Meeting
Is this the Beginning of the War in the Ukraine
KKE and NATO-Russia Conflict
1914 or 1939?
Critical remarks on LIT-CI statement on the current NATO-Russia conflict
Bernie Sanders and the NATO-Russia conflict
NATO-Russia Conflict: “Trotskyists” in the Camp of Russian Imperialism
NATO-Russia Conflict: The “Party of the European Left” as Government Adviser for EU Imperialism
NATO-Russia Conflict: The Anglo-Saxon ‘Marxist’ Tendency
COVID-19: Excess Mortality and Mass Vaccination in Europe
'Omicron' is Pretext for Another Attack of COVID Counterrevolution
World Economy: The Second Slump Has Begun
COVID: The Global Elite is Worried!
Leading UK Epidemiologist Against Lockdown Policy
COVID: “Health Pass and Surveillance Technologies Will Stay for Many Years”
Great Power Rivalry: A Remarkable Admission by a leading U.S. General
COVID and the Lockdown Left: Calling for a “Strong State”
COVID-19: Another Shameful Advocacy of Reactionary Lockdown Policy by “Socialists”
'Omicron' Panic Spread by Bourgeoisie
Dark Winter: Listen to the Billionaire!
Capitalist Energy Crunch: Towards Dark Winter
Why Do Some Socialists Refuse to Support the Mass Struggle against the “Green Pass”?
The Coming Inter-Imperialist War on Taiwan
War and Intifada in Palestine: A Turning Point in the World Situation
The Meaning of the AUKUS Pact
World Economy: Heading towards a Second Slump?
Lambertists Defend Imperialist China
Afghanistan, Health Pass and the End of Bourgeois Democracy
“Maritime Freedom” – A Keyword of the U.S./NATO Warmongers
COVID-19: The Capitalist Anti-Pandemic Policy Kills More People than the Pandemic Itself
Russia-UK, Next Time We Will Bomb the Target
Examples of Pro-Russian Social-Imperialism
Russia Fires Warning Shots against UK Warship in Black Sea
Imperialist Patriotism in UK on Skirmish in Black Sea
Mass Vaccination Can Make You Rich
Interesting Assessments of the Global Class Struggle by a Bourgeois Think Tank
“The U.S. is Back”? Dream on, Mr. Biden!
A Japanese Monopoly Capitalist Praises China’s Ruling “Communist” Party
COVID-19: The Demystification of the so-called “deadly virus”
The IMT and its Art to Conceal
Afghanistan: Good Riddance, Yankees!
“ZeroCOVID” Left Calls for the Authoritarian State – A Practical Example
Stalinist and “Trotskyist” Supporters of Chinese Imperialism under the Fig-Leaf of “Anti-Imperialism”
Joint call by friends of Chinese imperialism and the daydreamers
Mr. and Mrs. Lockdown Left: We Told You So!
US-China Alaska Meeting Shows Continuation of Inter-Imperialist Cold War
COVID-19: An Opportunity Too Good to Be Missed by the Lords of Wealth and Money (Part 2)
COVID-19: A Market of up to 23 Billion US-Dollar
RCIT on COVID-19: One Year Ago
The Moral Imperiative of Imperialist Killings
COVID-19: Sweden's Total Mortality in 2020 Compared with Past Years
COVID-19: A Comparison of Historical Data
COVID-19: An Opportunity to Good to Be Missed by the Lords of Wealth and Money (Part 1)
COVID-19: That Was A Damn Good Year for the Billionaires in West and East
COVID-19 and Total Mortality in Europe
COVID-19: Zero Socialism in the “ZeroCOVID“ campaign
COVID-19: How Severe is the Pandemic in Sweden Really?
COVID-19: The Fear of the Ruling Class “To Lose Control”
How the Ruling Class Prepared for COVID-19
COVID-19: Revealing Figures from Sweden
Air Pollution Kills Half a Million Babies Every Year
COVID-19: Watch Your Back, Lockdown Gangsters!
Confirmation by the Class Enemy (IMF Report on Global Class Struggle and COVID-19 Crisis)
COVID-19: The Great Barrington Declaration is indeed Great
TikTok, Consulate Closures and the Cold War between the U.S. and China
Some observations on the final unitary resolution of the FIT-U Latinamerica and U.S conference
The Second Wave of the COVID-19 Counterrevolution
Lockdown Left L5I says: “Cops Need to Enforce Laws”
Joint Statement The COVID-19 Counterrevolution and the Betrayal of the Lockdown Left
The Global Popular Uprising against Racism and Police Violence
Only A Global Victory Over Racism Is Possible!
COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive
Open Letter: Act Now because History is Happening Now!
COVID-19: U.S. and New Cold War
Escalating Cold War between the Great Powers amid the COVID-19 Crisis
Police and Surveillance State in Post-Lockdown Phase
COVID-19: When Ultra-Leftism marries Social-Bonapartism
For a people-based approach to the COVID-19 Crisis! Down with State Repression!
COVID-19 Crisis: When Bourgeois Sources Reveal the Truth
The Closedown Policy is killing
How could WHO and World Bank exactly predict COVID-19
COVID-19 crisis: 3.4 Trillion Reasons
COVID-19 & Lockdown Left: PODEMOS and Stalinism in Spain
COVID-19 and the cruel Double Standard of Imperialism
Ex-IMF Advisor: “Corona Virus Crisis is also an Opportunity”
No, most likely it is not COVID-19 that is going to kill you
Confirmation of Revolutionary Character of Historic Period
COVID-19 and Decay of Capitalism
Corona Virus is not the Main Cause of Global Economic Slump
2019 Corona Virus: Oppose the Global Wave of Chauvinist Hysteria!
2019 Corona Virus: No to the Anti-Chinese Chauvinism in South Korea!
2019 Corona Virus: The Hypocrisy of Anti-Chinese Chauvinism in the West
Wuhan Virus
2019-nCoV and the Virus of Chauvinism
A Temporary Truce … to Prepare for another War
A Very Self-Confident Imperialist Great Power
“Worse than World War I"
Are Global Popular Uprisings Caused by “Foreign Conspiracies”
Are We Nearing a New “68 Moment”?
Another Great Recession of the Capitalist World Economy Has Begun
The Gang Leaders of Western Counterrevolution Are Faltering
Revolutionary Change to End Climate Change
Global Trade War: “If That Takes a Decade, So Be It!”
Point of No Return in U.S.-China Cold War
China passes the US on Global Business Ranking for first time
The CWI and the U.S.-China Cold War
Act Two in the U.S.-China Cold War
The Next Round of Escalation in the Global Trade War
Climatic War: Socialist Green New Deal or Great New Disasters!
The Global Super-Rich Get Even Richer
Trump threatens to withdraw from INF Treaty
Latin America
Latin America under Attack by Yankee Imperialism
Action Program for Argentina, February 2024
Mexico: For a True Anti-Imperialist Program Against Trump's Aggressions
Theses on the War on Drugs in Mexico and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
Panama: Yankees, Hands Off the Canal!
Argentina: Beginning of New Political Situation
Argentina: Towards the Strike of 30 October
The Character of the Political Regime of Venezuela
Venezuela: The Presidential Elections 2024 and Revolutionary Tactics
Bolivia: We Repudiate the Military Coup
Brazil: We must fight to overturn the bill that further criminalizes abortion
Latin America between the conservative right and social chauvinism
March 24 and the Political Crisis in Argentina
No to the Imperialist Intervention in Haiti!
Is President Lula Wrong to Accuse Israel of Genocide in Gaza?
Mexico, DEA, AMLO & Sinaloa Cartel
Argentina: Struggle against the Milei Government Advances
In solidarity with journalist Breno Altman who is being threatened for his defense of the resistance of the Palestinian people
How Is the Struggle of the Palestinian People linked to Mexico?
Argentina: The Mass Struggle against Milei's Adjustment Plan Has Started
Venezuela-Guyana: War to the Oppressors! Peace among the Oppressed!
Venezuela: Maduro Agitates for the "Reconquest" of Essequibo
Argentina: The Elections and the Prospects for the Working Class
Argentina: Balance Sheet of the Elections 2023
Haiti: For Popular Resistance against the UN Military Intervention
Critique of Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation”
Argentina: Balance Sheet of first Stage of Electoral Process
Mexico: Narco vs Morena in Guerrero
Mexico: "Bottle Caps" and Perspective of 4T after AMLO
Lula Government's Tax Reform
Lula Meets Lavrov and Xi
Brazil: How should Revolutionaries Act against the Bolsonarista Mobilization
Peru, Decadence and Political Crisis
Haiti: Down with the UN Military Intervention
Brazil: Neither Lula, nor Bolsonaro in 2nd Round of Presidential elections
Hands Off Haiti!
Neither OAS nor UN on Haiti’s soil!
Haiti: Down with the Henry Government!
Brazil: Neither Bolsonaro, nor Lula
Ecuador: From General Strike to Popular Uprising
Brazil: Assassination of PT Leader by a Bolsonaro’s Militant Supporter
Costa Rica: Stop the Persecution of Carlos Andres Perez
Punish the Killers of Bruno Pereira and Dom Philips
Brazil: Brutal Murder of Congolese Migrant Moise Kabagambe
Venezuela: Free Jean Mendoza
Cuba must not be a pawn of Russian imperialism
Martinique & Guadeloupe: Popular Uprising against the COVID Counterrevolution!
Questions and Answers: Is Cuba Socialist
Brazil: Don’t Wait for Elections to Defeat Bolsonaro
26 July: The Cuban Revolution is Dead! Long Live the Cuban Revolution!
Cuba and South Africa: Stalino-Capitalism in Action
“Trotskyist” Auxiliaries of the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime in Cuba
Brazil: New Demonstration "Out Bolsonaro!" (24.7.2021)
Cuba: Support the Popular Masses in Struggle – for a true Socialist Revolution!
Cuba: Solidarity with Mass Protests against the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime!
Brazil: Bolsonaro fails in his call up for the extreme Right on Independence Day
Brazil: Mass Protest against Bolsonaro
Peru: The Meaning of Pedro Castillo’s Electoral Victory
Argentina: Socialists Organize Artistic Protests against Lockdown Policy
Out with Duque and the Corrupt and Criminal Colombian regime!
Brazil: Military Police of Rio de Janeiro Executes 27 Residents in the Jacarezinho Favela
Brazil: Another Major Crisis of the Bolsonaro Government Explodes
Paraguay: Down with the State Repression against Workers and Youth!
Brazil: Brutal Racist Murder of Joao Alberto Freitas
Mendoza Argentina: Libertad para trabajadores! Free imprisoned militants!
Brazil: Social-Bonapartism of the Lockdown Left in Practice
FIT (Argentina): A Scandalous Betrayal of the Heroic Palestinian Masses!
Mexico: Free Labor Rights Attorney Susana Prieto Terrazas!
Free Sebastian Romero Now
Mexico: Stop Racism, Stop Impunity!
Brazil: Football Fans Organize Anti-Fascist Demonstrations
Brazil: Militaries explicitly threaten with a new military Coup d’Etat
Venezuela: A failed Imperialist Plot
Migrant Caravan in Central America: Let them all in
Social-Bonapartism in Argentina
Argentina: No to Repression and Militarization under the Cover of COVID-19!
Bolivia: Defeat the Right-Wing Coup
Ecuador: For a Popular Insurrection to Bring Down the Lenin Moreno Regime
Ecuador: For an Indefinite General Strike against the Neoliberal Austerity Pack
Brazil: Save the Amazon!
Brazil: 1.5 Million Demonstrators in the Streets Resisting Bolsonaro’s Attacks
Brazil: Bolsonaro’s Auto-Putsch Failed
Attempted Coup D'etat in Venezuela: Defeat Guaido&Trump
Organize a General Strike against Bolsonaro’s Pension Reform!
Brazil: Defeat the Pension Reforms of President Bolsonaro and Mayor Covas
Brazil: The First Political Exile
Venezuela: Impressions from the Ground
Support to Venezuelan people against Imperialism and Right-Wing Forces!
Morales Handed the Head of Cesari Batistti On the Plate to Matteo Salvini
The Generals Place Bolsonaro as a Disposable President, if Necessary!
Central America / Mexico / U.S.: Solidarity with the Migrants’ Caravan
Brazil: Scandalous Electoral Fraud Opens the Path to Return of a New Military Regime
Brazil: Supporters of Bolsonaro Attack and Kill Oppositional Activist
Brazil: Vote Haddad – Defeat Bolsonaro
Brazil: The Shadow of the Military in the Putschist Regime!
Brazil: The Regime of Exception is a Short Step to Become an International Pariah
Solidarity with Venezuelan Migrants
Joint Statement International Solidarity with the Popular Uprising in Nicaragua
Popular Uprising in Haiti
Brazil: Portrait of an Emergency Regime
Brazil Truckers Strike against Temer's Government
Protest against Brutal Torture of Son of Socialist Leader in Mexico
Brazil: The Emergency Regime Advances!
Brazil: Sao Paulo teachers and public workers strike against pension reform by right-wing Mayor
Public Meeting for Women's Rights in Mexico 10.3.2018
Brazil: Federal Intervention in Rio - A First Step towards Return of the Military
Brazil: Presidential Elections 2018 and fraud
Mexico Fight against Incompetent Government after Earthquake
Brazil under permanent Shadow of Military Coup
Temer Eliminating Amazon Reserve
Brazil Temer Impeachment
Brazil Bring Down Temer
General Strike Guiana
Brazil Army on the Streets
Brazil Pension Reform
Present Realities in Venezuela
Mexico Gasolinazo
Africa and Middle East
Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023-25 (Part 3)
Collection of Articles on the Syrian Revolution
Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023-24 (Part 2)
Compilation of Articles on the Gaza Uprising 2023
Collection of Articles on 2nd Wave of Great Arab Revolution
Collection of Articles on Fourth Gaza War
Compilation of Articles on the Military Coup in Sudan
Collection of Articles on the Coup in Niger
War and Revolution in the Middle East
Netanyahu/Trump Plan to Annihilate Gaza
The Tasks and Dangers of the Syrian Revolution
Joint Statement on Syrian Revolution
Syria: The People Brought Down the Assad Tyranny!
The Looming Great War in East Africa
Israeli Anti-War Activists Call International Trade Unions to Boycott Arms Deliveries to Israel
Gaza War and Consequences for World Situation
Fifth Gaza War: Support the Heroic Palestinian Resistance
On International Tactics in Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Struggle
Liberation of Palestine and Arab Revolution
Palestine: The Two-State Solution is No Solution at all!
On Strategy and Tactics in the Struggle against the Zionist State (Reply to ICL)
Trump and Netanyahu Are Heading towards War against Iran
Why Socialists Should Support the Syrian Revolution v2.0
The Zionist Jack the Ripper Murders Again
Trump Orders Massive Air Raids – Defend Yemen! Defeat U.S. Imperialism!
The Zionist Donors
Is the Syrian Revolution an Instrument of “Global Imperialist War”? (Critique of PO-SEP-NAR-TIR)
Interview with LIT-CI about the Syrian Revolution
Ceasefire Agreement between Hamas and Israel is Strategic Defeat for Israel
PCO Assad’s Best Friends Forever
The Slanderers of the Syrian Revolution
The Bystanders of the Syrian Revolution
For a revolutionary transition in Syria
Israel Declares War on the Syrian Revolution!
Why socialists should support the Syrian Revolution
Rebel Offensive in Syria: The Fear of the Regional Powers
The Reactionary Role of the YPG/SDF in the Syrian Revolution
Hamas Leader Supports Syrian Revolutionaries
Some First Lessons from the Revival of the Syrian Revolution
Syria: Notes on the Rebels’ Offensive (02.12.2024)
The Ceasefire in Lebanon
Syria: Long Live the New Offensive of the Rebels!
Lebanon: Side with the Resistance, Defeat the Zionist Monster!
Progressive Jews Say: “The State of Israel is currently perpetrating a Holocaust”
Defend Lebanon and Gaza – Defeat Israel!
Lebanon War: Some Lessons from the Setbacks of the Resistance
ICC Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and Deif
Iran Strikes Israel in Retaliation for its War Crimes
The War on Lebanon Following the Killing of Nasrallah
From Zionist War on Gaza to Israeli-American War against Arab Peoples
In Gaza & Lebanon: Support the Resistance, Defeat Israel!
Yahya Sinwar Necrology
A Zionist Voice of Desperation
Gaza War: Israel’s Army Has Already Lost the Equivalent of 12 Battalions
Ismail Haniyeh – A Martyr of the Palestinian People
Red Carpet for Mass Murders
On ICJ Ruling about Israel’s Policy in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem
Gaza War: An Israeli-German “Investigation” about 7 October
Houthis Hit Tel Aviv with Drone
Haaretz Confirms Hannibal Doctrine on 7 October
Kenya: Masses Set Parliament on Fire as Police Kills many Demonstrators!
Cyprus, EU & looming War between Israel and Hezbollah
UNSC Ceasefire Resolution on Gaza War is Chance &Trap
Students around the World Rise Up in Solidarity with the Palestinian People!
Political Groups in Israel are Calling for an Investigation of the Mass Graves in Gaza
ICC Chief Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Palestinian Leaders
Arab League Calls for “UN Peacekeepers” in West Bank and Gaza
CWI and October War 1973
Nakba Day 2024: The Struggle Continuous until All of Palestine is Free!
Mass Graves Reveal Mass Murder by the Israeli Army
Q&A Where Should Socialists Stand in Looming War between Israel and Iran?
Israel’s Voice of Defeat
Iran Retaliates against Israel’s Aggression
EU and IMF Prop Up Egypt’s Dictatorship of General Sisi
Statement on 13th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution
The Al-Rashid Street Massacre in Gaza
Why Do Several Middle East Countries Refuse to Boycott Israel?
After ICJ ruling, witch-hunt against UNRWA started
On the ICJ Ruling on South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel
On the Hamas Statement
IMT about the Houthis’ struggle against Israel and Western imperialism
Iranian Missile Strikes in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan
Imperialist EU to Send Warships to Red Sea to Fight the Houthis
UN Security Council Legitimizes US-Led Naval Force in Red Sea to Attack the Houthis
Regional Power Ethiopia Attempts to Expand its Domination in Somalia
Gaza War and Arab World: A Massive Shift in Public Opinion
U.S & Allies Send Naval Force to Red Sea to Support Terrorist Israel against Houthis
Gaza War: The Houthis Have Opened the Second Front
The Houthis and the Looming Imperialist Intervention in the Red Sea
“Hamas is on the Verge of Dissolution “: The Delusional Israeli Government
The Pro-Israel Extremists: An Isolated Minority within the UN General Assembly
Workers in Europe Blockade Arms Factories Producing Weapons for Israel
If I Would Pray
How Long Do You Want to Wait, Arab Leaders?!
Truce in Gaza War (23.11.2023)
Nearly Half of U.S. Youth Think that Hamas’s October Attack was Justified by Grievances of Palestinians
Houthis Seize Israeli Cargo Ship
IMT and the Anti-Israel Riots in Dagestan
Indian Trade Unions Join the Global Pro-Palestine Solidarity Movement
Practical Examples of International Workers Solidarity with Gaza
International Comparison Confirms: Israel is a Serial Killer of Children
Gaza War: On the Anti-Israel Riots in Northern Caucasus
Gaza War & Europe: A Reactionary Accidentally Confirms a Marxist Truth
Meaning of UN Vote about Ceasefire in Gaza
Gaza War: Some on the Left Support “Israels Right of Self-Determination”
Is Hamas a Terrorist Organisation?
The Al-Ahli Hospital Massacre in Gaza
Austria: Tabloid Attacks RCIT for “Open Call for Violence against Israel”
Ukraine’s Zelensky Cheers the Zionist Oppressor of the Palestinian People
Syria: Full Solidarity with the Popular Protests against Al Assad (Joint Statement)
On the Coup in Gabon
Syria: The Revolutionary Offensive of the Masses Continues
Niger: Mass Demonstrations against French Imperialism
The Meaning of the Revival of the Syrian Revolution
Syria: New Wave of Mass Protests against the Assad Regime
Niger: Pacifism is an Impotent Instrument against Imperialist War
US Sends Warships, Warplanes and 3,000 Marines to Persian Gulf
The Looming War against Niger and its Global Meaning
ECOWAS, France and U.S.: Hand Off Niger!
Protesters Torch Swedish Embassy in Baghdad over Quran Burning
Presidential Election in Türkiye: On Those Who Can Learn and Those Who Can't
LIT-CI and the Presidential Election in Tuerkiye
Sudan: Neither al-Burhan nor Hemedti
On the 12th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution
The Renewal of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia
Tunisia: Down with Dictator Kais Saied!
The Dead-End Future of “Socialist Struggle” (ISA Israel)
Iran, Turkiye, Syria: Hands Off the Kurdish People!
General Sisi: Gatekeeper of Imperialist Fortress Europe
Chad: Down with the Deby Junta!
Nigeria: For Immediate Aid and Compensation to the Flood Victims
Russia and China in Africa: The 2nd Coming of Colonialism?
Nigeria: On “The Labour Files” Investigative Report by Al Jazeera
Mass Protests against Reactionary Regime in Iran
The Sociopolitical Crisis of Iraq
Sierra Leone: Bio Must Go!
Occupied Palestine: The Zionist apartheid state commits a new war crime
Nigeria: Buhari Must Go!
Nigeria: Justice For Awo-Omamma 14
Nigeria: Halt the State Aggression in the East!
Nigeria: June 12 and National Question
Owo Massacre & Settler Colonialist Nigerian State
Nigeria: Justice For Deborah!
Nigeria: For Popular Militias and A General Strike to End Terrorism
Nigeria: Form Armed Self Defence Militias in the North West and North East
Why Are the Coups Happening in Africa
Newest Joke: EU and General Sisi jointly fight against … “Terrorism”!
The rebellion of the Bedouins in the Negev
Sudan: The Popular Uprising Continues after the Resignation of Hamdok
Nigeria: COVID Apartheid and 2nd Wave of COVID Counterrevolution
Cholera not Omicron should be the major concern for Public Health in Nigeria
Nigeria: Down With All Restrictions On Unvaccinated Workers!
Egypt: General Sisi and his French Partner in Crime
Sudan: Hamdok is a Puppet of General Burhan!
No Tears for a Zionist Soldier Executed by Palestinians
Britain Outlaws Hamas as a “Terrorist Organization”!
South Africa: The Ruins of Neo-Apartheid
Israel is lying once again, while preparing a war on Iran
Sudan: The Next Steps in the Struggle against the Military Coup
Stalinism and Military Coup in Sudan
Israel and the Military Coup in Sudan
We Can Hear the Drums of a New War in the Middle East!
“Axis of Evil” behind Military Coup in Sudan
Great Powers and Military Coup in Sudan
Sudan: Down with the Military Coup!
Joint Statement: Down with Military Coup in Sudan
Nigeria: End SARS Memorial 2021
Release All Palestinian Political Prisoners!
Nigeria: Keep OAU Open! Justice For Aishat!
Zionism and the Palestinian Refugees in the Diaspora
Nigeria: On the State of the National Liberation Struggle in the South
Occupied Palestine: Gilboa Prison Break and the Heroic Resistance of Jenin
Occupied Palestine: Freedom Road
Israeli Government is Afraid of Palestinian’s Resistance
The Ramification of the Defeat of Western Imperialism on the Middle East
Nigeria: Boko Haram vs Taliban
Gaza: Israel Injured 41 Palestinians Demonstrating Against the Ongoing Criminal Siege
War Drums in the Middle East, Once Again
Defeat the Israeli Aggression against Iran!
Israel: The Real Face of the Left-Wing Zionists
Syria: Glory to the Dignified Uprising in Daraa!
Israel: Are Current Green Taxes Proposals Progressive
From NSO Group to Ben and Jerry
Tunisia: Kais Saied’s Coup Aims at Return to Dictatorship!
Nigeria: Free Sunday Igboho and Nnamdi Kanu
Iran: Mass Struggles Shake the Regime!
Hunger Revolt in South Africa
The Zionist Myth of the Zionist Pioneers (Haluzim)
Israel / Occupied Palestine: An Important First Test for the New Government
Israel/Occupied Palestine: From the Power of Logic to the Logic of Power
Nigeria: Free Nnamdi Kanu!
Revealing Statistic about Who is Responsible for Killing Civilians in Syria
New Stage of Arab Revolution
Nigeria: Between Twitter and Crowwe
Israel sends vaccines to Palestine
Israel: The new Right-Wing Government
Nigeria: June 12: A Face-off with State Bonapartism!
France is forced to reduce its troops in Sahel
Nigeria: The Official and Unofficial Faces of the Fulani Hegemon
There are no left-wing and right-wing Zionist
Nigeria: In Solidarity with Biafra Remembrance Day
Down with Racist Zionism! Down with Anti-Semitism!
The Fourth Gaza War Ended in a Historic Victory for the Palestinians!
On the Coalitions Negotiations in Israel
On the recent Blinken visit to the Middle East
Anti-Netanyahu Protesters blame PM for Gaza Escalation
Palestinians in All Parts of Historic Palestine Declare General Strike!
The Zionist War Criminals and Their Friends
Thousands of refugees try to reach the Spanish enclave on Moroccan land
Occupied Palestine: The Racist Oppression of the Arabs in Lydda
A Jewish Anti-Zionist in Israel Says: For Military Victory of Gaza against Zionist Apartheid!
The Fourth Gaza War Has Begun
Victory for the Palestinians! Time To Go Forward!
Occupied Palestine: Stand with our Brothers and Sisters in Jerusalem!
Occupied Palestine: Hands Off Sheikh Jarrah
Israel, the Least Safe State for Jews!
Not Just Pantami But The Whole Troupe of Pro-caliphate Fulani Hegemony Out!
Assad’s “Socialist“ Friends
Israel/Occupied Palestine: On Jewish Conversion
Nigeria: More on the “Hijab” Crisis
Nigeria: Support the Ongoing NARD Strike
On the recent elections in Israel
Nigeria: Is It Just An Hijab Controversy?
Nigeria: On the Declaration of Yoruba Nation by Sunday Igboho
On the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution: A Heroic People Which Refuses to Abandon the Field!
Nigeria: For a People’s Militia to Defeat the Conquest of Northern Hegemony!
Israel / Occupied Palestine: Vote for the Joint Arab List in Coming Elections (24.2.2021)
End SARS: Where Petty Bourgeois Activists and Influencers Fail The Masses Must Continue
Nigeria: For the Revolutionary Liberation of the Southern People! No to Ethnic Jingoism in the North!
Nigeria: Down with the Race to Tribalist Wars
Tunisia: Long Live the Uprising of the Workers and Youth!
Uganda: Only a Mass Uprising can Defeat Musevenism
Nigeria: Call for an Indefinite General Strike to Kick-Out APC/PDP
Nigeria: Take the #BringBackOurBoys Campaign to the Streets!
Nigeria: Bring Down the Buhari Regime through a Mass Uprising
We Denounce the Assassination of Iranian Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh by Israel!
Western Sahara: Down with the Aggression of the Moroccan Monarchy!
Saudi Arabia claims that Muslim Brotherhood is a “Terrorist Group”
Ethiopia: Down with the Reactionary Civil War!
What's behind the Israel-Sudan Normalization Deal?
Nigeria: Defeat Police and Army on the streets!
Report Africa, COVID-19 and the Crisis of Neoliberalism
U.S. Imperialism Tries to Blackmail Kenya in Free Trade Agreement Negotiations
Draconian Law Against the Right to Demonstrate in Israel
Nigeria: Defeat Boko Haram & ISWAP
What is behind a Second Lockdown in Israel
After the Israel-UAE-Bahrain Deal: No to the “Normalization” with Israel!
War Clouds in Eastern Mediterranean
Nigeria: CAMA or SCAMMER
Turkey and the Growing Tensions in Eastern Mediterranean
Nigeria: Defend IPOB Against State Aggression!
Joint Statement: No to Imperialist Sanctions after the Dismissal of the Authoritarian Keita Regime in Mali
Stop Israel’s State Terrorism against Gaza!
Middle East: Is a New Regional War in Preparation?
Mali: The Imperialist Puppet Ruler Keita Has Fallen!
RevolutionNow! Anti-government Protests 5.8.2020
Idlib/Syria: For the Immediate Release of the Journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem!
Nigeria: Fight All Forms of Price Increase for Petroleum Products
Popular Uprising in Lebanon: “Resign or Hang!”
Israel On the Anti-Netanyahu Demonstrations
Report from Pan-African Women's Day 2020
Greetings for Pan-African Women's Day 2020
Bala Mubarak and the Rise of Nigerian State Bonapartism
Kenya: Preparation for March on Katiba Day
Idlib/Syria: Martyrdom Operation against Russian-Turkish Joint Patrol on M4
On Important Features of the Current Political Scene in Nigeria
Kenya: Report on the Saba Saba Peoples March 2020
Occupied Palestine: Down with Israel's Annexation Plans!
Kenya: Towards the Saba Saba People’s March
Ajimobi’s Demise and the Crisis Ridden Nigerian Elite
Egypt’s Dictator Sisi Threatens to Invade Libya
Joint Platform YES to Jobs, Food and Health! NO to Lockdown, State Repression and Poverty
Nigeria: Support the NARD strike!
Demonstration against Police Brutality in Nairobi 8.6.2020
On the Rise of Police Brutality in Kenya and Across the World
Occupied Palestine: Is a New Intifada in the Making
Forward with the Popular Uprising in Lebanon and Iraq
On the 57th Annual Celebrations of African Liberation Day
Nigeria: Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism and COVID-19
Down With The Iron Curtain Of Hunger in Nigeria
Report on COVID-19 Crisis in Nigeria (13.4.2020)
Nigeria: Against State Repression!
Nigeria: Oppose the Lock Downs!
Situation in Zimbabwe During the corona Virus Pandemic outbreak
Kenya: Condemnation of the State Repression in Mombasa
Israel: The Major Mistake of the Arab Joint List
Idlib: Syrian Protestors Stop Russian-Turkish Joint Patrol on M4 Highway
Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG
Idlib: Putin-Erdogan Deal is Sell-Out of Syrian Revolution
Syria: On the Turkish-Russian Confrontation in Idlib
Syria: How Much Does the Pentagon Pay for the YPG
Joint Statement: Down with French Neo-Colonialism in West Africa!
Syria: Don’t Let Idlib Die!
Only Successful Intifada Will End the Crooked “Peace” Plan of Trump
Israel / Occupied Palestine: Trump's "Peace" Plan
Expel French Imperialism from West Africa
Iranian General Soleimani: Neither Anti-Imperialist nor Pro-People
What did Near-War between U.S. and Iran Reveal
The U.S. Aggression against Iran and Revolutionary Tactics
Iraq: Down with U.S. Imperialism
Defend Idlib! Defeat Assad and the Russian-Iranian Occupiers!
Mali: French Imperialism Lick its Wounds
Israel is in the Worst Crisis Ever
Iran: Long Live the Popular Uprising against the Mullah Regime
The Israeli Government Plays With Fire
The Revolution in Iraq Continues
Revolution in Lebanon is Part of International Uprising
Nigeria: Down with the fraudulent proposed budget for 2020
Lebanon: A Revolutionary Situation
Syria: Assad Regime and Kurdish YPG Strike a Reactionary Deal
No to the Turkish Invasion in North-East Syria!
Syria: US Imperialism Deserts the Kurds Once Again
Iraq: Victory to the Popular Insurrection against the Government of Abdel Mahdi!
Background of Popular Uprising of the Iraqi People
Yemen: Another Humiliating Blow for the Saudi Aggressors!
Somalia: Drive Out the AMISOM and Western Occupation Forces
Egypt: Bring Down the Tyrant Sisi!
On the Results of the National Elections in Israel
Zimbabwe on knife edge over suspected state sanctioned abduction of Dr Magombeyi
Aramco Attack: Defeat the US/Saudi/Israeli Warmongers
Syria: For the Immediate Release of Ahmad Rahhal and Mohammed Jadaan
Zimbabwe: Police Violence against Peaceful Demonstration
ANSA (Nigeria) Statement on Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa
Syria: The Fall of the Martyr City Khan Sheikhoun
Zimbabwe: Neoliberal Austerity means Misery for Popular Masses
Escalating Tensions between the US-UK and Iran
EU-Sudan: A Cynical Division of Labor
Sudan: The Deal with the Military Council is a Sell-Out of the Revolution!
Stalinism is Assad’s Best Friends Forever
Shameful Alliance of Saudi Monarchy and YPG in Syria
Egypt’s Former President Morsi Dies during Brutal Incarceration
Call Save the Syrian Revolution
Sudan: Fight Back against the Generals with a General Strike
Down with Sudan's Military Dictatorship
French activists obstruct Saudi arms vessel
Jerusalem Day in Israel
DRC: Long live the African Day
Syria: Heroic Rebel Fighters Wage Bold Counter-Attack
US Official: “We Worried that the Assad Regime Might Finally Collapse"
Nigeria: Jail Yahoo Yahoo Politicians Before Harassing Yahoo Boys
Down with Trump’s Sanctions and Military Threats against Iran
Defend Idlib against Assad and Putin
Joint Statement of RCIT and UIT-CI: Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza
Defeat Israeli Aggression against Gaza
On the Israeli Aggression against Gaza
RSV Nigeria May Day Statement
Zimbabwe: The Economic and Political Situation after the Ouster of Mugabe
On the Results of the Israeli Election of 2019
Nigeria: Security Situation at OAU
First Victories in Algeria and Sudan
Libya: Defend Tripoli! Defeat Haftar!
Down with the Israeli Attack on Gaza
Zimbabwe and the Cyclone Idai
Israeli-occupied Golan and Trump Provocation
Zionism and Anti Semitism
Down with the Blockade of Gaza!
Nigeria: Tinubu Goofed Yet Again
Obituary: The Tragic Death of Lorenzo Orsetti
Syria: Hail the Insurgent People Fighting for Freedom!
Algeria: Bouteflika Retreats! Now Let Us Defeat His System!
ISL: Our Position on the Elections in Israel
Algeria: Victory to the Popular Insurgency against Bouteflika and his System!
Nigeria: The Mass Miseries of Capitalist Democracy
On the ASUU Strike in Nigeria
Current Situation in Zimbabwe
Syria: Is the Reactionary Sochi Deal Collapsing
The Zionist’s Attack on the Progressive Movement
Sudan: Bring Down the Regime of Omar al-Bashir
Commemorate the Palestinian Heroes who died during the Great March of Return
Hands Off BDS
Zionist hysteria in Haifa
Nigeria: Daily Dose On Education
Nigeria ANSA condemns FGN threat of "No Work No Pay" to ASUU strikers
Nigeria ANSA Defends Free Education
Prominent Israelis Protest against EU Propaganda to Identify Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism
The Day after the Cease Fire in Gaza
Israel is Responsible for the New Deaths in Gaza!
Down With the Israeli Attacks on Gaza
A Zionist Rabbi Praises Europe’s Right-Wing Racist Parties as Friends of Israel
Nigeria: RSV Demands Minimum of 66.000 Living Wage
Nigeria: ANSA kicks against fee increment in LAUTECH
The Shameful Response of the Kurdish YPG on the Killing of the Saudi Journalist Kashoggi
How to Assess the HTS Statement on the Sochi Deal
The Barbaric Slaughter of Jamal Khashoggi
Syria: Who is Responsible for the Civilian Death Toll from March 2011 to September 2018?
Turkish Army Attacks HTS in Implementing Sochi Surrender Deal
Zambian student dies from police tear gas
OGN Interviews with Syrians on Sochi Deal
Nigeria: No Uniform School Fees for Students
Syria: For a Broad Rejectionist United Front against the Sochi Surrender Deal
How U.S. Strategists View the Syrian Revolution
EU Leaders Praise Egypt’s Military Dictatorship
Syria/Idlib: News Confirm that the Sochi Deal Means Surrender!
Sochi Deal on Idlib is Surrender
Mass Rallies in Idlib against the Regime and Russia
Erdogan Offers Putin to Disarm the Syrian Revolution
On the Israel-Hamas Deal
High-Ranking U.S. Delegation Meets Assad’s Security Chief
U.S. Imperialism Wants to “Re-Engage” with the Assad Tyranny
63,000 Russian Troops in Syria
On the Occasion of the Afrikan Day of Remembrance Slavery 2018
Stop the Repression in Zimbabwe
Syria: Towards the Final Battle in Idlib
Solidarity with Gaza
Long Live the Popular Insurrection in Iraq
Israel as a Colonial Entity
Mauritius: End the US-UK Occupation of the Chagos Islands!
Mass Protest against IMF-imposed Austerity Package in Jordan
Denounce the US terror listing of Syria’s HTS
Remember Martyr Razan al-Najjar
Joint Statement 2018 Afrikan Liberation Day
Honor the Martyrs of Gaza killed by the Israeli Army
Mass Demonstration in Yemen in Solidarity with Palestine
Israel's Attack on Iranian Forces in Syria
Israel is a Terror State!
Joint Statement Warmongering in the Middle East
Trump Pulls U.S. Out of Iran Nuclear Deal
Stop the State Repression in Turkey
Escalating Greek-Turkish Tensions
On Trump’s attack on Syria
Kenya: Down with the Repression against the Students Union in Nairobi!
Syria: Down with Imperialist Warmongering of All Great Powers!
Western Hypocrisy and the Saudi War of Aggression against the Yemeni People
The Zionist Murderers and the Palestinian Struggle for Freedom
Another Chemical Attack Massacre by Syrian Assad Regime
Africa: Stop the Repression against Students!
From Sharpeville to Gaza - Apartheid and its Butchers Will Be Crushed!
Close Down the U.S. Military Base in Ghana
Free the Arrested Students in Nigeria
Stop the Repression against Students in Zambia
Recent Guerrilla Attacks against Israeli Soldiers in the West Bank
Solidarity with the University Teachers in Kenya
Matrix: The Just Liberation Wars and the Reactionary Wars of Powers in Syria
The Zionist War on the African Migrants
Syria/Idlib: The Attack of the Astana Conspirators could be repelled thus far
The Sound of War Drums in the Middle East
Turkey's hidden war against HTS in Idlib
Occupied Palestine: Break PA Collaboration with Israel
Assad’s Massacre in East Ghouta and the Western Hypercritics
Ethiopia: Down with the State of Emergency
South Africa: Down with White Puppet Cyril Ramaphosa
Israeli Warplane Shot Down over Syria
Syria: Assad opens once again a Corridor for Daesh
Liberia: ‘Liberated’ But Looted!
Syrian Liberation Fighters Shot Down Russian Warplane – A Small Victory
Liberia: Footballer George Weah will be American Puppet President
Defend the Syrian Revolution in Idlib and Al-Ghouta – not in Afrin!
Balfour’s Declaration - Myths vs. Facts (Introduction)
No to Turkey’s Attack on Afrin
Free Ahed Tamimi NOW
Solidarity with the Mass Protests in Tunisia
Italy sends Soldiers to Niger
Collection of Articles on US Defeat in Afghanistan
Collection of Articles on the Liberation Struggle in Kashmir
Collection of Articles on the Military Coup in Myanmar
Compilation of Articles on the Popular Uprising in Kazakhstan
South Korea: The Failed Coup Attempt of Yoon Suk Yeol
South Korea: Yoon Seok-Yeol's Coup Attempt Failed in 150 Minutes
Thailand: Move Forward Party Banned by Constitutional Court
Bangladesh: Sheik Hasina Has Fled
The Popular Struggle in Myanmar 2021-24
Popular Uprising in New Caledonia
Thailand: Pheu Thai Party Unites with Military-Based Parties
Socialist Tasks and the War Danger on the Korean Peninsula
War Danger on the Korean Peninsula
COVID Counterrevolution and Fertility Rate
COVID-19: What Did Authentic Marxists Say about China’s Lockdown Policy in Spring 2020
China: Popular Rebellion against Lockdowns and “Zero COVID”
China Protests: University Students against Lockdowns
Thailand: The Move Forward Party wins the General Election with the Pheu Thai Party a close second
Cambodia: 37 Pro-Democracy Activists on Trial for Treason
Thailand: Prayuth-Chan-O-Cha Suspended As Prime Minister
Sri Lanka: The Revolutionary Overthrow of the Rajapakshe Regime
South Korea: Statement on Mass Strike of Cargo Workers
Sri Lanka: Organize the Mass Struggle to Bring Down the Rajapakshe Regime
Japanese Stalinists Support Western Sanctions against Russia
China’s Demographic Development and the Zero COVID Policy
Kazakh Uprising and Stalinism: Marital Row or Serious Divisions
LIS/MST, Kazakhstan uprising & Russian imperialism
Kazakhstan and Putin’s Patriotic “Communists”
Russia’s Military Intervention in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan: Tokayev and Putin Are Killers!
Kazakhstan: Popular Uprisings Rocks the Authoritarian “Sistema”
Cambodia: Police Arrest Trade Union Activists
India: Historic Victory for the “Dilli Chalo” Uprising!
China: Interesting Insights from a leading Regime Propagandist
China’s Superrich Have A Really Good Time!
Afghanistan: The Rats Are Fleeing
Afghanistan: Meaning of Anti-Imperialist Victory and Perspectives Ahead
Japan: Stalinist Patriots against “China’s Hegemonism”
General Strike in South Korea October 2021
The Real Estate Bubble in Capitalist China
Cambodia: Trade Union Leader Imprisoned for “Causing Social Unrest”
The Fake Trotskyists and the War in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: The Hypocrisy of Western Imperialism
Afghanistan is another Proof of the Decline of USA Imperialism
Sri Lanka: Important Struggle of the Teachers
Cambodia: Hun Sen Orders a Lockdown in Phnom Penh under the Pretext of COVID
Thailand: Pro-Democracy Activists Call for Removal of Prayut-Chan-O Cha Regime
Burma/Myanmar: Russian Imperialism is Crucial Helping Hand for Tatmadaw
Burma/Myanmar: Some Thoughts on the International Significance of the Popular Uprising
Burma-Myanmar: The Popular Resistance Takes Up Arms!
Where are the Workers in the Chinese 'Communist' Party
Myanmar: International Solidarity with Popular Uprising!
Myanmar: Popular Anger also Turns Against Japanese Corporations
Myanmar: Popular Masses turn against Chinese Imperialism!
China is definitely the Place where You Want to Be (If You are a Billionaire)
China: Free Xiong Yan
Myanmar: Bloody Military Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Mass Protests!
Myanmar: Down with the reactionary Military Coup!
India: Victory to the “Dilli Chalo” Uprising
Cambodia: The Hun Sen Regime has had over 121 Human Rights Activists arrested
Indonesia: Thousands of Workers, Students and Environmentalists demonstrate against the New Ombnibus Labour Law
Thailand: Another Bloody Crackdown Looms against the Democracy Movement
Kyrgyzstan: "October Revolution” Drives Out Authoritarian Government
Indian-Occupied Kashmir: Resistance in the Concentration Camp
Thailand Protests October
China / Hong Kong: The Beginning of the Counterrevolution
Indian Social-Patriotic Stalinists and the China-India border conflict June 2020
China-India Border Conflict: Down with Chauvinist Warmongering on Both Sides!
“Big Brother” in China: The “Personal Health Index” App
Dogfight among Social-Imperialists (Japanese vs Chinese Communist Party)
China / Hong Kong: Down with the National Security Law
Thailand: Pro-Democracy Activists call for Resignation of Prayut-Chan-o-cha and his Bonapartist Regime
China: Solidarity with the Mass Protests in Hubei
India: Down with CAB
China: COVID-19 and Decay of Capitalism
Thailand: Future Forward Party banned and it's MPs expelled from Parliament
Indian-Occupied Kashmir: “We Can Also Do It Like Israel”
Hong Kong / China: “…While Their Elders Cheer Them On”
Global Popular Uprisings: Beijing Calls West to Jointly Defend “the Rule of Law”
India: Another Orgy of Hindutva Chauvinism
Indian-Occupied Kashmir: European Right-Wing Extremists Go to Modi’s Rescue
Beijing: Global Popular Uprising “Worse Than SARS”
Indonesia: Defend Democratic and Human Rights against the New Criminal Code!
India/Kashmir: Licking the Feet of Modi
Indian-Occupied Kashmir: The Heroes of Soura
Modi Has Transformed Kashmir into a Huge Concentration Camp
India: Defend the Kashmiri People against Modi’s Attack!
Solidarity with the General Strike in Hong Kong
37 states defend China's treatment of Uyghurs
Trade War between Japan and South Korea
Long Live the Popular Uprising in Hong Kong
China: Another So-Called Success of the Stalinist-Capitalist Regime
China: Mass Protests against Reactionary “Extradition Law” in Hong Kong
Widodo Wins a Second Term as President of Indonesia
Imperialist China Two Telling Trends
Call to revolutionary activists in China
China's Billionaire Lawmakers
Bangladesh and the Saudi Military Pact
Thailand: Result of General Election Produces Stalemate and Deadlock
Kashmir: Social-Patriotism Among Indian Left
India-Pakistan: Defeat the War Mongers! Free Kashmir!
India – Bangladesh: ‘Friendship’ through barbed fence
Before the General Election in Thailand
Bangladesh: Dhaka Street Vendors Evictions
Bangladesh: Burning to death is not an improvement over starving to death
Sri Lanka: Power Struggle Within the Ruling Class Threatens Democratic Rights!
Tsunami in Indonesia
China is a Paradise for Billionaires
Afghanistan: A Successful Strike against the US Occupation
China: Defend the Muslim Uyghurs against Oppression!
Thailand 4 Years after the Coup
Some Thoughts on the Political Situation in Sri Lanka
Has the Trump-Kim Summit Opened the Road to Peace in East Asia
Again on Capitalist Restoration in North Korea
Historic Defeat for Ruling Corrupt Clique of Barisian Nasional in Malaysia
Organize the Struggle against the Hun Sen Government in Cambodia
Thailand: Defeat the Military Dictatorship
US Occupants Out of Afghanistan
CWI and North Korea
Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya
Solidarity with Rohingya Muslims
Stop US Madman threatening North Korea
US Aggression vs North Korea
Pakistan CPEC
Kashmir Uprising
China’s Billionaires
China Review
Pakistan Flood Victims
Hong Kong Protests
Crisis in Pakistan
Thailand Coup Critique
Thailand Coup Reply
Thailand Coup
Conflict Paracel Islands
Sri Lanka's Haves and Have Nots
Cambodian Textile Workers Struggle
CWI on Thailand
Thailand: looming Coup D’état!
Theses on Bangladesh
Philippine Typhoon
Filipinas tumulo
Action Program Sri Lanka
Privatization in Pakistan
Horror in Fukushima
Solidarity with Balochistan
No war against North Korea
Defend North Korea
Stop Killing of Hazara
No War between China and Japan
Pakistan No Nato
Pakistan KESC strike
Pakistan Action Program
Clashes in Karachi
Doctors strike in Pakistan
Iran No war
China as imperialist power
Kashmir Resolution
Collection of Articles on Catalunya's Independence Struggle
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Winter 2024-25)
Interview with Russian Revolutionary Militant
Assembly of Russian and Ukrainian Socialists at the 3rd Anniversary of Putin’s Invasion
U.S. Tries to Plunder Ukraine’s Resources
Split in the ex-Stalinist Party of the European Left
Ukraine War: Requiem for Pokrovsk
Russian Anti-War Left Emigration Forum (2-3.11.2024)
Our Salute to the Rebels in Georgia!
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Autumn 2024)
UK: Starmer’s Labour Government Continues to Support Israel’s Genocide in Gaza
UK: Labour Government Cuts Winter Fuel Allowance for Pensioners
Ex-NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg Advices Ukraine to Surrender Territory to Russia
What are the causes of the implosion of Russian RRP
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Summer 2024)
The Ukraine War and How It Affects the Domestic Situation in Russia
UK: The New Labour Governments’ Minimum Programme
2024 General Election in Britain: Labour Wins by a Landslide
France: Which Tactics towards the Popular Front?
France: Revolutionary Tactics in Parliamentary Elections
Repression of Marxists in Ukraine
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Spring 2024)
UK General Election 2024: Break with Labour and Build a new Workers Party!
European Imperialism: A Shift towards Armament and Militarisation
National Platform of the Socialist Tendency
National Platform of Spalakh (Ukraine)
Western Financial Sharks Try to Squeeze Dividends from the Ukraine
On the split of the “Trotskyist” RRP in Russia
Ukraine: Rapidly Growing Escalation in War with Russia
Britain: Rishi Sunak Declares War on the Working Class and the Oppressed
Presidential Elections in Russia: Putin's Fifth Attempt
Ukraine: Brief Overview of the Political Situation (February 2024)
Russia: Report on the Main Events (Winter 2023-24)
Northern Ireland: Vice President of Sinn Fein Becomes First Minister at Stormont
On the Death of Navalny and the Imprisonment of Kagarlitsky
Are Hamas and Israel “Equally Reactionary”?
Ukraine: Money for Pavements or for the Army?
Ukraine: Interview with Socialist Students
Russia: Zyuganov’s “Disciplined Party Members”
Britain: An Escalating Pro-Zionist Hysteria
Russia: Report on Latest Events (Autumn 2023)
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Another Outburst of the Reactionary Conflict
Russia: The Meaning of Prigozhin’s Death
Russia: Solidarity with Boris Kagarlitsky
Russia: Not to Police Repression against Muslim Migrants
EU-Tunisia: Down with the Anti-Migration Deal
Russia: Death Agony of Putin Regime
France: Justice for Nahel
Russia: Zyuganov’s KPRF and some “Trotskyists” on the Prigozhin Coup
Prigozhin’s Coup Attempt in Russia
Western “Solidarity” with the Ukraine: A Cynical Example
Ukraine War: The Logic of Annihilation in Theory and Practice
Report on Political Situation in Russia for May 2023
Russia: The RRP and its “War Socialism”
The RRP's Loudly Proclaimed Opportunism and Deafening Silence
The Ukraine War is Highly Profitable for Russia’ Billionaires
Medvedev claims: “We need a Big Great Russia”
Report on Political Situation in Russia for April 2023
France: For an Indefinite General Strike!
Polish Party Razem Supports NATO and EU Militarisation
Critique of ISA on Northern Ireland
IMT Cynical Doubletalk
Ukraine War: The “Manifesto for Peace”, Pacifism and European Imperialism
Anti-Imperialism versus Pro-Western Liberalism
Russia: Friends Among Themselves (Zyuganov meets Putin)
Mutiny of National Minority Battalions in the Russian Army
Western Europe: Mass Strikes against Anti-Social Attacks
Report on Political Situation in Russia for February 2023
Report on Political Situation in Russia for January 2023
Kosova: Down with Serbian-Chauvinist Provocations
On Russia’s War Economy
RRP Russia: A Disguised Support for Imperialist Armament
French Senate Votes to Impose Sanctions on Azerbaijan
Ukraine War: Spontaneous Protests of Soldiers of Russian Army
Ukraine War: Former Russian Members of Alan Woods‘ IMT Speak Out
Britain: Truss Government in Deep Crisis
RKRP & Program of Russian Social-Imperialism
France: From Refinery Workers’ Struggle to Greve Generale
Greece: Social-Patriotic KKE Calls for the Defence of “Our Country’s Sovereign Rights”
Armenia-Azerbaijan: Down with the Reactionary War!
RRP (Russia) and Ukraine War
Russia: Zyuganov Calls for “General Mobilisation” to defeat the Ukraine
Britain: On the Queen’s Death
Britain: Liz Truss is new Prime Minister
Russia: Report about the Current Situation (1.9.2022)
Zyuganov’s Servants (IMT Russia)
Interview with Russian Trotskyist on Ukraine War
Climate Catastrophe Fires in Europe
Britain: Rail Unions Announce Further Strike Action
Italy: Protest the Arrest of 6 Militant Trade Union Leaders
Russia: Brief Report about the Current Situation (12.7.2022)
“Socialism” a la Putin
UK: Boris Johnson Resigns as Prime Minister
Ukraine in Imperialist Debt Trap
Is Europe’s Ruling Class About to Declare a War Economy
Spain/Morocco: Police Kills Dozens of Migrants at the Border
Britain: First Railway Strike in Britain for over 30 Years
Social Composition of ex-Stalinist Parties in Europe
Russia: Brief Report about the Current Situation (14.6.2022)
Book Review: Small Town Girl Love, Lies and the Undercover Police
Finish “Left Alliance” & parliamentary vote about NATO membership
Sweden and Finland Seek NATO Membership
Northern Ireland: Sinn Fein Scores a Momentous Electoral Victory
Britain: Climate Change Protester Faces Prison over Damage to a Government Building
Interview with Ukrainian Socialist serving at JFO
Why Socialists Should Not Support Imperialist Sanctions or UN
Political Situation in Russia since Beginning of Ukraine War
Sinking "Moscow" Cruiser
RIA Novosti & Great Russian Totalitarianism
Ukraine: No Changes of Labor Laws during War
Green Pass Rule: We Workers are not Police Officers!
Scotland: Sturgeon Government Imposes more Bonapartist Restrictions on People attending Events
Britain: COVID Passports and Mandatory Vaccinations
The “Government Trotskyists” (SLP/ISA)
Failed Austrian Rally for COVID Policy
EU will use the Health Pass also after Pandemic
How Does the Capitalist Pandemic Policy Affect the Income?
COVID-19: An Austrian Government Adviser on Compulsory Vaccination
A Shameful Slander of Popular Mass Protests
Poland/Belarus: Open the Borders for Refugees!
Dark Winter could arrive in Britain
Austria: Pseudo-Trotskyists Call for a 3-Week Total Lockdown
IDC Supports Struggle of Italian Port Workers against Green Pass
Italian Dockers Strike against Green Pass
Britain: Keir Starmer Defeated at Labour Party Conference over Palestine
General Strike in Italy on 11 October: An Important Step Forward!
Britain: Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is defeated in English Local Elections
Fourth Gaza War: European Governments Try to Suppress Pro-Palestine Protests
Britain: Tens of Thousands Protest against the Lockdown Regime
Germany: An Insidious Campaign against Migrants
Britain: The Conviction of the 24 Shrewsbury Building Workers in 1972
A New War between Russia and Ukraine?
UK: Thousands March against Lockdown Restrictions and the Police Bill
Spain: Freedom for Pablo Hasel!
France: The Parliamentary Left Fails to Oppose Macrons Anti-Muslim Separatism Law
Britain: Strikes at Heathrow Airport British Gas and DHL
Anti-Curfew Protests in the Netherlands: The People are Right to Rebel!
Russia: Solidarity with the Mass Protests against the Putin Regime!
France/Egypt: Heil Sisi?
France: Bring Down Macron and his ‘Police State’ Law!
Austria: Hands Off Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas!
UK: On the 1972 building workers strike
Britain: Defend Corbyn
Austria: Scandalous Bann of a Rally against Islamophobe Racism!
Austria: Daesh is the Bullet but Macron is the Political Assassin
Social-Chauvinism and Capitulation to Islamophobia by the French Left
Boycott Imperialist and Islamophobic France!
Down with the Islamophobia in France
Madrid’s Workers and Poor Protest against the Reactionary Lockdown Regime
New War in the South Caucasus
Britain: Stop Fascist Attacks Against Migrants
Truth Barometer (Reply to Russian Journalist Boris Ichlov)
Chechnya: Rally against the Murder of Mamikhan Umarov by the Russian Security Service
Open letter to Belarusian Workers
COVID-19 Crisis: Internal Document Reveals Austrian Government Plan to Spread Fear
Open Europe’s Borders for Syrian Refugees - Now!
Britain: Keir Starmer dismisses Rebecca Long-Bailey
Britain: Keir Starmer, a loyal Servant of the British Capitalist State
Britain: Black Lives Matter Demonstrations sweep through all major British Cities
Britain: Boris Johnson Government is the most incompetent in dealing with COVID-19 in Europe
Britain: The Blairite Keir Starmer is elected leader
Britain and the situation on COVID-19
Ireland: Sinn Fein Wins in Historic Result
Scotland: For the right of selfdetermination!
UK: Labour Elects New Leadership after Humiliating Defeat
Elections in UK & Role of Zionism
Britain: Boris Johnson and the Tories win the General Election with an 84 Majority
France: For an indefinite General Strike in All Sectors
Britain: Critical Support for Labour at General Election on December 12th
Britain: Grenfell Fire Tragedy Public Enquiry Report exonerates Corporate Figures of Social Murder
UK: Johnson makes last attempts for an agreement with the EU
Spanish State: Freedom for Catalan Political Prisoners!
French Stalinists Join the Bandwagon of Anti-Migrant Demagoguery
UK: Defy Johnson's Coup Attempt to suspend Parliament
Britain: Stop Johnsons Coup
Britain: Boris Johnson Determined to Impose a No Deal Brexit
Britain: Brexit and the Crisis of the Labour Party
Britain after the European Elections and Theresa May’s Resignation
UK: Critical Support for Labour at the EU Elections
Austria: Corruption Scandal and Crisis of Right-Wing Government
UK: Demonstration in Solidarity with Palestine 11.5.2019
On Assange and the right to free speech
Socialists and the EU Elections 2019
Protests in Ingushetia/Russia: Down with the Yunus-bek Yevkurov Government
UK: 'Stand up to Racism' demonstration 16.3.2019
UK: Defend Chris Williamson and Others Against the Zionist Witch-Hunt
Brexit: May Government on Verge of Collapse
Brexit: A Historical Defeat for Tory Government
UK: Peoples Assembly against Austerity March
Britain: May Narrowly Survives No-Confidence Vote in Tory Party
UK: Defeat the Witch-Hunt by the Metropolitan Police against Anti-Zionists
France: Defend the “Yellow Vests” Movement against State Repression!
Military Escalation between Russia and Ukraine at the Kerch Strait
Britain: No to the Anti-Russian Hysteria and Chauvinism!
Britain: No-Deal Brexit Is Imminent
Mass Arrests at Protest against Putin’s Pension Reform
Britain: Boris Johnson Instigates Racial Hatred
UK: Protests against Northamptonshire County Council cuts in Social care
Britain: Government Crisis on Brexit, Witch-hunt against Corbyn
Protests against Ban of Wearing Face Veils in Denmark
UK: Grenfell Tragedy One Year after the Fire
Livingstone Resigns from the Labour Party
Islamophobic Racism on the Rise in Austria
Stop State Repression against Polish Socialists
Russia: Free Viktor Filinkov, Igor Shishkin and other arrested Anarchists!
France Pour la Greve Generale
Corbyn and Zionism
Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Chechen People!
Corbyn, Brexit and the Blairites’ Call for a Second Referendum
Carillion and the Crisis of British Capitalism
Catalonia Election under the Shadow of Madrid’s Tyranny
Sunderland’s 2021 Bid for the “City of Culture” will not benefit the Working Class
Long live the Catalan Republic!
Puigdemont fears the Consistent Struggle for Catalonia's Independence
Catalonia 3-O General Strike
Catalonian Referendum was Popular Uprising
Spanish State in Catalonia - This is what Democracy looks like
Big Decision for Catalonia
Support Catalonias Independence
Repression against Catalonia
Corbyn & Brexit
France Macron's Labor Bill
Fight Macron's Labor Bill
G20 Summit Hamburg
Grenfell Tower Fire
UK Elections disaster for May
London Attack
UK Election Results
Manchester Terror
UK General Election 6-2017
France: Neither Le Pen nor Macron
Persecution of Homosexuals in Chechnya
France Election April 2017
Brexit and UK Crisis
France Theo Protests
Support Allinson
Britain Capitalist Crisis
Corbyns Re-Election
Critical Support for Corbyn
Against Blairite
BREXIT Vote results
Spain Election Podemos
France El Khomri Law
Defend Shah & Livingstone
Steel Crisis
Bring Down Cameron
Zionism & Labour Party
Panama Papers
Elections Ireland
Brussels Attack
Interview Refugee
Akademikerball 2016
UK Housing Crisis
Portugal Austerity
StW Coalition
Militarism in EU
UK War in Syria
Terror in Paris
Expulsions in Labour
SYRIZA Victory
Refugees are welcome
Critical Vote for LAE
UK Corbyn victorious
UK Corbyn Campaign
EU-Referendum in UK
Audiofile SYRIZA betrayal
SYRIZA betrayal
Greece after Referendum
Greece Solidarity Greetings
Brazil Solidarity with Greece
Greek Socialists Referendum
Greece Referendum OXI
Racist Hopkins
UK Railway Strike
UK Election Results
EU-War against Refugees
Macedonia Statement
Britain Report Antiracism Demo
Britain Elections 2015
French Neoliberal Government
SYRIZA surrenders
Minsk Agreement
Freedom for Kosova
Greece Election Statement
France Defend Muslims
Racist Charlie Hebdo
French PCF Iraq War
Statement Paris Attacks
Paris Attacks
Borotba activists missing
Ukraine and Russia 2014
Swedish Police Violence
Bosnia Solidarity 2014
Austria: Red*REVOLUTION Conference
Austria: School Student Strikes 2013
RKOB-Programm Oesterreich
Österreich: Metaller Streik 2013
Griechenland: Zerschlagt die Goldene Morgenröte
Greece 2013
Declaration on Alter Summit
Britain: Woolwich attack
Sweden: Migrants-Uprising
Greece: Solidarity with migrant strike
France: Discrimination of LGBT
Cyprus: General strike against EU Troika
Councils in Bulgaria
Bulgaria: All Power to the Workers
N14 Statement
EU and semi-colonies
Bosnia War
Stop witch-hunt against Assange
Britain August-Uprising 2011
Greece 2011 - 2012
France: Racism and Migrants
Georgia War 2008
COVID-19 Counterrevolution in Australia: Boots on the Ground
Defeat Racism and Stop the Ethnic Violence Against the people of West Papua
The Terrorist Attack on New Zealand Mosques and Imperialist Hypocrisy
Support West Papua’s Struggles for National Self-Determination
NZ Poverty
Maori Workers
North America
Trump’s 2nd Presidency: Its Causes, Inner Contradictions, and Consequences for World Politics
Debate on Trump’s Foreign Policy and U.S. Imperialism
The Dysfunctional Disruptor
Trump's Electoral Victory
U.S. Election: Neither Trump Nor Harris!
Solidarity with the Striking U.S. Autoworkers
Defend Abortion Rights in U.S.
US Supreme Court leads the attack on working class women
Stalinist CPUSA supports Western Great Powers against Russia
U.S.: On the Kyle Rittenhouse Shooter Case
Colin Powell, a Top Imperialist Murder Has Died
Fourth Gaza War: The Opportunist Left in the U.S. and the Biden Administration
To Hell with Joe Biden
U.S.: The Pseudo-Coup at the Capitol
U.S. Election 2020 and the Left
U.S. Election: Neither Trump Nor Biden
US Police Shoots Jacob Blake
Defeat Trump’s Paramilitary Gangs!
Joint Statement on Popular Uprising in the U.S.
U.S.: Arming of the Popular Masses or Reforming the Police
BLM Demonstration in San Francisco 7.6.2020
Why We Speak about a Pre-Revolutionary Situation in the U.S.
Is a Bloody Counterrevolution Looming in the US
USA: Justice for George Floyd
A Pre-Revolutionary Situation Has Opened Up in the U.S.
Puerto Rico: US Colony in Revolt
United States: The Need for a Labor Party
The Racists Who Attack Rashida Tlaib
U.S. Senate Rejects Trump’s Border Emergency Declaration, Setting Up First Veto
USA: The Crisis in Virginia Continues
USA: Crisis in Virginia
USA: War rages on the Southern Border
The USA as a Settler Nation
State of Class Struggle in USA
US Sanctions vs Russia, Iran, North Korea
Trump Victory
Left and US Election
Stop Police Terror in US
No Vote Sanders
Justice for Michael Brown
MayDay in USA
Teacher Strike
Open Letter to Obama supporters
Statement on US Elections
For the end of unemployment
Resolution on 9/11
Oakland leads way
Expropriate Wall Street
Canada: Student struggle
2023 Congress Declaration on Women's Liberation
Women's Liberation
Revolutionary Integration
Russian KPRF against LGBT+
Anatomy of the Covidian Left
Convergencia Socialista
BOOK REVIEW: Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry (Louis Proyect)
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#91 - #120
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#90 - #76
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#75 - #61
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#60 - #51
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#41 - #50
RevolutionaryCommunism_New_Series#31 - #40
RevCom_New_Series#22 - #30
RevCom_New_Series#11 - #21
RevCom_New_Series#1 - #10
Announcement of Changes in RCIT Publication Policy
Editorial on Expansions of our Publications
RevLib#170 - #141
RevLib#140 - #131
RevLib#130 - #121
RevLib#120 - #111
RevLib#101 - #110
RevLib#91 - #100
RevLib#81 - #90
RevCom#71 - #80
RevCom#61 - #70
RevCom#51 - #60
RevCom#41 - #50
RevCom#31 - #40
RevCom #21 - #30
RevCom #11 - #20
RevCom #1 - #10
RevKom#41 - #60
RevKom#20 - #40
WeRK #7
Activities 2024
Activities 2023
Activities 2022
Activities 2021
Activities 2020
Activities 2019
Activities 2016-2018
Activities 2013-2015
Philosophy & Culture
Compilation of Articles on Artificial Intelligence
The COVID-19 Global Counterrevolution
Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Are We Living in the Age of “Empire” or of Imperialism? (3rd Reply to Claudio Katz)
Imperialism: A System of “Antagonistic Cooperation” or of Antagonistic Contradictions?
China: On the Relationship between “Communist” Party and Capitalists
China: On Stalinism, Capitalist Restoration and Marxist State Theory
China: Does the Stalinist Regime Support or Oppose Capitalism
The Syrian Revolution 2011 - 2024
The Zionist Wars
Palestine and Zionism
Aristocratic Character of Israeli Working Class
Theses on Growing Impact of National and Democratic Question
Social-Economic and Political Features of Migration in Imperialist Countries
Racism, Anti-Semitism and Zionism
The National Question
Cuba‘s Revolution Sold Out
United Front Tactic
Book United Front
Manifesto for the Revolutionary Liberation of Black Africa
Africa Theses
Theses on Agriculture and Ecology
Bourgeois Democracy and the Struggle for Democratic Rights
RCIT Theses on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and the Militarization of Health
Why ChatGPT is more dangerous than you think
Artificial Intelligence & Marxist Understanding of Productive Forces
Anti-Imperialism Then & Now
Ukraine A Capitalist Semi-Colony
Marxist Tactics in Wars with Contradictory Character
Did Lenin Really Abandon the Strategy of “Revolutionary Defeatism” against Imperialist War?
U.S. Dollar Today and Pound Sterling before 1914
History of the Crusades
On the History of Al-Aqsa
Grantism, Imperialism and National Question
Is Tuerkiye a (Sub-)Imperialist Power?
The Struggle of Revolutionaries in Imperialist Heartlands against Wars of their “Own” Ruling Class
Taiwan: Great Power Rivalry and National Question
China: Imperialist Power Or Not Yet
Debate on Capitalism in China
Strange Translation Error in Trotsky’s Transitional Program
Historical Crisis of Imperialist System
NATO-Russia Conflict Stalinism as Putin’s Poodles
Theses on Donbass
Afghanistan and the Left: Closet Social-Imperialism
Afghanistan: Class Contradictions, Women’s Oppression and Anti-Imperialist Resistance
World Situation April 2022
World Perspectives 2021-22
Russia’s Monopolies: An International Comparison
Once Again on Russian Imperialism (Reply to Critics)
The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism
How the PLO Became a Tool in the Oppression of the Palestinians
Zionism, Haj Amin and the Jewish Holocaust
Unless we destroy the imperialist states, the human race will die
Occupied Palestine: The Lie of Coexistence
How the Zionists help the Holocaust Deniers
World Perspectives 2020
COVID-19: The Current and Historical Roots of Bourgeois Lockdown “Socialism”
The Genocide of the Jews - a Marxist Analysis
World Perspectives 2019
Servants of Two Masters Stalinism and New Cold War
PTS/FT and Chinese Imperialism_2
PTS/FT and Chinese Imperialism
Changes in Composition of International Working Class
Once again on the Composition of the International Working Class
On the Composition of the International Working Class
New Global Wave of Class Struggles and Slogan of Constituent Assembly
Study on South Korea as an Imperialist Power
Nature of South Korean Imperialism and Revolutionary Tactics (Theses)
Kashmir Question and Indian Left Today
Revolutionaries and the Slogan of "Azadi Kashmir"
India is a A Prison House of Nations and Lower Castes
The Only Way Is Self-Defense
Reconsidering the Donbass Uprising in Spring 2014
Semi-Colonial Intermediate Powers and the Theory of Sub-Imperialism
Split in Argentinean Partido Obrero
Sam Williams and “Progressive” Chinese Capitalism
Next Steps in Building the International
Theses on Revolutionary Defeatism in Imperialist States
The Slogan of the Constituent Assembly in the Great Arab Revolution
World Perspectives 2018
Action Program: Forward to a Free and Socialist Kenya!
Russia and China: Neither Capitalist nor Great Powers? (Reply to PO/CRFI)
The Catastrophic Failure of the Theory of “Catastrophism”
Syria, Great Power Rivalry and the Failure of the Left
Imperialism, the Oppression of Women and the Struggle for Liberation
Marxism and War
Zionism – the Wolf in the Cloth of a Sheep
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism
Income Inequality Within the Working Class – Globally and in China
The Struggle for Social Equality
On Anti-Semitism and Zionist Racism
The Similarity and Dissimilarity between the U.S. and Israel in Massacres, Plundering and Land Grabbing
Stalinists Support Serbian Expansionism against Kosovo Albanians
The Greek KKE and Stalinist Chauvinism
The Marxist Approach to the Biafra Question in Nigeria
The Next Looming Great Recession
U.S.-China Rivalry as Main Axis of Inner-Imperialist Contradictions
The Global Trade War is Escalating
The Global Trade War has Begun
Capitalist Trade and looming 3rd World War
Where Do Socialists Stand in Face of the Looming Global Trade War
Has Capitalist Restoration in North Korea Crossed the Rubicon or Not
North Korea and the Marxist Theory of Capitalist Restoration
Zionists and the Reactionary Right Wing Polish Government
The Stock Market Panic February 2018
Lessons 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Military Coups and Revolutionary Tactics
The Lambertist Road to Nowhere
China-India Rivalry
World Perspectives 2017
Catalunya’s Struggle for Independence and its Pseudo-“Left-Wing” Critiques
Syrian Revolution Not Dead
Pollution caused the Death of 9 Million People in 2015
France May 1968
150 Years Das Kapital
Pentagon Study
Resolution Daesh
Klement War
L5I and Police
L5I Opportunism 2
L5I Opportunism
CWG/LCC & US Protectionism
CWG Immigration Control
"Workers’" Immigration Control
Meaning of Trump
Marxism and Islam
Islam and Revolution
Program Turkey
Is A Socialist Transformation of the Imperialist EU Possible
EU and Brexit
EU Brexit Article
Bosnia Platform
World Perspectives 2016
Greece Semi-Colony
RCIT Party Building
Theses Arab Revolution
South Yemen
Origins of Jews
British Left and EU-Referendum
Democracy vs Imperialism
Anatomy of the Communist Party of Bangladesh
History of JSD in Bangladesh
Reply to WSWS Long
Reply to WSWS Short
Paris Commune
China Imperialism
Critique of UIT-CI
Critique of FLTI
The Diggers
Brief Note Next Great Recession
Sylvia Pankhurst
Netanyahu Holocaust
75 Years after Trotsky's Murder
70 Years after WW2
Imperialism-Theory and Permanent Revolution
Capitalism in South Korea & Taiwan
World Situation January 2015
Reply to CSR-PCO on China
Große Raub
Ukraine and Russian Imperialism
CWI and Israel
Imperialismus & Krieg
Imperialism-Theory and Russia
Summary of ISL-Program
Struggle vs Imperialism & War
China & Russia as Imperialist Powers
Tiananmen Massacre
World Situation April 2014
Reply to Slee on Russia&China
Imperialist China and Russia
Imperialist Russia
Russia and Chechnya
Yugoslavia 1991
Bosnian Muslim Nation
Breakup of Yugoslavia
Fear of the Ruling Class
Theses Trade Union
100 Q&A on Socialism
Healy and Fourth International
Great Robbery Summary
World Situation September2013
Egypt and Left 'Army Socialism'
Israel's War of 1967
Israel's War of 1948
Permanent Revolution in Palestine
EU-Imperialism: Americanise or bust
World Situation March 2013
Theses on Islamism
What sort of Fifth International do we need
Arab Spring and the LFI
Arab Revolution and Reformist illusion
Britain Left and the uprising
Why China is imperialist
Chinese Imperialism
Centrist Degeneration of LFI
Revolutionary Integration
Liberation struggle and Imperialism
Archive: Documents from the LRCI and LFI
Afghanistan Invasion 2001
Other Works on Marxist Theory
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